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The movement also attempts to hold Beijing to the parting demands made by British occupiers in 1997 including the “One Country, Two Systems” principle which serves as the legal framework Western sponsored agitators use to justify their activities

Originally published on Global Research in April 2015:

There is a current obsession in mainstream media and academic discourse pertaining to Islam and the West. This current obsession is tinged with negative signifiers with the global media’s predominantly negative portrayal

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America’s Social Credit System Is Worse than China’s By , November 16, 2020
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Budget Cockups in the Time of Coronavirus: Reporting Errors and Australia’s JobKeeper Scheme By , May 25, 2020
Pandemic Inquiry Wars: Australia, the United States and the Coronavirus Investigation By , May 21, 2020
The Illiberal Turn in Indonesian Democracy By , April 17, 2020
Abe Shinzo and Japan’s One-Strong (Ikkyo) State By , April 02, 2020
India’s Democracy Is Facing an Existential Threat By , January 09, 2020
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Australia’s Foreign Fighters: The Temporary Exclusion “Solution” By , August 31, 2019
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The Recent Japanese Elections Might Slow Down the US’ “Indo-Pacific” Strategy By , July 26, 2019