Global Research Asia News

The Plight of Farmers in the Philippines: April Tragedy in Kidapawan By , June 13 2016

Due to devastating environmental factors North Cotabato declared their province under a state of calamity on January 20, 2016.  This took place while Cabanatuan City, Zamboanga City and Oriental Mindoro had declared their state of calamity earlier.

There was no …

How the Media Supported Corruption During the Elections in the Philippines By , June 12 2016

The 2016 general election of the Republic of the Philippines resulted in the most widely followed electoral period in Philippine political history. Officially starting on February 9, 2016, a hodgepodge of candidates, political parties, coalitions, and electoral alliances campaigned for …

Fukushima and Nuclear Power: Does the Advertising Giant Dentsu Pull the Strings of Japan’s Media? By , June 05 2016

French journalist Mathieu Gaulène describes the business practices of Dentsu and its competitor Hakuhodo, the biggest and the second biggest advertising companies of Japan respectively. Specifically, it examines how their close relations to the media and the nuclear industry play

Philippines-Malaysia Conflict: Drop the Sabah Claim; Focus on the Bangsamoro Agreement By , May 30 2016

According to media reports, President-Elect Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines would be staking a fresh claim on Sabah. He recognises Sabah as a Sulu Sultanate territory.

It is a recognition that has been challenged by various quarters including the Malaysian

Leakers Down Under: The Australian Federal Police Raids during Election Campaign By , May 22 2016
It is election time in Australia, and the electioneering took a remarkable turn Thursday night with announcements that the Australian Federal Police had raided the offices of the opposition Australian Labor Party,
Washington’s Financial Currency War on China: The Eclipsing of the US Dollar by the Yuan By , May 22 2016
China is in the process of displacing the monopoly of the US dollar. They are dropping US Treasury bonds, stockpiling gold reserves, and opening regional distribution banks for their own national currency.
Myanmar’s “Unpeople Rohingya”: Expose the Duplicity of Aung San Suu Kyi By , May 10 2016

Aung San Suu Kyi has finally her laid her cards on the table. No more bewilderment about why the holder of the Nobel Peace Prize (a worthless honorific most often awarded war criminals), the democracy icon known as “the Mandela

Pivot to Asia: US Meddling in Thailand Boosts Bangkok-Moscow Ties By , May 04 2016

The so-called “Pivot to Asia” serving as the current underpinning of American foreign policy in Asia has been repeatedly exposed as a continuation of a decades-old cynical region-wide US gambit to encircle and contain China while establishing military, sociopolitical, and

China: Preserving Sovereignty or Sliding into Western Sponsored ‘Color Revolutions’ By , May 03 2016

On April 28, the New York Times was blasting “Clampdown in China Restricts 7,000 Foreign Organizations”. A perfect reason for demonizing China for infringing on the liberties of foreign NGOs – NGO’s that try to help and do good in

Kadena Air Base
Environmental Contamination at Largest US Air Force Base in Asia: Kadena, Okinawa By , May 02 2016

Located in the center of Okinawa Island, Kadena Air Base is the largest United States Air Force installation in Asia. Equipped with two 3.7 kilometer runways and thousands of hangars, homes and workshops, the base and its adjoining arsenal at

Australia’s French Connection and the Submarine Saga. France, Military Supplier for Royal Australian Navy By , April 30 2016

It was all a funny business, but it is very clear that the Australian relationship with France, at least when it comes to matters of defence, has changed over the years. From being belligerents keen to pursue nuclear testing in

India: “Politicizing Terrorism” in Order to Pressure China By , April 28 2016

Terrorism is an issue that’s usually taken quite seriously in India, which makes it all the more surprising that its ruling establishment has taken to politicizing it in order to pressure China. A rather curious event transpired this week when

The Medical Implications of the 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Disaster By , April 26 2016

The following article award winning author and Co-founder of Physicians for Social responsibility Dr. Helen Caldicott proceeds to examine the medical implications of the ongoing Fukushima crisis.

