Global Research Asia News

Mainstream Media Islamophobia and Women’s Rights in Muslim Countries By , October 20 2017

First published by Global Research in March 2015

Some years ago, I had an engaging discussion with one of my very insightful students of Philosophy in my university.  She asked me whether Islam has provisions for women’s rights and gender

American Literature on the Battle of Okinawa and the Continuing US Military Presence By , October 17 2017


The several works of American literature set in Okinawa or about Okinawans include travel narratives, war diaries, memoirs, biography, fiction, drama, and musical theater Perhaps the earliest, Francis L. Hawks’s 1856 Narrative of the Expedition of an American

North Korea and Trump’s “Reality Free Zone”: Tweeting About Armageddon By , October 14 2017
Trump is threatening generating the potential extinction of life on earth. His obsession with “if we’ve got nuclear weapons why don’t we use them” argument goes back decades, but his kindergarten rhetoric shows a frightening disconnect from statesmanship, diplomacy & reality.
Why U.S. and Saudi Arabia Back Rohingya in Myanmar By , October 12 2017

Featured image: British colonial forces in Myanmar, known at the time as Burma.

Demonstrations, protests and online petitions have appeared worldwide to defend the struggle of the Rohingya people who have been driven from Myanmar into exile. What is of

Bangladeshi Regional Migration Could Plunge South Asia into War By , October 04 2017

Whether part of a pre-planned strategy or not, large-scale migration flows often destabilize the destination country, and India and Myanmar are bracing for the geopolitical consequences of the Bangladeshis within their borders acquiring a firmer sense of identity separateness from

“In a Nuclear War the Collateral Damage would be the Life of All Humanity”. Conversations with Fidel Castro: Hiroshima and the Dangers of a Nuclear War By and , October 03 2017
Let us have the courage to proclaim that all nuclear or conventional weapons, everything that is used to make war, must disappear!” Fidel Castro
Monsanto’s Violence in India: The Sacred and The Profane By , September 30 2017

First published in March 2017

Foreign capital is dictating the prevailing development agenda in India. There is a deliberate strategy to make agriculture financially non-viable for India’s small farms, to get most farmers out of farming and to impose a

Space Technology, Global Warfare, The Pentagon “First Strike Attack Plans”. Growing US Military Presence in “Asia-Pacific Pivot” By , September 30 2017

First published in February 2017

My name is Bruce Gagnon and I work for the Global Network Against Weaspons & Nuclear Power in Space – this is our 25th year of operation.  I specialize on space technology and the missiles

Expanding Horizons Key to BRICS’ Second Golden Decade By , September 29 2017

The first BRICS foreign ministers’ meeting was convened in September 2006, which marked the foundation of the BRICS mechanism. In the 10 years since then, BRICS has become an important international economic bloc representing some of the world’s key emerging

There Is No Rehabilitating the Vietnam War By , September 27 2017
The Vietnam War is beyond redemption and must be remembered and condemned for the calamity that it was. The Vietnam War was “one of the greatest American foreign policy disasters of the 20th century.”
North Korea versus the United States: Who are the Demons? North Korea Lost 30% of Its Population as a Result of US Bombings in the 1950s By , September 25 2017

This article was first published in December 2011. Does the DPRK constitute a security threat to the USA?

The American people should, in the words of Vietnam War Veteran Brian Willson  “place themselves in the position of people living in

The Demise of Civic Journalism: Australia’s Xenophon-Turnbull Deal By , September 20 2017

Featured image: Senator Nick Xenophon (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

It was never spectacular, but the Australian media scape is set to become duller, more contained, and more controlled with changes to the Broadcasting Services Act.  In an environment strewn with

Video: Taliban Attacks NATO Convoy By , September 17 2017

On Friday, a Taliban suicide bomber driving a car bomb slammed into a convoy of NATO forces near Kandahar Airbase in Trank Pul area of Kandahar province.

