Global Research Asia News

China’s Prototype Space Station Tiangong-1 By , April 05 2018

Featured image: Model of the Tiangong Space Lab and Shenzhou manned spacecraft. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The precipitous demise of China’s prototype space station, Tiangong-1, was the sort of event that took earthbound discussions to more heavenly matters.  Human beings, as

Sri Lanka, Independent Republic to Vassal State By , April 05 2018

The question repeatedly asked of me, a major preoccupation of all patriotic Sri Lankans, is how implementation of the Human Rights Council (HRC) Resolution 30/1 will affect Sri Lanka’s future and whether it will affect the country’s sovereignty.

Let’s be …

Australia’s Kangaroo “Love-Hate Relationship”: The Kangaroo Industry Debate By , April 05 2018

Mass killings, massacres and general culling; butchering made normal, sanctified by State practice, and the scientific establishment.  This is the killing of Australia’s national symbol, reviled and idealised in various measures, but generally considered, from those away from urban centres,

“Hey Hey General Mackymacker, Ho, Ho Mr. Lovitt:” Woody Guthrie’s Forgotten Dissent From the Atomic Bomb to the Korean War By , April 05 2018

Featured imag: Woody with guitar labeled “this machine kills fascists”, 1943.

Woody Guthrie is an American icon best known for his 1940 song “This Land is Your Land” which has been sung in countless classrooms, political conventions, demonstrations,

The Temptations of Ball Tampering: Steve Smith’s Australian Team in South Africa By , March 25 2018

There was an audacity about it, carried out with amateurish callowness.  As it turned out Australian batsman Cameron Bancroft, besieged and vulnerable, had been egged on by Australian cricket captain Steve Smith and the Australian leadership to do the insufferable:

“Codependency” to Conflict? Fragile US-China Economic Relationship By , March 24 2018

The world’s most important economic relationship is in serious trouble. Long drawn together by the mutual benefits of codependency—an export-led China relying on U.S. demand and a saving-short United States in need of low-cost Chinese imports and surplus foreign capital—the

Inequality and Precarity in Japan: The Sorry Achievements of Abenomics By and , March 23 2018

Translated and introduced by Sachie Mizohata

Japan was known as the home of a strong middle-class in the affluent 1980s, the fruits of its prosperous economy distributed more equitably than in many comparable high-income countries. Yet strictly speaking, contrary to

Racial Preferences: Peter Dutton and White South African Farmers By , March 23 2018

It has been the great misfit Australian policy since the 1990s: a refugee and immigration policy that shows itself to be scrupulously fair, calculable and clean.  Nothing shall be permitted to sully this presumption. Even as refugees and asylum seekers

Sri Lanka’s Religious Violence and the US Pivot to Asia By , March 23 2018

Recent inter-communal riots in Sri Lanka have highlighted the problem of religious extremism, particularly among Asia’s Buddhist population. But the Buddhist nationalist point of view has been largely ignored in favour of a discourse which demonises Buddhists as aggressors

India: Violations of the Right to Food and Work Rampant Across the Country, Made Worse by Aadhaar By , March 20 2018

Today people from 14 states testified about their situation of hunger and unemployment in a national public hearing at the Gandhi Peace Foundation, organised by the Right to Food Campaign. These testimonies were heard by a panel comprising of activists,

The Government of India Hired Foreign Corporations to Act as ‘Biometric Service Providers”: Role of CIA in the Aadhaar Database Exposed in Supreme Court By , March 17 2018

Last year we at GreatGameIndia had exposed how spies of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States of America had access to the Aadhaar database through a CIA front company Crossmatch contracted by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)

Marco Polo in Reverse: How Italy Fits in the New Silk Roads By , March 17 2018

Featured image: Italian engineers plan an offshore facility to take cargo from large ships from China for relay to an onshore facility and transported to destinations around Europe. Photo: Venice Offshore Port website

The Chinese economy is bound to surpass

The Myth of a Neo-Imperial China By , March 16 2018

The geopolitical focus of the still young 21st century spans the Indian Ocean from the Persian Gulf all the way to the South China Sea alongside the spectrum from Southwest Asia to Central Asia and China.