For her analysis on Chernobyl see:

The Medical Implications of the 1986 Chernobyl

Video: China’s New Aircraft Carrier Force, Challenges US Naval Hegemony? By , April 20 2016

People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) officials acknowledged the existence of the first indigenously built aircraft carrier for the PLAN on December 31st, 2015. The carrier is based on the same Soviet era template as the Liaoning currently in service, and

Myanmar’s Political Transition: Aung San Suu Kyi “Non-Democratic Democracy” By , April 16 2016

Myanmar’s political transition is being hailed by Western politicians, special interests, and its media as “historic” and a new beginning for “democracy” in the Southeast Asian nation.

However, even before Myanmar political opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s party rose …

A New Cultural Geography of East Asia: Imagining A ‘Region’ through Popular Culture By , April 02 2016

The majority of studies on regional formation in East Asia (both Northeast and Southeast Asia) have focused on economic integration and institutional build-up initiated by states. Developments in the field of contemporary society and culture, however, have been largely

U.S. Double Standards Human Rights: Thailand vs. Saudi Arabia By , April 01 2016

The Southeast Asian nation of Thailand has found itself repeatedly in the spotlight regarding labor practices, and in particular those among its shrimp and fishing production industry where Western media sources continue to focus on the use of migrant workers

North Korea Punished for Helping Liberate Africa By , March 18 2016

Soon, most likely, there will be new brutal sanctions imposed against North Korea. And there will be massive provocative military exercises held, involving the US and South Korean (ROK). In brief, it is all ‘business as usual’: the West continues

Fukushima: Japan’s “National Resilience” and The Legacy of 3-11 By , March 17 2016

Five years after Japan’s natural and nuclear disasters of March 11, 2011 (3-11), few observers can find a positive legacy among the irradiated ruins. Fukushima rightly remains an icon of the folly of building fragile large-scale power and other lifeline

The Giant Lie About Fukushima By , March 13 2016

 With the third anniversary of the start of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe coming next week, the attempted Giant Lie about the disaster continues—a suppression of information, an effort at dishonesty of historical dimensions.

It involves international entities, especially the …

Fukushima At Five: Reflections on the Crime, the Cover-up and the Future of Nuclear Energy By and , March 13 2016

The Fukushima disaster is not over and will never end.

The radioactive fallout which remains toxic for hundreds to thousands of years covers large swaths of Japan will never be ‘cleaned up’ and will contaminate food, humans and animals

Record Financial Collapse: Plunge In Japan’s Government Bonds Triggers Circuit Breaker, Halts Market… By , March 09 2016

It was just yesterday when we observed the record collapse across the Japanese curve when first the 10Y JGB plunged to an all time low -0.10%, followed promptly by 30Y yields dropping 21bps – the biggest absolute drop in over

North Korea and the Nuclear Question. The Political Isolation of the DPRK. China and Russia Endorse Sanctions By , March 07 2016

Featured image: Kim Jung Un, the supreme leader of the DPRK 

As expected, the North Korean leadership has escalated its rhetoric in the wake of the United Nations Security Council’s (UNSC) new, harsh sanctions on Pyongyang.

Whenever the international community …

Islamophobia and the “Negative Media Portrayal of Muslims” By , February 29 2016

Originally published on Global Research in April 2015:

There is a current obsession in mainstream media and academic discourse pertaining to Islam and the West. This current obsession is tinged with negative signifiers with the global media’s predominantly negative portrayal

Opium in Afghanistan: How a Pink Flower Defeated the World’s Sole Superpower By , February 23 2016

Note from the editor of Tom Dispatch: In October 2001, the U.S. launched its invasion of Afghanistan largely through proxy Afghan fighters with the help of Special Operations forces, American air power, and CIA dollars.  The results were swift

What Lessons Can Vietnam teach Okinawa about U.S. Military Dioxin? By , February 12 2016

In December 2015, Urasoe City pledged to conduct a survey of former base employees to ascertain the extent of contamination at Camp Kinser, a 2.7 square kilometer US Marine Corps supply base located in the city.1 Urasoe’s director of planning,

US Claims its Anti-China US-ASEAN Summit is “Not Anti-China” By , February 09 2016

For decades the US has sought to stitch together a united front stretching from Central Asia, across Southeast Asia, and even into East Asia itself to encircle and contain China.

