Global Research Asia News

Quad: Say It Like Modi By , March 15 2021

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India hasn’t had a prime minister to match Narendra Modi in

Amid South China Sea Dispute, Philippines’ Palawan Is Besieged by Political Split By and , March 15 2021

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Palawan is an outlier in the Philippine archipelago, its topography and

Fukushima Today: “I’m Glad that I Realized My Mistake before I Died.” By , March 15 2021

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After the nuclear disaster at Fukushima, evacuees were put in what

BrahMos Missile Would Give Manila Instant Clout By , March 14 2021

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Last year, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, threw in the towel

Eyes on China: The Quad Takes Scattered Aim By , March 11 2021

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The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue has had its fits and starts, but

A Million Hectares of Papuan Forest Licensed for Clearing, Report Shows By , March 09 2021

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“Birds might fall as they’re not strong since there’s no more

India’s Farmers Resistance Movement. Repeal the Three Farm Laws By , March 08 2021

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6th March, 2021: The historic and globally recognized farmers’ movement, which

India’s Abnormal “Farmers” Movement Celebrates 100th Day By , March 08 2021

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March 5, 2021 marks the 100th Day of the sit-in of

Ex-PMs Call on Japan to ‘Eradicate’ Nuclear Power By , March 05 2021

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A bipartisan duo of former prime ministers is beating the drums

Medevac Refugee: ‘We Are Not Treated Like Human Beings’ By and , March 03 2021

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“When I left Sudan in 2003, I was looking for a

‘We Attack,’ Indonesia Declares in Joint Bid with Malaysia to Shield Palm Oil By , March 03 2021

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Palm oil giants Indonesia and Malaysia are teaming up to fight

The Fallacy of North Korean Collapse By and , March 03 2021

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In an op-ed in the Washington Post on January 15, 2021,

Indonesia to Arm Up with Rafale, F-15 Fighter Jets By , March 02 2021

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After a series of pandemic-defying trips across the world, Indonesian Defense

Nepal’s Mega-dam Is a Mirage By , March 02 2021

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Plans to build Nepal’s biggest hydropower project was been delayed

Video: Violent US-backed Hong Kong-Style Mobs in Thailand Continue By , March 02 2021

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US-backed anti-government protesters in Thailand have once again “rebranded” to shake

‘The River Will Bleed Red’: Indigenous Filipinos Face Down Dam Projects By , March 02 2021

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On Nov. 12, 2020, Typhoon Vamco cut across the northern Philippines,

Transmitting Knowledge and Gaining Recognition: Chinese “Comfort Women” Reparation Trials in the 1990s and 2000s By , March 02 2021

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A panel exhibit featuring the experiences of Chinese “comfort women” (victims

Breaching Digital Rights: India’s Platform and Media Ethics Code By , March 01 2021

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Having made something of a splash last month with the fuss

‘A Disgrace’: Luxury Housing Plans Threaten Cambodia’s Bokor National Park By , February 26 2021

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The planned construction of three luxury residential estates in vital wildlife

The Empty Promise of Western-Style “Equality” and “Democracy” By , February 25 2021

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Let’s take a look at a US-backed opposition party in Thailand

Only 1 of 52 Pilot Whales Survives Mass Stranding in Indonesia By , February 25 2021

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Just one of the 52 short-finned pilot whales that washed up

The ‘Comfort Women’ Issue, Freedom of Speech, and Academic Integrity: A Study Aid By , February 23 2021

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The Issue

On 1 December 2020, an article by Professor J.

Calls for Accountability after Coal-slurry Spill in Indonesian River By and , February 22 2021

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A coal-slurry spill into a river in Indonesian Borneo has killed

India’s Forever Wars and Forever Warriors By , February 22 2021

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The Washington-based Quincy Institute, arguably the most intellectually stimulating American think

US-Indian Strategic Construct of Western Indian Ocean Runs into Headwinds By , February 15 2021

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The AMAN-21 naval exercise, the biennial event hosted by Pakistani Navy

India: The Kisans Are Right. Their Land Is at Stake. By , February 15 2021

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The protesting kisans on the borders of Delhi repeat one thing

The Fukushima Quake May be an Echo of the 2011 Disaster — And a Warning for the Future By , February 15 2021

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A 7.1 magnitude earthquake was recorded off the coast of Fukushima

Military Coup: The Myanmar-China Nexus By , February 15 2021

Myanmar has reverted to military rule. Claiming allegations of election fraud as basis for a coup the military has detained top civilian leaders of the former government, including the State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi who was head of government

Lobbying for Gain: Passing Through Australia’s Revolving Door By , February 15 2021

Governments have an almost crippling trouble appreciating conflicts of interest.  Since tentacle-heavy lobby groups decided to move into the world’s capitals to make the case for their clients, the revolving door has become the sickening feature of politics.  Former bureaucrats,