Kandahar provincial governor spokesperson, Fazal Bari Baryalai, said the attack “totally destroyed” …

India: Has Demonetization Achieved its Stated Objectives? By , September 13 2017

On August 30, 2017, the Reserve Bank of India released its Annual Report for 2016-17 which revealed that 98.8 percent of scrapped currency notes has come back into the Indian banking system. This mind-blowing statistics has put a serious question

Energy Chaos in Australia: Closing the Liddell Power Station By , September 13 2017

Australia is having an energy crisis. A country with such abundant resources is incapable it seems, of handling matters of reliable supply, either in terms of affordability, or in terms of delivery. The situation has been further muddied by the

GM Mustard and the Indian Government: The Game Is up, the Emperor Has No Clothes! By , September 12 2017

The next stage of the case involving the commercialisation of genetically modified (GM) mustard in India is to be heard on 15 September in the Supreme Court (SC). GM mustard could be India’s first commercially cultivated GM food crop, which

Foreign Capital Dictates India’s Development Agenda: Cultural Imperialism and the Seeds of Catastrophe, Ripping Up India’s Social Fabric By , September 11 2017

Foreign capital is dictating the prevailing development agenda in India. The aim is to replace current structures with a system of industrial agriculture suited to the needs of Western agribusiness, food processing and retail concerns (see this). The plan

“Indian Holocaust” and Climate Genocide, Famine and Mass Poverty in Neoliberal India By , September 10 2017

Instead of unvarnished truth-telling crucial for global risk management in the face of existential nuclear, poverty and climate threats, humanity is fed fake news through lies of omission and commission by the Mainstream Yellow Press and effective free speech is

Trading Oil for Gold: China’s Gold-Backed Petro-Yuan Market, Threatens the US Dollar? By , September 08 2017

China recently announced they will trade oil for yuan “backed” by gold. The story has gotten some press (none of it mainstream mind you), and many have questions as to what it really means. While quite complicated as a

China’s Cutback in Coal Mining: 2.3 Million New Jobs Required by 2020 By and , September 08 2017

Managing the decline of coal dependent cities will be a tricky balancing act for the government.

Between 2008 and 2010 the government identified 69 “resource depleted cities” of which 19 – more than one quarter – are in the northeastern

US Sponsored “Regime Change” in Cambodia? Opposition Leader Bragged About US-backed Sedition By , September 08 2017

Featured image: Cambodian opposition leader Kem Sokha (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Cambodian opposition leader Kem Sokha was recently arrested on charges of treason. While the Western media has attempted to portray the charges as politically motivated, Sokha’s treason is

We Don’t Want War in Korea! By , September 07 2017

I’ve maintained for some time that the US aggressive attitude toward North Korea is a foil – a way to increase tensions in the region in order to pump-up the fear and allow the Pentagon to increase its military encirclement

Gold Trade Between Russia and China – A Step Closer Towards De-Dollarization? By and , September 07 2017

The largest Russian bank Sberbank is planning to increase the supply of gold to China up to 10-15 tons in 2018, the head of Sberbank CIB, the bank’s investment department, told Sputnik.

“In July, our subsidiary bank in Switzerland started

Video: China’s New World Order: Gold-backed Oil Benchmark on the Way By , September 07 2017

China has announced a “new world order” for world oil markets that could have profound effects on the global economy and the monetary order itself.

But as The Shanghai International Energy Exchange gears up for operation, it’s important to note

Myanmar: The Rohingya, Saudi Backed ISIS Militants, Aung San Suu Kyi is a US Proxy By , September 06 2017

The unfolding crisis in Southeast Asia’s state of Myanmar has confounded many geopolitical analysts due to its complex history and the intentionally deceptive and now contradictory coverage provided by the Western media.

The current government of Myanmar is headed by

Cocaine, Heroin, Cannabis, Ecstasy: How Big is the Global Drug Trade? By , September 06 2017

Of relevance to the current debate on Heroin addiction in the USA.

Narcotics is big business.