From the 70 year occupation of Japan, to the Korean

Video: “Princes of the Yen”. The Bank of Japan During the Financial Crash By , February 09 2016

“Princes of the Yen: Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy” reveals how Japanese society was transformed to suit the agenda and desire of powerful interest groups, and how citizens were kept entirely in the dark about this.


American Aggression against China By , February 08 2016

On January 30th the United States committed a deliberate act of aggression against China when it sent the guided missile destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur within the 12 nautical mile territorial limit of one of the Paracel Islands in the South

Beijing vs. Washington: The Battle for Southeast Asia. “Free Trade” and US Economic Hegemony By , February 04 2016

The Strait Times published an opinion piece by the London-based Rob Edens. Wishfully titled, “South-east Asia fast becoming unfriendly territory for China,” it attempts to portray Southeast Asia as increasingly pivoting West toward Washington, coincidentally just as Washington

China’s Path into Africa Blocked By , February 04 2016

On Dec. 4-5, Chinese leaders visited Johannesburg’s central business district to pledge $60 billion to help industrialise the African continent. More than 40 African heads of state were in attendance for the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (Focac).

To me, Focac’s

“The Martian”: This Hollywood Heroism is Also for Chinese Viewers By , February 04 2016

Many claim that books and films– politicians too—are frequently the result of a deliberate marketing strategy, that they’re designed by a team according to formulae based on earlier successes and applied like an algorithm to the market:–to win. “The Martian”

China’s President Xi in the Middle East: From U.S. Regime Change to Chinese Economic Development? By , February 03 2016

President Xi Jinping’s three-nation tour in the Middle East heralds a shift from US regime change to Chinese economic development.

President Xi’s tour took place amid a perilous moment in the region. Saudi Arabia is struggling with the plunge of …

Battle Stations—Okinawa in 2016. Controversial Plan to Establish New US Marine Corps Base By , January 23 2016

The year 2016 might turn out to be a decisive one in the long-running contest between the Japanese state and Okinawa prefecture over the construction of a new base for the US Marine Corps at Henoko on Oura Bay, although

Russia Continues Confronting Japan with De Facto Annexation of Disputed Islands By , January 16 2016

Moscow continues the military reinforcement of the Russian Kuril Islands as well as the de facto annexation of the occupied Japanese islands Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and the Habomai Archipelago under the guise of cultural and economic development of what Russia

Japan Threatens East China Sea Stability, Plans to “Drive away Chinese Naval Ships” By , January 13 2016

Japan plans to use Self-Defense Force units to drive away “Chinese naval ships” from waters near the disputed Diaoyu Islands, a move that experts say will break the currently controlled status-quo and may lead to escalated tensions or even open

The South China Sea Crisis and the “Battle for Oil” By , January 13 2016

This article first published in January 2016 analyzes the ongoing confrontation between the US and China in relation to the South China Sea.

A long brewing crisis of both regional and global proportions has been festering in the South China

How GMO Lobbyists Taught Me “We’re Helping the Poor and Hungry” By , January 12 2016

GMO promoters enthuse about how GM crops will be able to help the poor and hungry, far in the future, writes Claire Robinson. But they are silent about the currently-planted GM crops – 99% of them herbicide-tolerant or insecticidal. Could

Does North Korea Need Nukes to Deter US Aggression? By , January 10 2016

Here’s your U.S. foreign policy quiz for the day:

Question 1– How many governments has the United States overthrown or tried to overthrow since the Second World War?

Answer: 57  (See William Blum.)

