
While Europe was engaged inexpansionist wars, in the once lush, tropical Borneo, people who belonged to the ancient local cultures, used to decide things communally, by consensus, or should we use the Western term, “democratically”.
Rice had jacked up to additional P11.00 this time, while meat products had increased by P50.00 more. Vegetables at P60.00 last January is now at P80.00 to P100.00. Electricity is again up this June by P00.80 per kilowatt hour.

The following article from Australia is a sharp rebuke of Australian Prime Minister Malcolm B. Turnbull by an Aborigine candidate of the Australian Senate that rightly criticizes his government for doing nothing to stop the torture and widespread abuse of

Carmel Budiardjo shares her personal experience in the aftermath of 1965 and comments on the influences that led her to create TAPOL.

One year ago today, Indonesia’s National Commission on Human Rights, Komnas HAM, published a landmark report on its …

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