Global Research Asia News

Western Sanctions on Russia, Russia-China Cooperation: A Tectonic Shift of the Global Economy? By and , September 01 2015

The Saker: How is Russia coping with sanctions so far and what are the prospects for the future?

Peter Koenig: Let’s begin with what are ‘sanctions’? – Sanctions are (economic) punishments by the self-proclaimed empire in Washington and its European …

The “Culling of Sharks” and Coastal Marine Ecosystems By , August 28 2015

New South Wales is the latest Australian state to hear calls for sharks to be culled, in response to a spate of fatal and non-fatal incidents.

NSW Premier Mike Baird has implemented a new surveillance program, while resisting

The Devaluation of the Yuan Tests China’s Rise as a World Power By , August 27 2015

After the devaluation of the yuan, the international financial markets started trembling. Washington accused Beijing of taking advantage of the market. As China wants to incorporate the yuan into the Special Drawing Rights, it is inconvenient to prolong the devaluation.

Economic Destabilization, Financial Meltdown and the Rigging of the Shanghai Stock Market? By , August 26 2015
Financial markets are rigged by the megabanks. Powerful financial institutions including JP Morgan Chase, HSBC, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, et al and their affiliated hedge funds have the ability of “pushing up” the stock market and then “pulling it down”.
Obama’s “Pivot to Asia”: US Sponsored Mobs Seek to Overthrow Malaysian Government By , August 24 2015

Malaysia’s “Bersih” movement – an umbrella organization for various opposition groups opposed to the current government of Prime Minister Najib Razak – plans its fourth street demonstration in 8 years to unfold at the end of August.

While Bersih’s alleged …

Jimmy Carter’s Legacy. Human Rights in the Abstract versus “Shameful and Indefensible Foreign Policy Positions” By , August 18 2015

“Carter was the least violent of American presidents but he did things which I think would certainly fall under Nuremberg provisions,” said Noam Chomsky. Much like Nobel Peace-prize winner Barack Obama 30 years later, Carter was an advocate of human

Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott and the Electoral Letter of Suicide By , August 16 2015

This Australian weekend has been getting pollsters and pundits salivating. Every political observer loves a good slaughter, and for some time now, Australia’s Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, has been willing to offer himself up for the billing.

The Fairfax/Ipsos poll, …

US-China Standoff: The South China Sea’s Simmering Crisis By , August 16 2015

The standoff between China and the US in the South China Sea has intensified in recent months largely due to tit-for-tat maneuvering by both countries.

Washington has vehemently criticized China’s land reclamation in this strategic body of water.

It is …

Impending U.S. Dollar Collapse Should Be Getting Attention, Not China’s Devaluation, Financial Analyst By , August 15 2015

Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital and bestselling author of “Crash Proof,” believes the impending collapse of the United States dollar should be getting the attention of investors and news outlets and not the devaluation of the Chinese yuan.

Monsanto’s Bt Cotton Directly Linked to Indian Farmer Suicides in Rain-Fed Areas, Scientific Study By , August 12 2015

The Study finds farmers driven to suicide from increased costs of not being able to save seeds and increased chemical inputs, coupled with inadequate access to agronomic information Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji

Rain-fed cotton yield dependent on weather not pest attacks,

What China’s Devaluation Means to the U.S. Economy By and , August 11 2015

Getty photographer Scott Olson arrested at Ferguson protest, 18 August 2014. (Ryan J. Reilly/@ryanjreilly)

Markets received a seismic jolt from China on Tuesday as it devalued its currency, the Yuan, by the most in two decades, cutting its daily reference …

Financial Warfare, China and the Gold Market By , August 07 2015

Shock of all shocks, the IMF announced the Chinese yuan will not be admitted into the SDR until at least Sept. 2016.