Question 2– How many of those

US-Japan Military Alliance: Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Forces (JMSDF). The Most Powerful Naval Force in the Asia-Pacific Region By , December 22 2015

The Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) of today has matured a great deal since the warships of the Imperial Japanese Navy were parceled out amongst the victors, scrapped or sunk at the end of World War II. Long decades

ASEAN and the New Cold War Battle for Eurasia’s Economic Future By , December 14 2015

The Global Economic Crossroads

ASEAN’s solid growth in the past few decades has made it an enviable partner for many, and the economic bloc has entered into several high-profile free trade agreements (FTAs) in the past couple of years. As

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA): This is No Ordinary Trade Deal. A Fundamental Aspect of Washington’s “Pivot-to-Asia” Policy By , December 10 2015

Following nearly eight years of negotiations, 12 Pacific Rim countries – Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam – have agreed to take part in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), a

Russia-China Relations and the Downing of Russia’s Jet Fighter by Turkey By , November 25 2015
The US Navy held friendly military exercises with China’s PLA Navy less than a week prior to a blatant act of military aggression against the Russian Federation, which is China’s closest ally.
The Chinese People’s Struggle Against Japanese Fascism In World War II: The Longest War; Supreme Victory By , November 20 2015

Author’s note: This article is dedicated to Li Baodong, China’s Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, who inspired this work, and to Jeanette Himmel, China’s brave, beautiful daughter.  With special thanks to Mrs. Eleanor R. Seagraves, who encouraged me throughout these

Malaria in the Asia-Pacific Region By , November 13 2015

Despite its relative invisibility to most people living in the urban Asia-Pacific, endemic malaria occurs across the region. The unique character of Asian-Pacific malaria includes a serious problem of drug resistance, dominance of a particularly difficult species to control and

The Devastating Impacts of the TPP Trade Deal on Vietnam By , November 13 2015

Now that the United States, Vietnam, and ten other nations have signed the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) – and the text, finally, has been released to the public – the U.S. Congress and the other countries’ legislative bodies must decide whether

The India-Pakistan Confrontation. The Dangers of Nuclear Conflict in South Asia? By , November 12 2015

 The Pakistani military strategists rely on their nuclear arsenal as a main counter-measure against a possible Indian aggression.

On October 19, Foreign Secretary of Pakistan Aizaz Chaudhry officially confirmed that Islamabad has plans to use low-yield nuclear weapons to impede …

Myanmar: The Atrocious Delusion of Burmese ‘Democracy’ By , November 12 2015

As the world’s media hails Burma’s first elections since 1990 and the country’s ‘democratic transition’ from military rule, Guy Horton warns against the delusional thinking that underlies these optimistic narratives. The reality is one of murder, genocide and systematic discrimination

In the Wake of Fukushima: Japan’s Dangerous Nuclear Waste on the Cutting Board. Towards a Renewables Future? By , November 11 2015

Japan’s Abe Shinzo government is commonly held to be in thrall to nuclear power, not least because it came into office in December 2012 committed to nuclear restarts and other policies promoted by the nuclear village. Yet clearly much has

Review of Dave Chaddock's Book. David Swanson interview with Chaddock on Talk Nation Radio By , November 10 2015

There is no historical controversy as contentious or long-lasting as the North Korean and Chinese charges of U.S. use of biological weapons during the Korean War. For those who believe the charges to be false — and that includes much

China’s Renminbi as a World Currency, Endorsed by the City of London By , November 05 2015

The Government of China promotes the internationalization of «the people’s currency» (‘renminbi’) through a policy of alliances that does not take ideological barriers into account. In an initial stage the diplomatic forces of the yuan were concentrated in the Asia

Global Conflict and the Geopolitics of US-China Relations By , November 01 2015

With reports emerging that China has signed on to Russia’s military coalition in Syria at the same time that the Chinese are signing new cooperation agreements with the US, the question is once again being raised:

What is the nature

Seeds of Corruption: “Unneeded, Unwanted and Unsafe,” the Case of Genetically Modified Mustard in India By , November 01 2015

In India, genetically modified (GM) mustard is edging closer to becoming the first officially approved GM food crop to be placed on the commercial market. This is despite a series of official reports that recommend against introducing GMOs to India.

China Turns Tables on “US-Backed Agitators” in Hong Kong By , October 30 2015

 The Economist had published an article titled, “And the law won: The rise and fall of China’s civil-rights lawyers says much about the Communist Party’s approach to the rule of law.”

