South-East Asia

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The United States’ “Pivot to Asia” was the Barack Obama administration’s military, economic and political strategy to deploy more than half the US Navy to the Pacific.
Rice had jacked up to additional P11.00 this time, while meat products had increased by P50.00 more. Vegetables at P60.00 last January is now at P80.00 to P100.00. Electricity is again up this June by P00.80 per kilowatt hour.

In 1949, Communist troops led by Mao Zedong defeated the Nationalist forces led by Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek). The Guomindang (KMT) escaped across the Taiwan Strait to the island of Taiwan. The United States continued to recognize the KMT as …

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The Papua Attacks Prove That Insurgency Is Still Alive in Indonesia By , July 11, 2018
Militants Threaten China’s OBOR Initiative in Myanmar By , July 08, 2018
Vietnam Protests Against Special Economic Zones (SEZ) By , June 20, 2018
Local Autonomy: A Key to Protection of the Ecosystem. The Philippines Apo Island By , May 28, 2018
Malaysia: Debts and the Push for Reforms By , May 28, 2018
Prime Minister Mahathir Will Continue Malaysia’s Multipolar Course By , May 22, 2018
Malaysia Prime Minister Najib Razak Dirty Tricks: Opposition Leader Mahathir Under Investigation for “Fake News” By , May 06, 2018
Elections in Malaysia 2018. Tun Mahathir’s Campaign against Najib and His Cronies By , May 06, 2018
“Soft Power” in Thailand: US Gives Award to US-Funded Agitator By , April 18, 2018
Vietnam Locks Up US-funded Agitators By , April 16, 2018
“Hey Hey General Mackymacker, Ho, Ho Mr. Lovitt:” Woody Guthrie’s Forgotten Dissent From the Atomic Bomb to the Korean War By , April 05, 2018
Malaysia: Banks Collude with Speculators to Force House Sales By , March 12, 2018
Fake News Storm Clouds Gather Over Southeast Asia By , March 10, 2018
The Igorots, the Indigenous Peoples of the Northern Philippines Under the Faces of State Terrorism and Tyranny By , February 11, 2018
Vietnam War: The Life and Times of a South Vietnamese Special Police Officer By , April 11, 2017
The Philippines and The Political Regime of President Rodrigo Duterte By , April 02, 2017
Former American Colony Takes Center Stage In South China Sea Dispute By , July 28, 2016
The Role of Multinational Oil and Mining Companies in the Genocide and Economic Marginalisation of the People of West Papua By , July 26, 2016
The 1965 Mass Killings in Indonesia: CIA Blames the Victims For Being Murdered By and , July 24, 2016
How the Australian, British, and US Governments Shamelessly Helped Kill Countless People in Indonesia in 1965 By , July 23, 2016
A Victim’s Personal Recollection and Demand for Justice: Indonesia and the 1965 Massacres By , July 22, 2016
Asia’s ‘Shoot-to-Kill’ Republic? The Rising Body Count of the Philippine ‘War on Drugs’ By , July 22, 2016
The Encirclement of China is Well Underway: France Prepares to Lead EU Missions in the South China Sea By , July 22, 2016
Can US-Vietnam reconciliation hurt Moscow’s ties with Hanoi? By , July 21, 2016
Washington Complicates the Dispute in the South China Sea By , July 20, 2016
Former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Acquitted of Plunder: A Case of Justice Catering to Political Power in the Philippines? By , July 20, 2016
Washington is inciting disputes between Beijing and Manila for its own gain By , July 09, 2016
Finding a Long Term Solution for the Muslims in the Deep South of Thailand By , July 09, 2016
Female Monk Challenges Male Dominance of Thailand’s Buddhist Orders By , July 09, 2016
President of the Philippines: “It is the US that Imported Terrorism Into the Middle East!” By , July 09, 2016
Mr. X Found: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on Saudi Arabia’s Payroll By , July 07, 2016
Open Letter and Petition: Say No to Burying Dictator Ferdinand Marcos in National Cemetery of Heros By , July 07, 2016
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Thinking of Burying Dictator Ferdinand Marcos in National Cemetery as Hero By , July 07, 2016
Cambodia for Sale: An Introduction on the Social Consequences of Neoliberal Reforms By , June 17, 2016
Your Pet Dogs and Cats Could Be Eating Seafood People Were Murdered For By , June 17, 2016
Food for Thought: How Corporations in Thailand Use Slavery to Bring You the Seafood in Your Fridge and on Your Tables By , June 17, 2016
Slavery in Thailand: How Southeast Asian Slaves Catch the Seafood Eaten in the US By , June 17, 2016
Electoral Protests and Battles Rage Across the Philippines: Fair and Democratic 2016 Elections? By , June 13, 2016
How the Media Supported Corruption During the Elections in the Philippines By , June 12, 2016
Diary from Kathmandu: Demolition Dilemmas across Nepal By , May 27, 2015
“The Vietnam Syndrome”: Fascists Flipping Burgers in Saigon or Stalingrad By , May 23, 2015
Diary from Kathmandu: Schoolboy Looks to Nepal’s Army with New Pride. “Our Army Rescues the People” By , May 19, 2015
Myanmar and the Rohingyas: Stop the Persecution; End the Exodus By , May 17, 2015
India’s Coal Industry: The Single Biggest Source of Energy By , May 17, 2015
Agent Orange: Terrible Legacy of the Vietnam War By , May 01, 2015
Making More Enemies than We Kill? Calculating U.S. Bomb Tonnages Dropped on Laos and Cambodia, and Weighing Their Implications By and , April 28, 2015
GMO Golden Rice: The Scourge of Asia. Monsanto, Sygenta, Bayer Trigger Disruption of Peasant Economy By , April 26, 2015
How the Malaysian Airlines MH17 Boeing Was Shot Down. Examination of the Wreckage By , April 25, 2015
Militarization of the Asia Pacific Region: America Revives And Expands Cold War Military Alliances Against China By , April 25, 2015
Militarization. The Wired Seas of Asia: China, Japan, the US and Australia By , April 23, 2015