Global Research Asia News

ASEAN Trying to Resolve the Situation in Myanmar By , May 11 2021

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On April 24

Indonesian Law Enforcers Call for Financial Approach to Fight Illegal Logging By , May 10 2021

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Authorities should go

Exposing Myanmar’s US-Backed Opposition By , May 10 2021

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The Western media

Australia Must Stop Beating the Drums of War Against China By , May 07 2021

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Defence Minister Peter

India Will be Front-line State in Myanmar Civil War By , May 07 2021

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How some animals

Seoul Court Delivers Shock ‘Comfort Women’ Verdict By , May 05 2021

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In a surprise,

Video: Farm Laws in India By , May 05 2021

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“Colin Todhunter at

From Five Eyes to Six? Japan’s Push to Join the West’s Intelligence Alliance By , May 04 2021

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As tensions with China continue to grow, Japan is making moves

Leak of Australian Commander’s China Comments Fuels Further Talk of War By , May 04 2021

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An Australian military commander warned of the “high likelihood” of conflict

Australia Escalated the Hybrid War on BRI at America’s Behest By , May 04 2021

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The Quad is against China in all respects, especially when it

Philippine National Police Raises Privacy Concerns on Use of Body Cameras By , May 04 2021

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The Philippine National Police (PNP) said it has yet to finalize

Malaysia: Lynas’ Plan for Permanent Radioactive Waste Dump Rejected By , May 03 2021

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Environmental activists and local residents have been waging a long-running campaign

Death of a Sri Lankan Icon Highlights Surge in Elephant Electrocutions By , May 03 2021

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He may have had short tusks, but at nearly 3 meters

Forgetting Citizenship: Australia Suspends Flights from India By , May 02 2021

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As India is being devastated by COVID-19 cases that have now

The Indian Factor in Central Asia By , April 30 2021

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India’s regional strategy aims to strengthen its status not only as

China Has Lift-off for Its New Space Station By , April 29 2021

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The core module of China’s future Tiangong space station blasted off

What to Make of China’s New Special Representative on Korean Peninsula Affairs By , April 29 2021

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On April 12, China announced the appointment of its new special

Mining and Logging Threaten a Wildlife Wonderland on a Philippine Mountain By , April 29 2021

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Rising 2,064 meters, or nearly 6,800 feet, above sea level, Mount

Cracks in QUAD as US Violates Indian Sovereignty? By , April 28 2021

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Through diplomatic channels, New Delhi protested to Washington on April 9

Next Time You See a Butterfly, Treasure the Memory: Scientists Raise Alarm on These 26 Species By , , and , April 28 2021

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It might sound like an 18th century fashion statement, but the

Sleepwalking into Washington’s Next Regime Change Crisis: Myanmar By , April 27 2021

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The crisis in Southeast Asia’s Myanmar continues to grow following the

China-South Korea Relations: Two Parallel Visits, or “We’ll Dance with Both of You” By , April 26 2021

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Two important visits took place on April 2-3, 2021, the combination

Indonesia’s Bid to Control Deforestation Wildly Off-target, Experts Say By , April 26 2021

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Indonesia has laid out an ambitious plan to tackle deforestation, the

Australian-Canadian Mining Company OceanaGold Misleads Public on Philippines Mine By , April 26 2021

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Spokesperson for the Australian National Campaign on Mining in the Philippines

Managing Everest’s Waste Problem By , April 26 2021

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The Problem

The accumulation of solid waste in the world’s high

Australia Cancels Two Development Agreements with China By , April 26 2021

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Changes are taking place in Australian foreign policy. The country is

China Accuses Australia of Hypocrisy over Cancelled Belt and Road Deals By , April 22 2021

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Beijing says it will “respond firmly and forcefully” if Canberra fails
Why Collaboration in the ASEAN Region Is Vital to Tackle Plastic Waste in the Oceans By and , April 22 2021

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A 2015 study by US scientist Jenna Jambeck revealed six out

India to Get World’s Best Air Defence System S-400 from Russia By , April 22 2021

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In view of the standoff between the Indian and Chinese armies,

India May Build New Coal-fired Power Plants Despite Climate Crisis By , April 20 2021

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India may build new coal-fired power plants as they generate the

India: What We Can Learn from the Farmers’ Protests By , April 20 2021

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Narendra Modi’s government hurriedly passed three agricultural laws in September,

Malaysia Inches Back Toward ‘Elder Brother’ China By , April 19 2021

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On his first official visit to China as Malaysia’s foreign minister,

The Global Green Shift in Electric Power: China in Comparative Perspective By and , April 19 2021

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The world’s electric power system continues to be a principal

Fukushima Daiichi Radioactive Dumping and the Summer Olympics in Japan in Question By , April 19 2021

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The Japanese Cabinet of Ministers has reached an official decision on

India’s Impending War on Crypto By , April 16 2021

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A senior official in the Indian government recently revealed to Reuters

High Time for India and China to Work Cooperatively to Realize Asia’s Century By , April 16 2021

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No one could have put a simple proposition better than what

Recognition of Palestine Is ‘Symbolic’ but Also Critical: The Australian Case By , April 16 2021

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Australia’s Labor Party’s recognition of Palestine as a State on March

Australia’s Self-Inflicted Economic Woes Continue By , April 15 2021

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Australia had until recently been enjoying economic growth alongside the rise

China Warns of Action over Japan’s Decision to Dump Radioactive Fukushima Water into the Sea By , April 15 2021

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Beijing warned that it might take action in response to Tokyo’s

A “Win-win” for US, Turkey in Hindu Kush By , April 14 2021

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The zeal with which Washington is soliciting Turkey’s services to plot

Asia’s Problems Must be Solved by Asian Countries By , April 14 2021

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A series of recent events involving China, Japan and India allows