90 percent of the heroin consumed in the US comes from Afghanistan

This Graphic was first published by GR in May 2014

Drug Trade

Trump Continues Failed Military Policy in South Central Asia By , September 06 2017

Badly damaged from the political fallout surrounding President Donald Trump’s posture towards white nationalists and neo-fascists, the forty-fifth head-of-state has now shifted his focus toward war policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

With the 16th anniversary of the United States …

Proposal for a Lasting Korea Peace Agreement: Signing of a Bilateral North-South Korea Peace Treaty By , September 05 2017
What should be envisaged is the signing of a bilateral Entente between the DPRK and the ROK, with a view to establishing Peace on the Korean Peninsula. The “state of war” --which prevails under the armistice agreement-- should be “side-tracked” by the signing of a comprehensive bilateral North-South peace agreement, coupled with cooperation, trade and interchange.
The Rohingya of Myanmar – Pawns in an Anglo-Chinese Proxy War Fought by Saudi Jihadists By , September 05 2017

Media attention is directed to some minor ethnic violence in Myanmar, the former Burma. The story in the “western” press is of Muslim Rohingya unfairly vilified, chased out and killed by  Buddhist mobs and the army in the state of

The Need for US-North Korea Peace Talks: Jimmy Carter. “They Want a Peace Treaty to Replace the [1953] Ceasefire” By , September 05 2017

The harsh rhetoric from Washington and Pyongyang during recent months has exacerbated an already confrontational relationship between our countries, and has probably eliminated any chance of good faith peace talks between the United States and North Korea. In addition to

Lacking Transparency: Israeli Drones and Australian Defence By , September 05 2017

Featured image: Marise Payne (Source: Financial Review)

“Give us the chance to compete, to see our capabilities, to compare, to see the benefit we can bring with our [drone] system.” – Shaul Shahar, Israel Aerospace Industries Vice-President, March 2,

Myanmar Regime Projects Rohingyas as Terrorist “Jihadists” By , September 01 2017

The Rohingyas – or at least some Rohingyas – are now being projected as terrorists, as “Jihadists” out to kill Myanmar soldiers and civilians. Myanmar leaders including Aung San SuuKyi have spoken along these lines.

This view of the Rohingyas …

Facts of the Korean War: UN Security Council, Instrument of US led Wars, Blatantly Biased Against North Korea By , September 01 2017
“The illegal resolution of 27 June, 1950, adopted by the Security Council under pressure from the US shows that the Security Council is acting not as a body which is charged with the maintenance of peace, but as a tool utilized by ruling circles of the US for the unleashing of war
From A Concept to A Partnership: BRICS Members to Build Future Through Cooperation By , August 29 2017

The world is now casting its eyes on Xiamen, the coastal city in China’s Fujian Province, as it will host the ninth BRICS Summit themed “deepening the BRICS partnership and opening up a brighter future” in early September.

“BRICS”, since …

Video: Afghanistan – Where Empires Die By and , August 27 2017

Nedka Babliku sits down with Adam Garrie to discuss the true meaning of Trump’s surge in Afghanistan.

Digital Divides: Where Empires Die




This video was published by Digital Divides.

BRICS and the Fiction of “De-Dollarization” By , August 27 2017
The BRICS Development Bank (NDB) & its Contingency Reserve Arrangement (CRA) are dollar denominated entities. Unless they are coupled with a multi-currency system of trade & credit, they do not threaten dollar hegemony.
US Threatens Pakistan as Part of New Afghan War Drive. Islamabad Seeks Beijing’s Support By , August 24 2017

US government officials have begun to spell out the meaning of Trump’s threat to punish Pakistan if it does not suppress Afghan insurgents operating from its border regions. These punishments include not just cuts to aid and payments for services

Soil, Monsanto and the Agribusiness Giants: Conning the World with Snake Oil and Doughnuts By , August 24 2017

In their rush to readily promote neoliberal dogma and corporate-inspired PR, many government officials, scientists and journalists take as given that profit-driven transnational corporations have a legitimate claim to be custodians of natural assets. There is the premise that water,

The Rise of the Killer Robot By , August 24 2017

“As companies building the technologies in artificial intelligence and robotics that may be repurposed to develop autonomous weapons, we feel especially responsible in raising this alarm.” – Open Letter to the UN on Autonomous technology, August 2017, Melbourne

Do you

BRICS: Turning Point to the New World Economic System, China’s Crucial Role By and , August 23 2017

Interview of China’s People’s Daily with renowned author and former foreign minister of Yugoslavia Zivadin Jovanović

As the host of this summit, what new elements can China bring to the BRICS?