That happens to …

Fukushima Radiation Levels 100 Times Higher Than Normal, Greenpeace Warns By , March 13 2018

Seven years after a 9.1-magnitude earthquake and the resulting tsunami triggered the catastrophic disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the people, towns and villages in the surrounding area are still being exposed to excessive levels of radiation, according

Fukushima Radiation Risks to Last Into Next Century: Greenpeace Investigation By , March 13 2018

Featured image: Iitate, Fukushima prefecture. Greenpeace radiation specialist Jan Vande Putte from Belgium doing road scanning in Iitate region, Fukushima prefecture. (Source: Christian Åslund / Greenpeace)

The area, northwest of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, was heavily exposed to

China’s “Xi Silk Road” Is Here to Stay By , March 13 2018

It took only two sentences for Xinhua to make the historical announcement; the Central Committee of the CCCP “proposed to remove the expression that ‘the president and vice-president of the People’s Republic of China shall serve no more than two

India: Historic Victory for Farmers of Maharashtra By , March 13 2018

The farmers in Maharashtra won a historic victory after 50,000 farmers threatened to siege the state assembly. The Devendra Fadnavis government of Maharashtra has agreed to the demands of protesting farmers.

A committee has been set up, which will consider …

Malaysia: Banks Collude with Speculators to Force House Sales By , March 12 2018

Banks are using a fast-track procedure to repossess and sell houses of poorer Malaysians who fall behind with mortgage repayments. The Malaysian Socialist Party (PSM) demands an investigation. Many of the victims are former urban poor, rehoused 10 years ago

Fake News Storm Clouds Gather Over Southeast Asia By , March 10 2018

From Cambodia to Thailand American and European media companies have launched a campaign of disinformation aimed at reversing Washington’s waning influence in the region vis-à-vis not only Beijing, but the growing strength of nations the US and Europe once saw

Offshoring Indian Agriculture: Is India Becoming a GMO Trash Can? By , March 10 2018

The regulatory system for GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in India is in tatters. So said the Coalition for a GMFree India (CGMFI) in 2017 after media reports about the illegal cultivation of GM soybean in the country.

In India, five …

Bullied Relations: Australia, East Timor and Natural Resources By , March 08 2018

“The Commission instead opted for the easiest way out, which is a shame as in my perception it reveals a lack of impartiality on your behalf!”- Chief East Timorese negotiator, Xanana Gusmão, Feb 28, 2018

In the scheme of

Art and Politics in Australia By , March 08 2018

Art and politics mix, often poorly.  Artists are sometimes the hoodwinked emissaries of the latter, sponsored, enlisted and marshalled by the state and corporate entities.  Self-proclaimed radical artists can become compliant, or at the very least mute cogs, aware of

The Rs 1.4 Trillion Plan to Destroy India’s Agriculture By , March 07 2018
India is swiftly changing its policy of self-reliance in food production. Despite claiming a bumper production in recent years, the government has encouraged import of agricultural produces. More importantly, it has allowed import of cereals like wheat, maize and non-basmati rice.
Is China Neoliberal? By , March 06 2018

On 2 March, the Real News interviewed Steve Cohn, author of Competing Economic Paradigms in China (Routledge, 2017). Host Sharmini Peries began by asking:

Professor Cohn, in your book you analyze the transition of the Chinese economy from Maoist

Weaponising Rumour: Australia’s New Political Sensitivity By , March 04 2018

The hide of Australia’s political classes has been worn.  Some members, admittedly, never had one. With tiptoeing around language ravaging, and in some cases savaging discussion, pondering policy has become nigh impossible.  What matters after the Barnaby Joyce affair is

The Constitution, Human Rights and Pluralism in Japan: Alternative Visions of Constitutions Past and Future By , March 04 2018

Recent moves by the Abe administration to change the Japanese constitution may result in the most fundamental change to Japanese political life since the 1940s. Although there has been widespread debate on the possible revision of Article 9 – the

“Sexual Despotism” in Australia: Malcolm Turnbull’s “Bonking Ban” for Politicians By , February 26 2018

It’s all the rage at the moment, stirring the halls of power in certain countries, and satisfying some sense of puritanical virtue.  Bonking is off the cards for politicians – at least in certain contexts, and some states. 

In Australia,

Civil Society in Australia and New Zealand Decries FSANZ Approval of GM “Golden Rice” By , February 26 2018

The recent release of Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) approval report of International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) application for a Golden Rice ‘safety stamp’ and trade liability clearance have garnered negative reactions and widespread critique.