What exactly does this mean? I can tell you the gold community is so shell shocked and fearful

70 Years after Hiroshima, Okinawa’s Long Resistance to US Military Occupation By and , August 07 2015

Image: US military bases in Okinawa

Japan is living under the shadow of US militarism, write Taisuke Komatsu & Semanur Karaman – and most of all in Okinawa, the nation’s southernmost archipelago. Against overwhelming local opposition but backed by Japan’s

Still Uninvestigated After 50 Years: Did the U.S. Help Incite the 1965 Indonesia Massacre? By , August 05 2015
U.S. academics and policy intellectuals with connections to the CIA and RAND Corporation publicly urged their contacts in the Indonesian Army “to strike, sweep their house clean” (Guy Pauker), while “liquidating the enemy’s political and guerrilla armies”
The US-China Standoff in the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region By , August 01 2015
With help of its Asian allies the US are going to seal off the PLA Navy in the South China Sea and prevent its moving in operations space. Its eventual objective is aimed on establishing a ground coalition against China.
“Turning Back Boats” and The Human Rights of Refugees to Australia By , July 25 2015

Much writing has been spent on the wonders of how the supposedly progressive side of politics has bedded down all too intimately with the conservative, Right side of the aisle. The conservatives – or let us call them reactionary Tories

China’s NGO Law: Countering Western Soft Power and Subversion By , July 25 2015

China has recently taken an important step in more tightly regulating foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) inside the country. Despite condemnation from so called human rights groups in the West, China’s move should be understood as a critical decision to assert

“Operation Enduring Freedom-Philippines”: The U.S. Aids and Abets War Crimes in the Philippines By , July 23 2015

After Sept. 11, 2001, President George W. Bush declared the Philippines a second front in the war on terror (“Operation Enduring Freedom-Philippines”). The Philippine government used this as an opportunity to escalate its war against Muslim separatists and other individuals

Chinese State Banks Commit $200 Billion to Stem Market Selloff By , July 20 2015

The extent of the massive government intervention to halt the plunge in the Chinese stock market was revealed last week by figures showing that major state-owned banks have made available more than $200 billion to boost share prices.

The intervention, …

The Battle against GMOs in the Philippines: Confronting the WTO’s Attempts to Destabilize Sustainable Agriculture By , July 18 2015

The Philippines has become a GMO battlefield, with the small farmers and organic farming advocates on one hand and the Philippine government with pro-GMO scientists on the other hand. The Philippine government is showing its cooptation to the neoliberal agenda

The US Dollar and Bretton Woods are Finished: The BRICS/SCO Summits in Ufa Mark the Start of a “Silk World Order” By , July 10 2015

Get ready for ground shattering geopolitical changes. At the crossroads of Asia and Europe, it has been decided that the Russian city of Ufa will be the point of convergence for all the initiatives and projects of the Silk World

Neither Greater Asia nor Greater Europe: America’s «Chaos» versus a Silk World Order By , July 03 2015
West of China, Iran and Russia are developing the North-South Transport Corridor from the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman in the south to the Caspian Sea and Volga in the north.
Empire and the History of the Drug Trade By , July 01 2015

Today, if you ask a member of the British public what they think of drugs you will often find that those who deal and consume drugs are often viewed in a criminal way, as a blight on an otherwise good

Australia’s Double Game on Terrorism By , June 26 2015

The Australian Government is wrestling with a double game it has created by backing sectarian terrorists in Syria, encouraging the export of young Australians to these groups, then entering into a fake war against terrorism and ringing alarm bells over

The Tyrannical Mandate: Ministerial Discretion and Stripping Citizenship By , June 19 2015

“The reason why we have made this decision is because we have a very strong view: if you’ve left this country to join a terrorist army in the Middle East, we don’t want you.”[1]  These were Prime Minister Tony

Government Emails Reveal Fukushima Radiation Could Cause Thyroid Cancer to Skyrocket in Americans By , June 19 2015

Censored and heavily redacted emails[PDF] from U.S. government scientists and officials reveal that there were major concerns among American policymakers shortly after the devastating Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in March 2011 that there would be widespread radiological contamination …

Who’s Behind Asia-Pacific’s Growing Tensions? Curbing China’s Rising Power By , June 18 2015

Increasing tension in the Asia-Pacific between China and nations surrounding its territory, appears to be an unstoppable and inevitable lead-up to regional conflict and perhaps even global war.

