
Australia’s relations with China will take another major step forward this week with Foreign Minister Penny Wong travelling to Beijing for the resumption of the bilateral Foreign and Strategic Dialogue, which has been on hold since 2018.
Indigenous community members from the Tiwi Islands off the northern coast of Australia took Santos Limited to court, arguing that the company did not adequately consult traditional owners in its plans to drill in the Barossa offshore gas field.

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Sodding the Australian Voter: Accidental Prime Ministers and Political Indulgence By , August 25, 2018
Readying Knives: The Mortality of Australian Prime Ministers By , August 20, 2018
Conferencing, Extortion and Political Science 2018: “The Meat Market” of the 2018 World IPSA Congress By , August 08, 2018
The Lasting Condition: Drought in Australia By , August 08, 2018
The Hidden History of the Women Who Rose Up By , July 08, 2018
Australia: Send in the Troops! Deploying the ADF Against Rioters By , July 03, 2018
Australia Is Attempting to “Contain” China By , July 02, 2018
Australia, The Catholic Church in Resistance: Priests, Child Abuse, and Breaking the Seal of the Confessional By , June 29, 2018
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Pushing China’s Huawei Out: Australia, the Solomon Islands and the Internet By , June 14, 2018
Elite Atrocities: Australia’s Special Forces in Afghanistan By , June 10, 2018
States of Cruelty: The Dead Refugees of Manus Island. Australia’s Detention of Asylum Seekers By , June 01, 2018
Australia’s China Syndrome By , May 23, 2018
Swaths of Native Forest Near Great Barrier Reef Set to be Bulldozed By , May 18, 2018
The Commercial Heavens: The New Australian Space Agency By , May 18, 2018
Revisiting “Love Serenade” in Australia By , May 08, 2018
New Jubilee Report: Efic-funded PNG LNG Has Hurt PNG's Economy By , May 04, 2018
Plunder Down Under: The Rot in Australia’s Financial Services By , May 03, 2018
Australia’s Unintentional Extremist: Rugby Union Player Israel Folau, the Bible and Homophobia By , May 03, 2018
Sugar Demons, Sweet Lobbies and Taxes in Australia By , May 03, 2018
Irresistible Urges: Surveilling Australia’s Citizens By , May 03, 2018
Pacific Moves: China, Vanuatu and Australia By , April 11, 2018
Flaunting British Neo-Imperialism in Asia-Pacific By , January 09, 2018
American Polynesia, Rising Seas and Relocation By , January 06, 2018
Peaceful Protest against the Joint US-Australia Pine Gap “Spy Hub”: The Fate of the “Pine Gap Pilgrims” Activists By , December 09, 2017
The Demise of Civic Journalism: Australia’s Xenophon-Turnbull Deal By , September 20, 2017
Energy Chaos in Australia: Closing the Liddell Power Station By , September 13, 2017
Lacking Transparency: Israeli Drones and Australian Defence By , September 05, 2017
The Rise of the Killer Robot By , August 24, 2017
Setback of “Green Conscience”: The Australian Recycling Sham By , August 13, 2017
Australia’s Refugee Transit Centre on Manus Island: The Fate of Hamed Shamshiripour By , August 13, 2017
Dreams of Detention By , June 09, 2017
The Universal Lesson of East Timor By , May 08, 2017
Ice and Busts: The Lost War on Drugs in Australia By , April 21, 2017
Cyclone Watch in Australia By , March 26, 2017
Australia Blows Israel’s Credibility on Its “World Vision” Sham Accusations By , March 23, 2017
One Nation Train. “Make Australia Great Again”, US-Australian Relations By , March 03, 2017
Populism in Australia: Channelling Trump “Down Under” By , February 09, 2017
Trumping Australia’s Refugee Deal By , February 03, 2017
Fossil Fuel Corruption and the Environment: The Problem with Australia’s Adani Mining By , December 09, 2016
Australia and the Asylum Seekers: The Hideous Manus Island Camp, Institutionalized Cruelty, “The Nauru Files” By , August 26, 2016
Australia’s Abu Ghraib: Australian Government Complicit in Torture of Children at Don Dale Detention Centre By , July 26, 2016
Australian Government Doing Nothing About Aboriginal Youth Being Abused and Tortured By , July 26, 2016
The Role of Multinational Oil and Mining Companies in the Genocide and Economic Marginalisation of the People of West Papua By , July 26, 2016
The First Nations of Australia Can Stop the Divisive Politics of Hate and Defeat Pauline Hanson By , July 25, 2016
The Threat of Racism in Australia: Racist Politics is Being Legitimized in Australian Society By , and , July 25, 2016
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Aboriginal MPs in Australia Doesn’t Let The Major Parties Off The Hook For Mistreating the Aborigines By , July 22, 2016
The Death of Public Broadcasting in Australia: Culling Season at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation By , July 22, 2016
A Victim of the Struggle in West New Guinea: No Justice for West Papuan Young Girl Killed by the Indonesian Military By , July 09, 2016
Kiwi Media: A Look at Media Ownership and Monopoly Owners in New Zealand By , July 06, 2016
Leakers Down Under: The Australian Federal Police Raids during Election Campaign By , May 22, 2016
Australia’s French Connection and the Submarine Saga. France, Military Supplier for Royal Australian Navy By , April 30, 2016
The Asian NATO-like Project: How to Offset Obama’s “Pivot to Asia”, Building Regional Partnerships By , October 01, 2015
Obama’s “Pivot to Asia” NATO-Like Project By , September 30, 2015
“Operation Fortitude”: Australia’s Border Force (ABF) By , September 01, 2015
The “Culling of Sharks” and Coastal Marine Ecosystems By , August 28, 2015
Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott and the Electoral Letter of Suicide By , August 16, 2015
“Turning Back Boats” and The Human Rights of Refugees to Australia By , July 25, 2015
Australia’s Double Game on Terrorism By , June 26, 2015
The Tyrannical Mandate: Ministerial Discretion and Stripping Citizenship By , June 19, 2015
Escalating US-China Tensions: Australia “Actively Considering” Dangerous Provocation in South China Sea By , June 02, 2015
Refusing to Resettle: Australia’s response to the Rohingya Asylum Seekers By , May 26, 2015
New Zealand: Workers Rights in the Fast Food Industry By , May 22, 2015
Animal Rights in Australia: Eco-Terror and the “War on Terrier” By , May 19, 2015
US Bombers to Australia: Washington’s Deployments in the Pacific By , May 18, 2015
New Zealand and the Production of White Phosphorous Bombs Used against Children in Gaza By , May 07, 2015
Security Cocktails in Australia: Mixing Anzac and Terror By , April 23, 2015
Militarization. The Wired Seas of Asia: China, Japan, the US and Australia By , April 23, 2015
Pollutants From Australia’s Adani Coal Mine Will Eventually Kill About 0.5 Million Indians By , April 20, 2015
Marching Towards Disaster: What’s Really Behind The US Push In The Asia-Pacific? By , April 18, 2015