Abe’s Womenomics Policy, 2013-2020: Tokenism, Gradualism, or Failed Strategy? By , February 12 2021

“Creating an environment in which women find it comfortable to work… is no longer a matter of choice for Japan. It is instead a matter of the greatest urgency.” — PM Abe Shinzō, speaking to the United Nations in September

Southeast Asian Wild Pigs Confront Deadly African Swine Fever Epidemic By , February 12 2021

Since the 2018 emergence of African swine fever in China, the viral disease has torn through Asia, leaving behind a trail of economic devastation. It’s witheringly fatal to pigs but harmless to humans, and at least 100 million pigs have

Dr Mahathir: Corruption Led to the Downfall of Pakatan Government By , February 12 2021

Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has reportedly blamed corruption for accelerating the downfall of the short-lived Pakatan Harapan government (PH) last year, after several MPs decided to defect and join forces with Umno and PAS then.

In an …

Raid on NewsClick: An Attempt to Muzzle the Voices of Dissent By , February 11 2021

NewsClick, a progressive website based out of Delhi has been raided by the Enforcement Directorate. The raid comes at a time when NewsClick has been bravely covering the farmers’ agitation and other issues of the marginalised when most of the

Reopening the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal, Fifty-Four Years Later: As Recorded in the Documentary Video, Breaking the History of Silence By and , February 09 2021

December 8, 2020—now already “last” year—marked the 20th anniversary of an event wherein the International Military Tribunal for the Far East was declared reopened for the purpose of taking up a category of crimes against humanity unaddressed in 1946—crimes against

China Building Indonesia into an EV Powerhouse By , February 09 2021

Chief investment minister Luhut Panjaitan has few concerns about China’s iron grip on Indonesia’s nickel industry as other major investors flock to a country with the range of mineral elements needed to turn it into one of the world’s leading

India Needs Course Correction on Myanmar By , February 08 2021

The Modi government made a strident call on February 1 that the “rule of law and the democratic process must be upheld” in Myanmar. The statement, following a prodding from Washington, was unabashedly intrusive, and, ironically, completely overlooking that human

Farmers Are Tillers, Not Killers By , February 08 2021

Kangana Ranaut again and again is attacking the Indian farmers as terrorists. She has done that in response to the world famous pop singer Rihanna and famous environmentalist girl Greta’s support to farmers movement. Sachin Tendulkar and other pro-BJP forces

Legal Failings Leave Illegal Loggers Unpunished and Certified in Indonesia By , February 05 2021

Illegal loggers in Indonesia’s remote Papua region have largely evaded any meaningful kind of punishment and continue to operate unimpeded, in what a new report calls a failure by the country’s legal system to crack down on the problem.

That’s …

Modi’s Farm Produce Act Was Authored Thirty Years Ago, in Washington D.C. By , February 05 2021

On December 18, addressing a Kisan Sammelan (farmer conference) in Madhya Pradesh by video conferencing, Narendra Modi declared:

We are compelled to do things which should have been done 25-30 years ago…. The new laws that have been made for

Aboriginal Historical Memory and ‘Australia Day’ By , February 05 2021

The symbolic “Australia Day” celebrations should be juxtaposed against the normalised violations occurring against indigenous populations and their terrain, Ramona Wadi writes.

January 26 marks Australia Day in colonial narratives, when the British First Fleet arrived in 1788 to establish …

Secret Inter-Korean Nuke Cooperation Rumors Officially Blasted By , February 04 2021

South Korean Unification Minister Lee In-young did not mince words when addressing explosive allegations that surfaced last week, alleging that South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had secretly discussed an inter-Korean nuclear power project.

Belt and Road Initiative: Opportunities and Challenges for Mongolia By , February 02 2021


The past decade has seen the emergence of new concepts such as China’s “Silk Road Economic Belt” and the United States’ “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” in the international relations arena of the Asia-Pacific. While experts, analysts, and scholars have

Myanmar Military Seizes Power By , February 02 2021

The military’s mouthpiece channel, Myawaddy TV, has announced that acting President U Myint Swe has declared the country to be under a nationwide state of emergency for one year under Article 417 of the 2008 Constitution.