Testbiotech, a non-profit …

China’s Strategy to Tackle the Environmental Crisis. The East Is Green? By , February 26 2018

China’s rapid economic expansion is based on massive state investment, low pay and manufacturing for export to the Western economies at the same time as the promotion of domestic consumerism. Global competition for resources and markets means China must continue

Maldives Political Crisis Deepens By , February 25 2018

Featured image: Maldives President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom

The ongoing political crisis in the Maldives has thrown into sharp relief that the strategically-located Indian Ocean archipelago has become a focal point of the increasingly explosive geopolitical competition between India and

Senator George Brandis, the Rule of Law and Populism in Australia By , February 15 2018

Nothing stimulates frankness like an imminent departure from politics.  From the deceptions, dissimulations and general obtuseness offered by the political craft, a person appointed to a diplomatic position can be reassured to lie in a different way.   Mendacity is less

What Does China’s ‘Ecological Civilization’ Mean for Humanity’s Future? By , February 11 2018

Imagine a newly elected president of the United States calling in his inaugural speech for an “ecological civilization” that ensures “harmony between human and nature.” Now imagine he goes on to declare that “we, as human beings, must respect nature,

U.S. Marine Corps Sexual Violence on Okinawa By , February 11 2018


As revelations of sexual assaults and harassment roil the worlds of politics, sports and entertainment, one institution has largely escaped media and public scrutiny: the U.S. military.1

According to the Department of Defense’s most recent report, in 2016 …

The Igorots, the Indigenous Peoples of the Northern Philippines Under the Faces of State Terrorism and Tyranny By , February 11 2018

“In these trying times, we must rise against the storm as a people. We must not allow our children and the people to be fed with injustice or clothed with fear…,” Windel Bolinget, an Igorot leader from the

Fabricated Reality: Lobbying for GMO Agriculture in India By , February 10 2018

Featured image: Richard John Roberts

Richard John Roberts is a prominent biochemist and molecular biologist. On his recent visits to India, he has talked about the supposed virtues of genetically modified (GM) food and crops, while attacking people who have

“Save the Town”: Radioactive Contamination, The Insolvable Dilemmas of Fukushima’s “Return Policy” By , , and , February 09 2018

Featured image: Baba Tamotsu


The town of Namie is the largest in both area and population among eight towns and villages within Futaba Country in Fukushima Prefecture. At the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011

Imagine What Would Happen if China Decided to Impose Economic Sanctions on the USA? By , February 09 2018
In formulating these veiled threats, the Trump administration should think twice. These measures would inevitably backlash on the U.S. economy. China is not dependent on US imports. Quite the opposite. America is an import led economy with a weak manufacturing base, heavily dependent on imports from the PRC.
A Well-Kept Open Secret: Washington Is Behind India’s Brutal Demonetization Project By , January 28 2018
Who are the institutions behind this decisive attack on cash? According to USAID: “Over 35 key Indian, American and international organizations have partnered with the Ministry of Finance and USAID on this initiative.”
Global Capitalism and Livelihoods Denied: Whipping India’s Farmers into Submission By , January 23 2018

In India, there is a push to drive people from the countryside into cities. The mainstream narrative implies that urbanisation is natural in the evolution of societies and constitutes progress. The World Bank wants India to relocate 400 million people

Locked-Up for Reading: Young Leftists in China Speak Out By and , January 22 2018

This article was first published by:

闯 Chuǎng: The image of a horse breaking through a gate. Meaning: To break free; To attack, charge; To break through, force one’s way in or out; To act impetuously. 闯关 (chuǎngguān): to run

From Nanjing to Okinawa – Two Massacres, Two Commanders By , January 22 2018

In her articles published in the Ryukyu Shimpo on 4 and 31 December, Satoko Oka Norimatsu reminds us of three important things. First, of the meaningfulness of formally remembering lessons learned from significant historical events that occurred outside the bounds

U.S. Military Base Construction at Henoko-Oura Bay and the Okinawan Governor’s Strategy to Stop It By and , January 22 2018


The Asia-Pacific Journal – Japan Focus is pleased to present Hideki Yoshikawa’s account of recent developments in the ongoing (20-year) contest between the people and government of Okinawa and the governments of the United States and Japan.