In reality, for those who have studied history, this is a familiar …

Seven Days in May? US Global Hegemony, “Asymmetric Warfare” Directed against China By , June 17 2015

“Since its founding, the United States has consistently pursued a grand strategy focused on acquiring and maintaining preeminent power over various rivals, first on the North American continent, then in the Western hemisphere, and finally globally.”

-Robert D. Blackwill and …

U.S. Military Bases and The Derogation of Women’s Rights in the Philippines By , June 11 2015

Women’s Organizing for Peace in the Philippines

Speech delivered as a part of Women Cross the DMZ events at the Women’s Peace Symposium on May 26, 2015, in Seoul, Korea 

Greetings of peace to all especially to the  courageous and …

U.S. Policy towards China: The Skirmish in the Spratlys By , June 08 2015

“Washington is not looking for peace or war. They’re looking for domination. If they can achieve domination peacefully – that’s fine. If they can’t, they’ll use war. It’s that simple.”

— William Blum, Interview with Russia Today

“The U.S. is

Nepal: Earth Tremors Fading, Monsoon Looming By , June 08 2015

Kathmandu is gradually repopulating with residents like Anil who left soon after April’s earthquake. He explains that he returned to the capital from Chitwan (in south Nepal, bordering India). “I went for 20 days with father (also a taxi driver)

“Nuclear War our Likely Future”: Russia and China won’t accept US Hegemony, Paul Craig Roberts By , June 02 2015

The White House is determined to block the rise of the key nuclear-armed nations, Russia and China, neither of whom will join the “world’s acceptance of Washington’s hegemony,” says head of the Institute for Political Economy, Paul Craig Roberts.

The …

Escalating US-China Tensions: Australia “Actively Considering” Dangerous Provocation in South China Sea By , June 02 2015

Image: A pair of P-3 maritime reconnaissance aircraft over the Pacific. The Australian government is considering flying such an aircraft within 12 nautical miles of Chinese-claimed territory. Source: US Department of Defense

Amid escalating tensions between the US and China

Corporate Land Grabs in Indonesia By , June 02 2015
Borneo human rights organization files complaint alleging multiple breaches of RSPO standards by palm oil supplier PT. Swadaya Mukti Prakarsa (SMP) / First Resources.

Kalimantan, 1st June 2015: Acting on behalf of local indigenous communities, on 11th May 2015 human

“The Hegemony Games”: the United States of America (USA) vs. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) By , May 31 2015

he·gem·o·ny, həˈjemənē,ˈhejəˌmōnē

leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others.

The most important political relationship in today’s world is between the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Whichever way the relationship

Who’s Driving the Rohingya into the Sea? By , May 30 2015

As the plight of the Rohingya, driven from Myanmar into the sea, gains increasing international attention, the same familiar voices across the West have begun climbing upon their soapboxes and pointing fingers at each and every nation refusing to accept

Oil Geopolitics and the “Economic Corridor”: Pakistan Enters China’s “New Silk Road” By , May 28 2015

Now how do you top this as a geopolitical entrance? Eight JF-17 Thunder fighter jets escorting Chinese President Xi Jinping on board an Air China Boeing as he enters Pakistani air space. And these JF-17s are built as a China-Pakistan

Thousands of Farmers in India Rise up Against Monsanto: Biotech Giant Known for Causing Suicides By , May 28 2015

Some have said that India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, arrived at the nation’s pro-GMO position with the help of generous campaign funding from a GMO lobby, but that hasn’t stopped thousands of Indian farmers from demonstrating against Monsanto and their

Diary from Kathmandu: Demolition Dilemmas across Nepal By , May 27 2015

There is little doubt that they have to come down. But how will priorities be decided? Who will pay? Then how will the formidable task of securing Nepal’s homes, schools, hospitals and offices proceed? In Kathmandu valley and beyond, new

