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With help of its Asian allies the US are going to seal off the PLA Navy in the South China Sea and prevent its moving in operations space. Its eventual objective is aimed on establishing a ground coalition against China.
In conjunction with the U.S., NATO is striving to assemble the remnants of defunct or dormant Cold War-era military blocs in the Asia-Pacific region...
China and India Increase Mutual Violence By , June 18, 2020
Japan’s Streets of Rage: The 1960 US-Japan Security Treaty Uprising and the Origins of Contemporary Japan By , June 08, 2020
Is Singapore About to Become a U.S. Military Hub Against China? By , January 30, 2020
The Fragility of Democracy: Hong Kong, China and the Extradition Bill By , June 18, 2019
Japan’s F-35 Acquisition and the Arms Race in the Western Pacific: Strategic Game Changer or Epic Boondoggle? By , June 06, 2019
Stand with Okinawa By , December 13, 2018
The Russia -US -India Geopolitical Triangle: Will India’s “Balancing Act” Between Russia and the US Break Down Over Iran? By , October 11, 2018
Australia’s Naval Base in Papua New Guinea: Power Play in the South Pacific against China By , September 20, 2018
Asia’s Troubled Waters: The South China Sea Dispute By , September 20, 2018
The Abe State and Okinawan Protest – High Noon 2018 By , August 16, 2018
The Untold Story of Japan’s Secret Spy Agency By , July 03, 2018
CIA: How to Shape Okinawan Public Opinion on the U.S. Military Presence By , July 03, 2018
Australia: Send in the Troops! Deploying the ADF Against Rioters By , July 03, 2018
Elite Atrocities: Australia’s Special Forces in Afghanistan By , June 10, 2018
The Commercial Heavens: The New Australian Space Agency By , May 18, 2018
The “Japanese Village” at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah: An Unexamined Context to the Firebombing of Japan By , May 03, 2018
Pacific Moves: China, Vanuatu and Australia By , April 11, 2018
“Hey Hey General Mackymacker, Ho, Ho Mr. Lovitt:” Woody Guthrie’s Forgotten Dissent From the Atomic Bomb to the Korean War By , April 05, 2018
Vietnam War: The Life and Times of a South Vietnamese Special Police Officer By , April 11, 2017
To Rui, Once Again: Nagasaki Hibakusha (A-Bomb Survivor), By , April 07, 2017
Donald Trump’s Japanese and South Korean Nuclear Threat to China: A Tipping Point in East Asia? By , April 07, 2017
Why is Sri Lanka Granting India Control Over Our National and Energy Security? By , April 02, 2017
Former American Colony Takes Center Stage In South China Sea Dispute By , July 28, 2016
South Koreans Say No to War and Rally Against Joining the US Missile Shield Targeting China, Russia, and North Korea By , July 25, 2016
Answering the US and NATO: Experts Examine A Joint Missile System for China, Russia, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization By , July 24, 2016
The Encirclement of China is Well Underway: France Prepares to Lead EU Missions in the South China Sea By , July 22, 2016
The German Navy Returns to the Pacific Ocean to Militarily Encircle China By , July 21, 2016
China opposes Indian Membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group By , July 21, 2016
Can US-Vietnam reconciliation hurt Moscow’s ties with Hanoi? By , July 21, 2016
Washington Complicates the Dispute in the South China Sea By , July 20, 2016
Washington is inciting disputes between Beijing and Manila for its own gain By , July 09, 2016
Finding a Long Term Solution for the Muslims in the Deep South of Thailand By , July 09, 2016
Who has Sovereignty in the South China Sea? By , July 09, 2016
President of the Philippines: “It is the US that Imported Terrorism Into the Middle East!” By , July 09, 2016
Sending a Strong Signal to Washington: Russia and China to Hold Drills in the South China Sea By , July 09, 2016
A New Wave of Militancy in the Kashmir Valley By , July 06, 2016
Jus ad Bellum Implications of Japan’s New National Security Laws By , July 06, 2016
The Seventh Workers Party of Korea Congress: A Russian Interpretation of a North Korean Phenomenon By , July 05, 2016
north korea flag
Sanctions and Defiance in North Korea By , July 04, 2016
Coup D’état in Japan: Unconstitutional “War Legislation” Passed as Tokyo Re-Arms By , July 04, 2016
Japan, South Korea, and the US Hold Missile War Games: Targeting North Korea, China, or Russia? By , July 03, 2016
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Expands By , July 03, 2016
China Reluctant About Indian and Pakistani Entry into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization? By , July 03, 2016
China and other SCO Founding Members Cautious About Accession of India and Pakistan By , July 03, 2016
Australia’s French Connection and the Submarine Saga. France, Military Supplier for Royal Australian Navy By , April 30, 2016
India: “Politicizing Terrorism” in Order to Pressure China By , April 28, 2016
Protests in Japan Denounce US Military Presence By , May 27, 2015
“The Vietnam Syndrome”: Fascists Flipping Burgers in Saigon or Stalingrad By , May 23, 2015
US “Grand Strategy” for War Against China Laid Out By , May 04, 2015
Protests Erupt in Japan over Anti-Constitutional Militarization Against China By , May 03, 2015
Agent Orange: Terrible Legacy of the Vietnam War By , May 01, 2015
Militarization of the Asia Pacific Region: America Revives And Expands Cold War Military Alliances Against China By , April 25, 2015
Militarization. The Wired Seas of Asia: China, Japan, the US and Australia By , April 23, 2015
Israel’s New Asian Allies Deepening Ties between Tel Aviv and Beijing By , April 18, 2015
Yemen and The Militarization of Strategic Waterways. From the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean By , April 18, 2015
US Ramps Up Anti-China “Pivot to Asia” By , April 17, 2015
China Warns U.S. to Stop Its Ukrainian Proxy War Against Russia By , March 03, 2015
Marching Towards Disaster: What’s Really Behind The U.S. Push In The Asia-Pacific? By , January 14, 2015