Readers …

MLK Day: Court Decision, U.S. “Government Agencies” Found Guilty in Martin Luther King’s Assassination By , January 13 2018
After four weeks of testimony and over 70 witnesses in a civil trial in Memphis, Tennessee, twelve jurors reached a unanimous verdict on December 8, 1999 that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.
Fukushima Darkness: Radiation of Triple Meltdowns Felt Worldwide By , January 12 2018

The radiation effects of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant triple meltdowns are felt worldwide, whether lodged in sea life or in humans, it cumulates over time. The impact is now slowly grinding away only to show its true colors

Opening India’s Economy to Corporate America: “Retail Apocalypse” to Save the American Dream? By , January 11 2018

Recently the Indian Cabinet approved key changes in India’s foreign direct investment (FDI) policy by allowing 100 percent FDI (from current 49%) under automatic route for single brand retail trading and construction development paving the way for global players. During

China’s Pivot to World Markets, Washington’s Pivot to World Wars… By , January 11 2018
China and the US are moving in polar opposite directions: Beijing is rapidly becoming the center of overseas investments in high tech industries, In contrast, Washington is pursuing a predatory military pivot to the least productive regions with collaboration from its most barbaric allies, like Saudi Arabia.
To Liberate Cambodia By , January 10 2018

A long-standing French protectorate briefly occupied by Japan during World War II, Cambodia became independent in 1953 as the French finally withdrew from Indochina. Under the leadership of Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodia remained officially neutral, including during the subsequent

North Korea and a “Rules-Based Order” for the Indo-Pacific, East Asia, and the World By , January 09 2018

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop declared in September 2017 that the emerging US-India-Japan-Australia Indo-Pacific “quadrilateral dialogue” would be founded on “respect for international law and the rules-based order.”1 The reassurance was welcome, but it will mean some big changes,

Protecting China’s Belt and Road Initiative from US-Led Terrorism By , January 09 2018

An interesting theme concerning Syria is the involvement of the People’s Republic of China in the conflict. While China’s diplomatic and economic assistance has been constant, its military contribution to Syria is less known. It is important for China and

Nepal: Communists Win Parliamentary Elections by a Landslide, Celebrations in Katmandu By , January 09 2018

The Communist Party Nepal (Unified Marxist Leninist UML) won 80 seats under FPTP while their Left Front partner CPN (Maoist Center) won 36 seats. The ruling Nepali Congress (NC) could gain only 23 seats. The Communists won 116 seats out

Flaunting British Neo-Imperialism in Asia-Pacific By , January 09 2018

For over a century, the British Empire exerted control over Asia-Pacific, outright colonising India, Burma, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia while influencing and encroaching upon greater China, Siam and beyond.

It exploited the people and natural resources of the …

China’s Tibet Health Success versus Passive Mass Murder of Afghan Women and Children by US Alliance By , January 07 2018

The most fundamental human right is the right to life. While legitimately criticized for the one party state, the death penalty, censorship, urban air pollution and harsh treatment of dissidents, China has been hugely successful in radically reducing infant mortality

American Polynesia, Rising Seas and Relocation By , January 06 2018

In the next 30 to 50 years, rising sea levels caused by global warming will subsume low-lying islands in the Pacific Ocean. Inhabitants will have to relocate, but there are few choices. Among nations (with the exception of Fiji and

The Strategies of Global Warfare: War with China and Russia? Washington’s Military Design in the Asia-Pacific By , December 29 2017
Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
More American Troops to Afghanistan, To Keep the Chinese Out? Lithium and the Battle for Afghanistan’s Mineral Riches By , December 28 2017
Trump calls for escalation of the war in Afghanistan. Why? Is he going after the bad guys, or is it something else? Afghanistan has significant oil, natural gas and strategic raw material resources, not to mention opium, a multibillion dollar industry which feeds America's illegal heroin market.
China Shifts Course, Is A Global Financial Crisis Brewing? By , December 28 2017

First published by GR on October 29, 2017

The past year the US and global ‘real’ economies have enjoyed a moderate recovery. Much of that has been due to China stimulating its economy to ensure real growth in anticipation of

South Korea: The Movement to RELEASE All Prisoners of Conscience! By , December 28 2017

Ahn Jin-geol, the Secretary General of People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, participated in the “Companion”, the walking march for the release of all prisoners of conscience in Korea. He said he had a heavy heart and was sick at heart

The Quad: US Searches Edge of Asia for Allies to Contain Beijing By , December 28 2017