Protests in Japan Denounce US Military Presence By , May 27 2015

Japanese protesters gathered outside the parliament building in Tokyo on Sunday to demand the removal of a US base on the island of Okinawa. Numerous rallies have been held recently, both on the island and the Japanese mainland, to oppose

China Establishes World’s Largest Physical Gold Fund By , May 27 2015

While many eagerly await the day when China will finally reveal its latest official gold holdings, a number which when made public will be orders of magnitude higher than its last 2009 disclosure of just over 1,000 tons, or

China’s Military Strategy: We will “Counterattack” if Attacked By , May 27 2015

On May 26, China’s official press agency Xinhua headlined “China rolls out military roadmap of ‘active defense’ strategy,” saying:

An official white paper issued by the State Council Information Office titled “China’s Military Strategy” pledged “closer international security cooperation.”

It …

Official China Media Warns of “War between China and US” Over South China Sea, Unless US Backs Down By , May 26 2015

A Chinese state-owned newspaper said on Monday that “war is inevitable” between China and the United States over the South China Sea unless Washington stops demanding Beijing halt the building of artificial islands in the disputed waterway. 

The Global Times, …

Refusing to Resettle: Australia’s response to the Rohingya Asylum Seekers By , May 26 2015

“I’m sorry. If you want to start a new life, you come through the front door, not through the back door.” – Tony Abbott, Australian Prime Minister, May 21, 2015

They are in a tight corner of history, and it

Japanese – Russian Dispute about South Kuril Islands: The Enemy State Clause By , May 24 2015

The Speaker of the Russian Lower House of Parliament (Duma), Sergey Naryshkin told the press that the Japanese – Russian dispute over the South Kuril Islands should not become an irritant in Japanese – Russian relations. Neither Russian nor Japanese

“The Vietnam Syndrome”: Fascists Flipping Burgers in Saigon or Stalingrad By , May 23 2015

For the vast majority of Westerners, that is to say both US Americans and their relatives (imagined or real) in Europe, the war against Vietnam was a brutal military conflict waged by the United States against a small Southeast Asian

Sowing the GMO Seeds of Depopulation? By , May 23 2015

If physical violence is to be used only as a final resort, a dominant class must seek to gain people’s consent if it is to govern and control a population. It must attempt to legitimize its position in the eyes

Foreign Mining, State Corruption and Human Rights in Mongolia By , May 22 2015

Packed with distortions and outright lies, Mongolia’s privatized former state media called them the ‘enemies of Mongolia’.  On 16 September 2013, the leaders of Mongolia’s Fire Nation (Gal Undesten in Mongolian), an environment and human rights coalition, organized a

New Zealand: Workers Rights in the Fast Food Industry By , May 22 2015

Workers in the fast food industry in New Zealand scored a spectacular victory over what has been dubbed “zero hour contracts” during a collective agreement bargaining round over the course of March and April this year. The campaign played out

Animal Rights in Australia: Eco-Terror and the “War on Terrier” By , May 19 2015

“It’s time that Pistol and Boo buggered back to the United States.” – Barnaby Joyce, Australian agriculture minister, ABC, May 14, 2015.

One should be able to make light of it, though anything involving introduced species, pet sympathy and a …

Diary from Kathmandu: Schoolboy Looks to Nepal’s Army with New Pride. “Our Army Rescues the People” By , May 19 2015

“I want to be in the army”, replied Sophil quietly, responding to his father’s urging to tell this visitor about his future goal. I had been introduced to the 9-year old child a week earlier as he sat in a

US Bombers to Australia: Washington’s Deployments in the Pacific By , May 18 2015

The language never reflects the actual conduct.  Deploying weapons to a region in greater numbers is not seen as provocative, even if placing such items in a theatre of operations is bound to get neighbours nervous.  This is particularly the

Is the US Planning a “Gulf of Tonkin” Incident in the South China Sea? By , May 18 2015

Following weeks of scaremongering by American officials over China’s activities in the South China Sea, US Secretary of State John Kerry used his visit to Beijing last weekend to issue an ultimatum to Chinese leaders to halt land reclamation on …

“The Incubus of Intervention”: Conflicting Indonesia Strategies of John F. Kennedy and Allen Dulles By , May 18 2015

As an alternate to the history of the Cold War in relation to its developments and impact on Indonesia – and even further abroad – The Incubus of Intervention is an intriguing and complex review of the historical record. 