Farmers Move to Occupy a Critical Elephant Corridor in Sri Lanka By , April 14 2021

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Earlier this month, more than 300 people gathered near the borders

Whither India-Russia Ties? By , April 14 2021

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On Monday, the prominent Moscow daily Kommersant commented that Russian Foreign

Forecasting Biden’s Policy in Southeast Asia By , April 13 2021

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Remarks by Benjamin Zawacki at the panel discussion, “Forecasting US Foreign

While the Forests Are Burning By , April 12 2021

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Nagarkot’s Datadol forest is the latest to experience a wildfire,

US: Indian Ocean Is Not India’s Ocean By , April 12 2021

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The guided-missile destroyer USS John Paul Jones sailing past Lakshadweep Islands

Fatuous Defence: Australia’s Guided Missile Plans By , April 08 2021

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Even in times of pandemic crises, some things never change.  While

China Sent Its Carrier Near Japanese Waters because Tokyo and Washington’s Encroachment Unties Beijing’s Hands By , April 08 2021

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With the US and Japan all but officially teaming up in
Video: What Is Australia’s Problem with China? By , April 08 2021

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Australia continues to double down on its growing trade and political

India to Continue Buying Russian Weapons Despite US Sanction Threats By , April 07 2021

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Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, arrived in India this

Australia: Pressure Mounts on Uber to End Exploitative Business Model By , April 07 2021

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The rapid growth of the gig economy, particularly during the COVID-19

Hindi War Films Which Also Give a Message of Peace By , April 07 2021

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War films can easily degenerate into war propaganda and narrow nationalism.

Frustration over Light Penalties for Coal Mine that Polluted Indonesian River By , April 07 2021

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After a series of coal-slurry spills into the Malinau River in

Video: Myanmar: US-backed Opposition Is Armed By , April 06 2021

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After weeks of denying the violence carried out by US-backed opposition

Will South Korea Become a QUAD+ Member? By , April 05 2021

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The US government is seeking to include Korea in an expanded

How the Cleanup of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Got So Expensive By and , April 05 2021

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Abstract: Drawing on Japanese press and TV reports, the authors explain

The Future of Australian Universities: Bogans of the Pacific By , April 05 2021

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When Nobel Laureates open their mouths in despair and anger, their

Bangladesh Could Become Hub for Jihadists if It Continues Appeasing Islamic Radicals By , April 02 2021

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Violent demonstrations in Bangladesh, reportedly by activists from the Hefazat-e-Islam group,

‘What Other Country Would Do this to Its People?’ Cambodian Land Grab Victims Seek International Justice By and , April 02 2021

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“It started when some people from the government came around the

Indonesia Will Not Join QUAD as It Delicately Balances Relations with All Regional Players By , April 01 2021

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After Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi met with his Indonesian counterpart

On Malaysia and the DPRK Breaking of Diplomatic Relations By , March 30 2021

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On March 19, 2021, the DPRK announced a complete break in

Australia’s Plan for Manufacturing Missiles to be Accelerated By , March 30 2021

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The government is speeding up the establishment of its planned $1

Palm Oil Firm Digoel Agri Said to Clear Papuan Forest Without Indigenous Consent By , March 29 2021

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After halting forest-clearing operations in 2020, the Digoel Agri conglomerate has

India: Resolving Water Sharing Disputes Should Not Lead to Hurried Construction of Dams By , March 29 2021

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The generally perceived attitude regarding inter-state water disputes in India has

The U.S. Pivot to Asia: Cold War Lessons from Vietnam for Today By , March 29 2021

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There were Cold War preparations underway as early as August 1945

India: A Year of Pandemic, Deadlock, Disaster and Dissent By , March 25 2021

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The lockdown that has been imposed almost a year back in

In a Shift, Pakistan Suing for Peace with India By , March 25 2021

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Pakistan has unveiled a new “geo-economic vision” that offers to “bury

Australia: Colonialism Continues with First Nations’ Water Dispossession By , March 25 2021

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The ongoing injustices and dispossession of First Nations peoples can be

Early Meiji Diplomacy Viewed through the Lens of the International Treaties Culminating in the Annexation of the Ryukyus By , March 22 2021

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Abstract: This paper focuses on Meiji Japan’s annexation of the Ryukyus

The Welcome Thaw in India-Pakistan Relations Is Backed by Pakistan’s Army Too By , March 22 2021

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“A nation at peace and a region in harmony are thus

Australia: Can We Challenge Racism Without Challenging Capitalism? By , March 18 2021

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Racism is not fundamentally about individual behaviour – although often that’s

India’s Cunning De-escalation after Setting Kashmir Alight By , March 18 2021

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Within the space of five years India has meticulously manipulated the

Myanmar: Hidden Opposition Violence By , March 18 2021

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As is common with US-backed color revolutions around the globe, the

US Will Seek to Meddle in Thai Constitutional Referendum By , March 17 2021

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US government meddling around the globe isn’t aimed only at elections

Pakistan May Resume Import of Cotton from India: Report By , March 17 2021

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Pakistan may allow cotton import from India through land route as

The Evolution of the East Asian Eco-Developmental State By and , March 17 2021

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Abstract: The four major countries of East Asia—China, Japan, South

COVID-19 and Girls’ Education in East Asia and Pacific By , March 17 2021

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The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the unprecedented disruption of

India Should Hold the Line on Myanmar By , March 16 2021

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The Indian government has done the right thing by sending an

The Current Situation Concerning the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands By , March 16 2021

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Located in the East China Sea, the five uninhabited islands with

India: Women Reject State Surveillance By , March 15 2021

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Abridged from Liberation. Kavita Krishnan will speak at Green Left’s 30