South Asia

Stand Against GM Mustard
February 9 2010 was an important day for food safety in India when after a very broad-based public consultation the Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh announced a moratorium on Bt brinjal and thereby the entry of GM food crops.

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India Will be Front-line State in Myanmar Civil War By , May 07, 2021
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Death of a Sri Lankan Icon Highlights Surge in Elephant Electrocutions By , May 03, 2021
Forgetting Citizenship: Australia Suspends Flights from India By , May 02, 2021
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India to Get World’s Best Air Defence System S-400 from Russia By , April 22, 2021
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Farmers Move to Occupy a Critical Elephant Corridor in Sri Lanka By , April 14, 2021
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US: Indian Ocean Is Not India’s Ocean By , April 12, 2021
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India: A Year of Pandemic, Deadlock, Disaster and Dissent By , March 25, 2021
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Quad: Say It Like Modi By , March 15, 2021
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Nepal’s Mega-dam Is a Mirage By , March 02, 2021
Breaching Digital Rights: India’s Platform and Media Ethics Code By , March 01, 2021
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US-Indian Strategic Construct of Western Indian Ocean Runs into Headwinds By , February 15, 2021
India: The Kisans Are Right. Their Land Is at Stake. By , February 15, 2021
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Farmers Are Tillers, Not Killers By , February 08, 2021
Modi’s Farm Produce Act Was Authored Thirty Years Ago, in Washington D.C. By , February 05, 2021
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Modi Blinks in Farmer Feud as Biden Checks In By , January 29, 2021
India’s Farmers Are Right to Protest Against Agricultural Reforms By , January 28, 2021
China Risks a Himalayan Water War with India By , January 25, 2021
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Indian Farmers on the Frontline Against Global Capitalism By , January 18, 2021
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Today India Needs Both Gandhi and Bhagat Singh, and the Unity of Their Followers More Than Ever Before By , January 14, 2021
Why Are People Going Hungry in India Despite a Massive Grain Surplus? By , January 13, 2021
China’s Mission to Nepal Gains Traction By , January 11, 2021
A Non-Partisan View of Farmers’ Movement By , January 11, 2021
India to Go Ahead with Purchase of Russia S-400 Air Defense System Despite US Sanctions Threat By , January 11, 2021
Mass Protests by Indian Farmers By , January 07, 2021
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A Dalit and a Brahmin By , December 29, 2020
Pakistan Returns $1bn to Saudi Arabia and Turns to China for Loan Assistance By , December 22, 2020
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As Bangladesh Hosts over a Million Rohingya Refugees, a Scholar Explains What Motivated the Country to Open Up Its Borders By , December 18, 2020
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What Lessons Can We Learn from Protests in India? By , December 15, 2020
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Australia’s Stop Adani Campaign in Solidarity with Indian Farmers’ Protests By , December 15, 2020
Why Modi’s “Green Response” to China’s “Belt and Road” Is Doomed to Fail By , December 10, 2020
Central Africa and South Asia: Worldlife Fund (WWF) Knew About Rights Abuses by Park Rangers, but Didn’t Respond Effectively By , December 09, 2020
India’s Gulf Strategy Is Chasing Chinese Phantoms By , December 09, 2020
Canada, India Mudslinging over Sikh Farmer Protests By , December 08, 2020
Imperfect Releases: Andrew Hastie, War Crimes Reports and Australia in Afghanistan By , December 07, 2020
India: Pesticide Takeover Spells Trouble for Bees By , December 07, 2020