‘Okinawa Without US Bases’: Mass Protest Against U.S Military Presence in Japan By , May 17 2015

Thousands have been marching in Okinawa and across Japan in protest against the planned relocation of a US military base in Okinawa. The protesters criticized the Japanese government, who appear to be turning a deaf ear to the locals.

The …

Myanmar and the Rohingyas: Stop the Persecution; End the Exodus By , May 17 2015

It is imperative that the Rohingya issue be addressed as soon as possible.

The plight faced by these persecuted people has been thrust into the headlines of international news recently, following cases of thousands of boat people stranded at sea …

India’s Coal Industry: The Single Biggest Source of Energy By , May 17 2015

by Sajai Jose

As Greenpeace India struggles to stay afloat, the real reason why the government wants to shut down the global environmental NGO hasn’t got much attention: Coal, the single biggest source of primary energy in India, is at

Diary from Kathmandu. “Ferrying Relief to Hard-hit Villages” By , May 16 2015

Is Nepal in danger of being buried in data overload? The deluge of data about quake conditions may be part of the culture of an over-documented Nepal. Watch for Part 2. Meanwhile Part 1 : A city’s, a nation’s, disquiet

U.S. Wakes up to “New Silk World Order” By , May 15 2015

The real Masters of the Universe in the U.S. are no weathermen, but arguably they’re starting to feel which way the wind is blowing.

History may signal it all started with this week’s trip to Sochi, led by their paperboy,

Fact Sheet on Japanese Military “Comfort Women” By , May 12 2015

Who were the “comfort women”? 

“Comfort women” is a historical term referring to women who were forced to provide sexual service to Japanese soldiers at military brothels called “comfort stations” established by the Japanese military in its occupied territories between

Trade Wars: Monsanto’s Return to Vietnam By , May 10 2015

Ho Chi Minh City.

This past week, as activists gathered in Washington, D.C. for the conference on “Vietnam: the Power of Protest,” in Viet Nam’s Ho Chi Minh City, a delegation led by Veterans for Peace (VFP) Chapter 160

New Zealand and the Production of White Phosphorous Bombs Used against Children in Gaza By , May 07 2015

The shocking decision  by the government-owned New Zealand Super Fund (NZSF)  to NOT divest from Israel Chemicals Ltd (ICL), manufacturer of white phosphorus, blatantly violates the NZSF Responsibilities: 

“ethical investment including policies, standards and procedures for avoiding prejudice to New

Challenging India’s Neoliberal Agenda: Greenpeace India Faces Imminent Shutdown By , May 05 2015

The Executive Director of Greenpeace India, Samit Aich, today addressed his staff to prepare them for the imminent shutdown of the organization after 14 years in the country.

He said:

“I just made one of the hardest speeches of my

US “Grand Strategy” for War Against China Laid Out By , May 04 2015

The advanced stage of discussions in US foreign policy circles over the pursuit of an ever-more aggressive policy toward China has been revealed by the recent release of a chilling report under the auspices of the influential Council on Foreign

Protests Erupt in Japan over Anti-Constitutional Militarization Against China By , May 03 2015

The effort of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to emasculate and revise the country’s war-renouncing constitution encountered a mass protest on Sunday, the country’s 68th Constitution Memorial Day, when he returned from the United States with the updated bilateral defense …

Agent Orange: Terrible Legacy of the Vietnam War By , May 01 2015
Mai Giang Vu was exposed to Agent Orange while serving in the Army of South Vietnam from 1968 to 1974. His sons born in 1974 and 1975 were unable to walk or function normally. Their limbs gradually “curled up” and they could only crawl.
Memories of Empire: Remembering the Fall of Saigon By , May 01 2015

Despite sharing the same diplomatic table as the United States, and forging ahead with trade agreements, Vietnam still remembers.  Remembers, that is, those “countless barbarous crimes,” as the country’s prime minister calls them, committed by the United States during the

Obama Threatens China with Nuclear Weapons. Militarization of Asia-Pacific By , May 01 2015

Last Friday, National Security Council senior Asian affairs director Evan Medeiros said John Kerry and Defense Secretary Ashton Carter would meet their Japanese counterparts in New York on Monday.