U Myint Swe, a …

US Pressure on China; The Thai Connection By , February 02 2021

The change of guard in the American White House has proved that nothing has changed from the Trump regime with respect to US foreign policy. President Biden and his party continue the American propaganda attacks on Russia, China, Iran, North

China Building Digital Silk Road Stretching from Asia Through Africa to Europe By , February 02 2021

The final stretch of a cross-border fiber optic cable is set to be laid by China in Pakistan to create the Digital Silk Road (DSR), Nikkei Asia reports. The DSR is part of the broader Chinese Belt and Road Initiative

Cowardly History: Australia Day and Invasion By , February 02 2021

It’s the sort of stuff that should have been sorted years ago in Australia: a murderous, frontier society ill disposed to the indigenous populace; the creation of a convict colony that was itself an act of invasion rather than settlement;

Indian Farmers on the Frontline Against Global Capitalism By , February 01 2021

In a short video on the YouTube channel, a protesting farmer camped near Delhi says that during lockdown and times of crisis farmers are treated like “gods”, but when they ask for their rights, they are smeared and labelled

Viral Inequality and the Farmers’ Struggle in India By , February 01 2021

According to a new report by Oxfam, ‘The Inequality Virus’, the wealth of the world’s billionaires increased by $3.9tn (trillion) between 18 March and 31 December 2020. Their total wealth now stands at $11.95tn. The world’s 10 richest

Mahatma Gandhi’s Enduring Message of Non-Violence By , February 01 2021

In a world increasingly troubled by violence and strife Mahatma Gandhi’s message remains highly relevant today, 73 years after the assassination of this man of peace.

Gandhi’s work and writings covered a very wide range of activities, but perhaps …

It’s Facebook versus India’s Farmers By , January 29 2021

The tug-of-war between Indian farmers and government over new laws facilitating corporate takeover of the country’s agriculture is getting uglier by the hour and likely to get quite bloody too.

And when the blood does flow, it will not only …

Why Are Japan’s Leaders Clinging to Their Olympic Hopes? Their Political Fortunes Depend on It By , January 29 2021

With the spread of COVID-19 steadily worsening in Japan since the onset of winter — daily records for infections and deaths continue to be broken — the fate of the Tokyo Summer Olympics is again very much in doubt.

This …

Modi Blinks in Farmer Feud as Biden Checks In By , January 29 2021

After an almost two-month deadlock with Indian farmers protesting against new farm laws, the Narendra Modi government finally blinked. Agriculture Minister Narendra Tomar on Wednesday offered to suspend the laws for 12 to 18 months pending discussions with farmers, offering

Timber Organization’s Backing ‘One Step’ Toward ‘Peace Park’ in Borneo By , January 29 2021

An intergovernmental organization representing countries that produce the bulk of the world’s timber has thrown its support behind a decade-long effort to protect the last remaining primary forest in the Malaysian state of Sarawak.

In its November 2020 meeting, the …

India’s Farmers Are Right to Protest Against Agricultural Reforms By , January 28 2021

The massive campaign organized by India’s farmers against laws to deregulate the agricultural sector has entered its ninth week. The government in New Delhi, led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has tried to negotiate a compromise. But its attempts

No Safe Space for Philippines’ Indigenous Youth as Military Allowed on Campus By , January 25 2021

Indigenous youths harboring from a military-led counterinsurgency in the Philippines may soon lose the only safe space they have known for the past two years.

Under a nearly 40-year pact, the 17 campuses of the University of the Philippines are …

China Risks a Himalayan Water War with India By , January 25 2021

China-India tensions in the Himalayas is shifting from confrontation and saber-rattling over contested border territory to a potentially more destabilizing conflict over water flows from the world’s highest mountain range.

The heart of the issue is China’s plan to construct …

Why ‘Asian Era’ Will be Globally Embraced By , January 22 2021

The prelude of an Asian Era has begun. About 100 years ago, Japanese scholar Okakura Tenshin, Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore and Chinese scholar Liang Qichao all called for Asianism. A century has past during which numerous thinkers have conceived of

Boris Johnson Has Done Modi a Favour By , January 22 2021

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s invitation to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson conferring on the latter the great honour of being the chief guest at the Republic Day on January 26 was a hasty and premature move. True, the Oxford

Asia’s Deadliest COVID Country to Resist Vaccination By , January 21 2021

“My fellow Indonesians, at 9:42 this morning I took the major step as an Indonesian of receiving the coronavirus vaccine and freeing myself from the pandemic,” President Joko Widodo wrote on his Facebook page on December 13 as the Christmas-New

Farmers’ Protests Reflect Existential Crisis of Indian Agriculture By , January 21 2021
Australia’s Treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Under UN Microscope By , January 20 2021

The Australian government’s treatment and acknowledgment of First Nations peoples will be under fire from several countries participating in a UN hearing this week.  

Countries including Uruguay and Sweden have submitted questions ahead of the hearing on Wednesday on the …

Forget About the Trade Spat – Coal Is Passé in Much of China, and that’s a Bigger Problem for Australia By , and , January 20 2021

Australian coal exports to China plummeted last year. While this is due in part to recent trade tensions between Australia and China, our research suggests coal plant closures are a bigger threat to Australia’s export coal in the long term.