ZJ: First of all, it is natural that China, …

Blackwater Founder Seeks Privatization of Afghan War By , August 23 2017

Featured image: Drug production rates in Afghanistan have been skyrocketing every since Washington invaded that country.

In an interview titled, “Blackwater Founder Backs Outsourcing Afghan War-Fighting to Contractors,” Prince would defend his proposal for the creation of an

Black Alliance for Peace Calls on the U.S. to End Its War in Afghanistan By , August 23 2017

With the announcement that the Trump administration concluded its analysis of the war in Afghanistan, the administration had an opportunity to announce a sensible solution to the longest war in U.S. history by calling on all parties to the conflict

Court Affirms Right to Sue U.S. Military: Endangered Okinawa “Dugongs”, Ancient Cultural Icons By , August 22 2017

SAN FRANCISCO— The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals today affirmed the right of American and Japanese conservation groups and Okinawan citizens to sue to compel the U.S. military to fully consider the impacts of a new U.S. military base

North Korea Is Not the Provocateur By , August 16 2017

As each day passes, a major conflict between the United States and North Korea looks increasingly likely. The ratcheting-up of tensions between Washington and Pyongyang is being perpetuated by a corporate media that is reinforcing the myth that North Korea

North Korea: Achievements in Health and Education By , August 16 2017
North Korea's "health system is the envy of the developing world" according to the World Health Organization: WHO director-general Margaret Chan said the country had "no lack of doctors and nurses"
Setback of “Green Conscience”: The Australian Recycling Sham By , August 13 2017

The green conscience received a setback last week with revelations that the Australian recycling industry is not what it seems. The middle class sensibility here is simple and dismissive: bin it and forget about it. Place the sorted items in

China’s Economy Shows Strong Resilience By , August 13 2017

China’s better-than-expected economic performance in the first half of this year was applauded by overseas organizations who believe that China will continue to be a stabilizer of the global economy. Analysts pointed out that China’s satisfactory answer sheet on the

Australia’s Refugee Transit Centre on Manus Island: The Fate of Hamed Shamshiripour By , August 13 2017

Featured image: Iranian asylum seeker Hamed Shamshiripour was found dead on Manus Island on 7 August, 2017. (Source:

“The only responsible and humane thing for our government to do is immediately evacuate every single man on Manus, every

Nepal: Women’s Art and Politics By , August 12 2017

Featured image: Nepal Limbu worker

Aama disappears into the darkened house to light the fire. Flames ignite from hot coals stirred out of the ash and Aama eases a pot of kodo onto the rock grill. Neither an announcement nor

Borneo- Kalimantan: A Frontline For Survival of Our Planet By , August 12 2017

Writer, journalist and filmmaker Andre Vltchek granted an interview to Investig’Action to talk about his latest project: a documentary about Borneo (or Kalimantan in Indonesian), a giant island shared by three countries. After witnessing the catastrophic environmental destruction brought

North Korea: Killer Sanctions Imposed by the Foremost Institution of Peace and Justice, The UN Security Council By , August 10 2017

As reported by CNN, “The United Nations Security Council on Saturday [5 August 2017] passed a resolution imposing new sanctions on North Korea for its continued intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) testing and violations of UN resolutions.