The long-winded and pretentious title would have

China’s Nuclear Energy Boom Threatens Global Catastrophe. Coastal Array of 300 Nuclear Reactors Vulnerable to Earthquakes and Tsunamis By , October 29 2015

China’s plans for 400 nuclear reactors threaten global catastrophe, writes Oliver Tickell. In the normal way of things we could expect major accidents every few years, but with 300 reactors along China’s seismically active coast, a major tsunami would be

gmo food on
Poisoned Food, Poisoned Agriculture: Getting off the Chemical Treadmill By , October 28 2015

A peer-reviewed study published last year in the British Journal of Nutrition, a leading international journal of nutritional science, showed that organic crops and crop-based foods are between 18 to 69 percent higher in a number of key antioxidants

Myanmar Post Elections Scenarios: “Cold Peace Before A Hot War” By , October 28 2015

(Please read Part I prior to this article)

The first part of the series addressed the Nationwide Ceasefire Accord (NCA) and the strategic geography resulting thereof, while this concluding section forecasts the three progressively intensifying post-election scenarios for where the

Former Pro-GMO Scientist Speaks Out On The Real Dangers of Genetically Engineered Food By , October 27 2015

Note: This article was first published in January 2015

I retired 10 years ago after a long career as a research scientist for Agriculture Canada. When I was on the payroll, I was the designated scientist of my institute to

“Abenomics” Fails to Resolve Japan’s Economic Crisis. The Shortcomings of “Monetary Stimuli” By , October 27 2015

The economic perspectives that Japan brings in evidence that the «non-conventional» monetary policies implemented by some central banks of industrialized are an absolute failure. The Japanese economy not only fails to register sustained economic growth but has regressed to the

Myanmar’s Protracted Civil War: Drawn-Out Peace Or Battle Lines Drawn? By , October 25 2015

Myanmar passed an historic milestone on 15 October, signing into effect what its government terms to be a “Nationwide Ceasefire Accord” (NCA) between itself and eight ethnically centered rebel organizations. As positive of a step as this may notionally be

What the ‘Green Revolution’ Did for India. The Passing of Bhaskar Save By , October 25 2015

Masanobu Fukuoka, the legendary Japanese organic farmer once described Bhaskar Hiraji Save‘s farm as “the best in the world, even better than my own!” In 2010, the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements honoured Save with the ‘One World

The De Facto Exclusion of Malaysia from the MH17 Dutch Safety Board (DSB) Investigation. “Malaysia was Denied full Access and Privileges to the Probe” By , October 24 2015

[Originally published by New Straits Times, The above title by GR]

The [Malaysian] Transport Ministry today said Malaysia was not given full access and privileges into the Dutch Safety Board’s (DSB) investigation into the downing of Malaysia Airlines MH17.

Responding …

Who is Behind China’s Al Qaeda Terrorist Insurgency in Xinjiang-Uyghur? Threat of Destabilization By , October 23 2015

Yu Zhengsheng, top member of the Politburo Standing Committee, China’s de facto highest ruling body, visited Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on September 29, 2015. His visit marks important developments in the People’s Republic of China.

First of all, Beijing is

Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Equals a U.S. Aircraft Carrier By , October 19 2015

The U.S. political elite is never entirely secretive about its aims. It spells them out, maybe not always clearly and maybe sometimes elliptically, but it is fairly open in declaring its objectives and how it intends to achieve them. When

US Asia-Pacific Hegemony vs. A Rising China By , October 18 2015

The complexity and history behind the current tensions in Asia Pacific are belied by simplistic narratives underpinned by superficial nationalism. China’s portrayal across the Western media as a regional “bully” versus its victims across Southeast Asia is dividing the general

Vietnam: From National Liberation to Trans-Pacific Vassal (1975-2015) By , October 18 2015
In 1975, Vietnam successfully ended one of the longest and bloodiest anti-colonial wars in world-history – defeating the US, Forty years later, Vietnam signed off on the TPP neocolonial trade deal.
The Secret History of Cannabis in Japan By , October 06 2015

Experts point out the plant’s cultural significance. 