They’d “announce some historic changes to the way US-Japan alliance operates” …

Asia’s Agrarian Reform in Reverse: Laws Taking Land Out of Small Farmers’ Hands By , April 30 2015

Legislative changes now sweeping across Asia threaten to displace millions of peasant families, undermine local food systems and increase violent conflicts over land. Already, just six percent of Asia’s farm owners hold around 66% of its farmland: the continent is

The Greatest Danger in the World. America’s Vietnam War is Not Over… By , April 30 2015

I am on a journey through Vietnam with a group of American Vietnam War veterans who now live in Vietnam and work to address some of the profound human problems still caused by a war that ended 40 years ago.

Toxic Mercury in the Mist: Holding Unilever in India to Account By , April 30 2015

Scientists in India and the UK recently joined together to express solidarity with ex-employees and local residents exposed to toxic levels of mercury in Kodaikanal, India. Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL) is a subsidiary of the Anglo-Dutch multinational Unilever and is

Farmers Suicides in India: What Is Causing Them, And What Can Be Done To Stop The Tragedy By , April 29 2015
The public suicides of both Gajendra and Lee were calls for society to wake up to the structural violence enacted against small farmers through policies of industrial agriculture and corporate-led trade liberalization.
Making More Enemies than We Kill? Calculating U.S. Bomb Tonnages Dropped on Laos and Cambodia, and Weighing Their Implications By and , April 28 2015

Debate over the nature and impact of civilian casualties from U.S. aerial attacks continues. “Are we creating more terrorists than we’re killing?,” Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld once asked of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.1 The rise of Al Qaeda

The Global Crisis: Food, Water and Fuel. Three Fundamental Necessities of Life in Jeopardy By , April 28 2015
The provision of food, water and fuel is a precondition of civilized society: they are necessary factors for the survival of the human species
GMO Golden Rice: The Scourge of Asia. Monsanto, Sygenta, Bayer Trigger Disruption of Peasant Economy By , April 26 2015
The disruption of rice cultivation threatens to mire hundreds of millions in deeper debt, inescapable destitution, and all of the negative socioeconomic implications that follow.
Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian Coalition opposing NATO Debut in Moscow? By , April 25 2015
The Moscow Conference on International Security in April was used as a venue to give notice to the US and NATO that other world powers will not let them do as they please.
How the Malaysian Airlines MH17 Boeing Was Shot Down. Examination of the Wreckage By , April 25 2015
This essay presents extensive photographic evidence of the wreckage of flight MH17. The author's examination refutes the official story, namely that MH17 was brought down by a BUK missile
Militarization of the Asia Pacific Region: America Revives And Expands Cold War Military Alliances Against China By , April 25 2015

This article initially published in June 2012 sheds light on Washington’s Pivot to Asia Strategy

On May 30 2012 the two officials most in charge of the U.S.’s formidible global military machine, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Chairman of the

Partners in Global Warfare: NATO Reinforces Pentagon’s Shift to the Asia-Pacific Region By , April 25 2015
In conjunction with the U.S., NATO is striving to assemble the remnants of defunct or dormant Cold War-era military blocs in the Asia-Pacific region...
Security Cocktails in Australia: Mixing Anzac and Terror By , April 23 2015

State inspired killing, which tends to be commemorated in disingenuous fashion at military parades, is a dirty thing.  But it is revered, stuffed to the brim with hagiographic accounts and the justification of largesse for the war machine. Callow youths