With 15 votes in

Geography 101: “Get Trump an Atlas”. Trump Wants to Bomb North Korea With Nuclear Weapons. Where is the Target Country? By , August 10 2017
What about Donald Trump who has his thumb on the nuclear button. What is his knowledge of geography. “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”. Martin Luther King Jr.
Afghanistan: Why Counterterrorism Combat Has Failed By , August 09 2017

For a moment, we will cast aside the important topics as to how terrorists are financed or the doctrine and ideology orienting gullible individuals towards terrorism and study further the root causes that form the primary grounds for promotion of

Narmada Valley: Indian Authorities Accused of ‘Drowning the Homes of 40,000 Families’ By , August 09 2017

Featured image: Villagers protest about the closing of floodgates. Photograph, courtesy of the NBA movement.

International support is today pouring in for the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) movement defending the interests of the people affected by several big dams in

Hiroshima: A “Military Base” according to President Harry Truman By , August 05 2017
“The World will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians..”(President Harry S. Truman in a radio speech to the Nation, August 9, 1945).
Sanctions and Threats against North Korea. “All Options are on the Table” By , August 04 2017
Between 3 to 4 million Koreans died during the U.S. invasion between 1950-1953. Every town in North Korea was reduced to ashes, as a result of saturation bombing, napalm and germ warfare.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Gratuitous Mass Murder, Nuclear War, “A Lunatic Act” By , August 04 2017

First published on August 6, 2015

The atomic age began on August 6, 1945 in real time – after its July 16 pre-dawn open-air birth in successful Alamogordo, NM testing.

At the time, perhaps prophetically General Thomas Farrell said “(w)e …

Historic Shift in Geopolitical Alignments: India and Pakistan Join Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) By , August 01 2017
While the SCO is not officially a “military alliance”, it nonetheless serves as a geopolitical and strategic “counterweight” to US-NATO and its allies. It also plays a significant role in the development of Eurasian trade, e.g. China’s Belt and Road initiative, oil and gas pipeline corridors, etc.
Fukushima, Tell the Japanese Government: Don’t Dump Radioactive Nuclear Waste into the Ocean! By , July 30 2017

The Fukushima disaster keeps unfolding. 

Tens of thousands of lives lost. Hundreds of thousands evacuated from their homes. An environment devastated by radiation — and now, TEPCO wants to dump hundreds of thousands of tonnes of radioactive water into the

Japan Plans to Expose Its People and 2020 Tokyo Olympians to Fukushima Radiation By , July 20 2017

Featured image: Contaminated earth storage area within the Iitate Village evacuated zone, December 2014. Photo: Eric Schultz / EELV Fukushima via Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA).

Former nuclear industry senior vice president Arnie Gundersen, who managed and coordinated projects at 70

The Logic in North Korean ‘Madness’ By , July 18 2017

Despite the rhetoric from the Trump administration about military confrontation with North Korea, the common theme of many U.S. experts on North Korea is that the U.S. presidential administration must conduct a dialogue with North Korea — and quickly. Military

US-Linked Terrorism in Southeast Asia. Where US Interests are Threatened, ISIS Coincidentally Appears… By , July 18 2017

Where US interests are threatened, ISIS coincidentally appears, threatening those standing in the way. What is behind this increasingly transparent pattern of geopolitical coercion? 

As protracted warfare continues in southern Philippines between government forces and militants linked to the so-called …

Japan’s Legacy of War Crimes in China By , July 18 2017

During World War II, Japan’s imperialist military invaded Northeast China and afterward spread throughout Southeast Asia, then on to an ill-fated attack on Pearl Harbor. Japanese crimes were many during the war and included the coerced services of ianfu (comfort

In India, Ditching Science for Corporate Inspired Spin in Push for Genetically Modified Mustard By , July 12 2017

The case surrounding the approval of genetically modified (GM) mustard in India is coming to a head on the back of the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) recommending approval. The final decision now rests with Harsh Vardhan, minister of

Sino/Russia Ties: World’s Most Important Strategic Partnership By , July 05 2017

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

On July 4, Putin and Xi Jinping concluded two days of informal and formal talks in Moscow – above all else, affirming the vitally important relationship

“The Push for GM Mustard Is Coming From the Commercial Food Industry, Not From the Kitchens of Ordinary Indian Homes” By , July 02 2017

As the Indian government considers approving the commercial cultivation of GM mustard, the Hindu reports that an alliance of biologists and activists have warned that such a move would be ill-advised.