Today Japan has some of the strictest anti-cannabis laws in the world.

Punishment for possession is a maximum 5 years behind bars and illicit growers face 7-year sentences. Annually around 2000 people fall …

The Asian NATO-like Project: How to Offset Obama’s “Pivot to Asia”, Building Regional Partnerships By , October 01 2015

(Please read Part I before this article)

The first part of the series outlined the construction of the Asian NATO and described all the ways in which its various members are converging with their anti-Chinese policies in the Philippines. This

A Serious Meltdown is Underway? The Fukushima Daiichi Plant No. 2 Nuclear Reactor Fuel is Missing By , October 01 2015

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant No. 2 nuclear reactor fuel is missing from the core containment vessel.1

Where did it go? Nobody knows.

Not only that but the “learning curve” for a nuclear meltdown is as fresh as …

Obama’s “Pivot to Asia” NATO-Like Project By , September 30 2015

The US’ Pivot to Asia (P2A) is obviously aimed against China, and Washington’s ultimate plan has always been to assemble a coalition of countries that can contain the global supergiant. As the Pivot enters into its fourth year soon, the

terror jihad mi5 cops
China Joins the Fight Against ISIS? By , September 29 2015

A Russian, Chinese, Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian alliance against ISIS perhaps may encourage other countries to join it – a possibility likely terrifying Obama officials and their war-mongering partners.

On September 26, IDF-connected DEBKAfile (DF) said “the Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning-CV-16 …

Know World War II, Avoid World War III. US Provocation and Propaganda directed against China By , September 27 2015

 An Asian state aggressively expanding its military, bullying its neighbors, illegally fortifying islands, and bent on regional, then global domination – sound familiar? Are you thinking it’s China 2015? No, it is Japan 1937-1944.

So shockingly similar is American propaganda

Initiatives for Transforming the Global Economy. China’s “One Belt One Road” By , September 21 2015

A number of important initiatives linked largely to the economy made public in the last few years may have a huge impact upon the future of humankind. ASEAN and China have played a pioneering role in some of them.

The …

US-China Relations: the Pentagon versus High Tech By , September 19 2015
Step by step, Washington is setting up a major provocation against China. Obama has ordered a naval build-up in the South China Sea, embarked on extensive cyber-espionage of Chinese industries via US high-tech companies
China Is Still a Driving Force for Global Economic Growth: China Premier By , September 11 2015

“China is not the origin of global economic risks. Instead, it is a driving force for global economic growth. ” China’s Premier Li Keqiang said at the World Economic Forum in Dalian. In the face of the world leaders from

Japan: Protesting For Peace By , September 06 2015

On Sunday, 30 August 2015, more than 100,000 Japanese protested in the vicinity of the Japanese parliament against new security bills tabled in the upper legislative chamber by the Shinto Abe government. About 300 similar rallies were held in different

Western Leaders Snub China’s World War II Victory Day Commemoration By , September 04 2015

No two nations sacrificed more to defeat the scourge of Nazi and imperial Japanese fascism than Russia and China.

No one knows for sure how many from both countries perished. Estimates of Russian deaths ranged from 26 – 40 million.

Asia: Choosing Between East and West By , September 04 2015

Political and business circles across Asia face a shifting geopolitical environment driven by the inevitable rise of China. Several fundamental factors are driving this shift  that if fully understood should help established political orders, business interests, and ruling elite across

US-China Relations: America Has Now Retrospectively Joined the “Fascist Side” in World War II By , September 04 2015

At a commemorative celebration in Beijing on Thursday September 3rd, marking the 70th Anniversary of China’s freedom from the aggressor Japan ending World War II in China, the United States conspicuously avoided siding with its former WW II ally China,

“Operation Fortitude”: Australia’s Border Force (ABF) By , September 01 2015

Last Friday, Australians got a taste of what the operational nature of the Prime Minister’s Border Force might look like. It began with a 9.16am press release that was issued featuring Don Smith, the Australian Border Force Regional commander for