India Farming: The Real Problem May Often be Different from Its Outward Manifestation By , January 20 2021

While trying to find sustainable, durable solutions to problems which have been building up over a long time, it is very helpful to keep in mind that the outward manifestation  is not necessarily the real problem or its core. This

‘Real-Life Mathematics’ Applied in Actual Experience (with Special Focus on Philippine Politics) By , January 19 2021

Differentiation, classification, quantification, and specification.[1] . . . These are the four basic “mathematical” aspects of human experience that lead to knowledge. Well, we’re not talking here of mathematics as we know it in the academic sense. This is not

Deforestation Spurred by Road Project Creeps Closer to Sumatra Wildlife Haven By , January 19 2021

An upgrade to a road that cuts through one of Southeast Asia’s last great swaths of intact rainforest is driving deeper encroachment by humans into blocks of forest that may spread into a national park.

The road runs 36 kilometers …

India’s Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS) Aims to Develop Links with the UN, World Bank, UNCTAD By and , January 18 2021

In this interview, Pradeep Mehta who is the founder Secretary General of the Jaipur-based Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS International), talks about the establishment of his organization, its geographical spread, the challenges it has faced over the years

Indian Farmers on the Frontline Against Global Capitalism By , January 18 2021

In a short video on the YouTube channel, a protesting farmer camped near Delhi says that during lockdown and times of crisis farmers are treated like “gods”, but when they ask for their rights, they are smeared and labelled

Philippines: ‘Drug War’ Killings Rise During Pandemic By , January 18 2021

The Philippine government’s “drug war” killings intensified during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, as did unnecessary arrests during lockdowns, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2021. Attacks by the police, military, and unidentified gunmen on leftist

Wildfires Ravage Nepal Mountains By , January 15 2021

Athree month drought in central and eastern Nepal has sparked wildfires across the Himalaya which has shrouded the mountains in smoke, adding to the urban and crossborder pollution.

The big forest fires in Pathibhara in eastern Nepal and below …

Why Pakistan Won’t be Next to Normalize with Israel By , January 15 2021

The Abraham Accords have brought about peace between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain, with Sudan and Morocco also set to develop full diplomatic relations with Israel.

The guessing game is on as to which Arab or Muslim country night …

75% of Australia’s Marine Protected Areas Are Given Only ‘Partial’ Protection. Here’s Why that’s a Problem By , , and , January 15 2021

A global coalition of more than 50 countries have this week pledged to protect over 30% of the planet’s lands and seas by the end of this decade. Their reasoning is clear: we need greater protection for nature, to prevent

Will Costs Continue to Cage Laos’ Regional Connectivity? By , January 15 2021

This article was originally published in January 2018 by East Asia Forum.

Laos is among the fastest growing economies in Southeast Asia: economic growth has averaged 7.8 per cent over the past decade. Despite the slow recovery of the global

Encircling China and Praising India: The US Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific By , January 15 2021

The feeling from Rory Medcalf of the Australian National University was one of breathless wonder.  “The US government,” he wrote in The Strategist, “has just classified one of its most secretive national security documents – its 2018 strategic framework for

Today India Needs Both Gandhi and Bhagat Singh, and the Unity of Their Followers More Than Ever Before By , January 14 2021

In recent times India has been passing through the most difficult period of its post-independence history. The most sacred constitutional precept of social  (including inter-faith) equality and harmony is badly threatened, while economic inequality and the grip of a few

Looming Large: The Middle East Braces for Fallout of US–China Divide By , January 14 2021

China would like the world to believe that the Middle East and North Africa region does not rank high on its totem pole despite its energy dependence, significant investment and strategic relationships with the region. In many ways, China is

Why Are People Going Hungry in India Despite a Massive Grain Surplus? By , January 13 2021

The Indian intelligentsia has an incredible propensity to swallow the self-serving arguments of metropolitan capitalism that are typically supposed to constitute ‘economic wisdom,’ and nowhere is this more evident than in the case of India’s food economy. There are a

China’s Mission to Nepal Gains Traction By , January 11 2021

There can be no two opinions that China has huge stakes in Nepal’s stability. The leitmotif of the visit to Kathmandu by the delegation from the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee led by the vice-minister of the international department of

A Non-Partisan View of Farmers’ Movement By , January 11 2021

The ongoing farmers’ movement in India has evoked strong feelings on both sides. This has been praised to an awesome extent; on the other hand very unfair criticism has been inflicted  on it repeatedly. It will be useful at this

India to Go Ahead with Purchase of Russia S-400 Air Defense System Despite US Sanctions Threat By , January 11 2021

India says it will go ahead with the purchase of Russia’s S-400 air defense system despite the US sanctions threat, reminding Washington of New Delhi’s independent foreign policy.

“India has always pursued an independent foreign policy. This also applies to

How Can Southeast Asia Benefit from the New U.S. Policy on Illegal Fishing? By , January 11 2021

In September 2020, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) released a new USCG IUUF Strategic Outlook. The USCG created such a comprehensive position and strategy in reiterating the U.S.’s strong commitment to the war against illegal, unreported and