A threat to seed diversity

Kavitha Kuruganti, convener …

Future Shock: Imagining India By , June 26 2017

What might a future India look like? If current policies continue, it could mean dozens of mega-cities with up to 40 million inhabitants and just two to three hundred million (perhaps 15-20% of the population) left in an emptied-out countryside

Mahatma Gandhi, We Need Your Voice Today! By , June 19 2017

If humans are ever to achieve a stable global society in the future, they will have to become much more modest in their economic behavior and much more peaceful in their politics. For both modesty and peace, Gandhi is a

Dreams of Detention By , June 09 2017

Detention comes in various forms, and all have a basic premise: the removal of liberty of the subject, the presence of permanent control and surveillance, the utter reduction of rights to life to obligations to the state.

The suggestion of …

Political Transition in the Republic of Korea, Sunshine 2.0, Demilitarization and the Peace Process By , June 09 2017
Ms. Park's government (actively supported by Washington) although impeached on corruption and bribery charges, was in many regards intent upon restoring the authoritarian political practices of a foregone era including the arrest of opposition politicians and labor leaders.
The Betrayal of India: A Close Look at the 2008 Mumbai Terror Attacks By , June 07 2017

These days we rush from one media story to another, trying to keep up with the latest terrorist attack. Yesterday Paris; today London; tomorrow, who knows? These attacks are tragic enough when they are acts of violence by religious extremists

China’s Belt and Road Initiative Contributes to Open, “Win-Win New World”. President Xi Jinping By , May 16 2017

The ongoing Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation will make future-oriented plans for cooperation and push forward the construction of the routes on a new starting point, said a commentary published by People’s Daily on Sunday, the same day

The 1989 Tiananmen Square “Massacre”. What Happened? By , May 09 2017

“Tiananmen Square “Massacre”? The Power of Words vs. Silent Evidence“, an e-book by Australian-based author Wei Ling Chua

Wei Ling Chua’s E-book can be  downloaded here.

Excerpt from Kim Petersen’s book review:

“Chua has pulled together the

The Universal Lesson of East Timor By , May 08 2017

Filming undercover in East Timor in 1993 I followed a landscape of crosses: great black crosses etched against the sky, crosses on peaks, crosses marching down the hillsides, crosses beside the road. They littered the earth and crowded the eye.

Japan Seeks to Restore Its National Sovereignty. Japan-Russia Relations By , May 02 2017

While the new resident of the White House has been acquiring a taste for military adventures overseas, the prime minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, visited Moscow last Thursday for his 17th talk with Vladimir Putin. But of

Responsible Actions Needed to Ensure Peace on the Korean Peninsula By , May 01 2017

Given the continued escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula over the past months, all concerned parties should implement the resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council in a more strict manner and return to peaceful negotiations, the People’s Daily

How Pollution in Europe is Creating Ghost Towns in India By , May 01 2017

Pollution in Europe has contributed to one of the worst droughts in India which has destroyed the lives of more than 130 million people, according to a new study. Researchers believe manufactured aerosols are to blame for the weakening

Korea: Leading to War? By , May 01 2017

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is deeply concerned that escalating tensions between North Korea and the United States of America could lead to war. This view was expressed at the end of the 30th ASEAN Leaders’ Summit

Petrodollar Faces Growing Threat From the East. Payments in Gold Across Asia By , May 01 2017

While the recent raft of Sino-Saudi trade agreements benefited Chinese soft power in protecting Xinjiang, and the Saudis by diversifying their economy, China’s slow intertwining with Saudi Arabia complements the Sino-Russian alliance. Primarily, its benefits could lead to a realistic

The Threat of Nuclear War, North Korea or the United States? By , April 28 2017
While the Western media portrays North Korea's nuclear weapons program as a threat to Global Security, it fails to acknowledge that the US has being threatening North Korea with a nuclear attack for more than half a century.