There has been a recent buzz promoted around the so-called Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) – a coalition of sorts counting the United States, India, Australia, and Japan as members. Promoted by familiar corporate-financier funded policy think thanks, the Quad is

Communists Sweep the Nepali Elections, a Blow to the Establishment Parties By , December 19 2017

You might as well imagine a large red flag fluttering from the summit of Mount Everest. That’s what the outcome of the parliamentary and provincial elections in Nepal suggests. The Communists have won both decisively. In the parliament, the Communist

The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases By , December 16 2017
The Global Deployment of US Military Personnel
Peaceful Protest against the Joint US-Australia Pine Gap “Spy Hub”: The Fate of the “Pine Gap Pilgrims” Activists By , December 09 2017

It barely registered a murmur across the Australian press, though it caused the traditional ripples over the protester fraternity.  Christian activists, collectively known as the Pine Gap Pilgrims, had received sentences pursuant to the Defence (Special Undertakings) Act 1952 (Cth),

“Counterterrorism” in Mindanao: The ISIS Helps the U.S. Keep its “Military Foot” in the Philippines’ Door By , December 07 2017

Current US ambassador to the Philippines, Sung Kim, recently congratulated the Philippines’ armed forces and the US military for their successful completion of KAMANDAG, a joint military exercise held for the first time this year.

The US embassy in …

Long Hours and Unequal Wage Gaps in Japan: Abe Shinzō’s Campaign to Reform the Japanese “Way of Work” By , and , December 03 2017

Prime Minister Abe Shinzō has made Work Style Reform (hatarakikata kaikaku) part of his core policy agenda, promising above all to remedy the Japanese way of work’s two greatest problems: dangerously long work hours and grossly unequal wage gaps between

Margaret Mead: Where Are You Now? By , December 01 2017

Featured image: Margaret Mead

“I have spent most of my life studying the lives of other peoples — faraway peoples — so that Americans might better understand themselves.” Margaret Mead.

The famed anthropologist’s insights were in demand during the

Revolutionary Activist Shakti Yogmaya in Nepal’s Grade Ten Schoolbooks! By , November 24 2017

It was just a local rumor in a remote Himalayan village. Now it’s a history lesson for children across Nepal.

I doubt if an entry in grade 10 English textbooks is what a normal anthropologist aspires to? I certainly never

India’s Health Crisis: State Hospitals’ Neglect Aggravates Crisis in the Clinics of the “All India Institute Of Medical Science” (AIIMS) By , November 22 2017

The number of people sitting outside AIIMS, waiting to be treated, reflects the grim reality of health sector in states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, etc.

“I am counting the last days of my life, along with waiting to get …

Muslim-Sikh Relations in Medieval India: Deconstructing the Orientalist Myth of “Perpetual Communal Conflict” By , November 17 2017

In showing numerous instances of concordance and amity among Muslims and Sikhs that occurred during the Mughal era, Prof Dalip Singh’s Sikh history differs from the trend of Mughal/Musalman-bashing characterizing most of Mughal-Sikh Orientalist historiography. During the Mughal rule, ordinary

India’s Demonetization, Modi’s “Economic Emergency” and “Black Money”: What Does that Mean for the Common People By , November 10 2017

Prologue:Why I wrote this article

On November 8th night when I came to know about the move I skimmed through my Facebook timeline. I was aghast. Even prominent liberals were applauding this anti-people move. When I visited the news sites,

China’s Strategic Economic Planning versus America’s Failed Capitalism By , November 05 2017
The serious purpose, projections & the presence of China’s President Xi Jinping stand in stark contrast to the chaos, rabble-rousing demagogy & slanders characterizing the multi-billion dollar US Presidential campaign & its shameful aftermath.
What Is the Aim of Nippon Kaigi, the Ultra-Right Organization that Supports Japan’s Abe Administration? By and , November 04 2017


Nippon Kaigi [The Japan Conference], established in 1997, is the largest right-wing organization in Japan. The organization is a major supporter of the current Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, and both Japanese and foreign media report that Abe, and

Agent Orange on Okinawa: Six Years On By , November 04 2017

Featured image: Workers at the U.S. military dioxin dumpsite near Kadena Air Base. November 2016. Jon Mitchell

In 2011, The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus published the first detailed research into the usage of U.S. military defoliants, including Agent Orange, on

Pivot to, or Brawl in Asia? West Already Targeting Thailand’s New King By , November 04 2017

Featured image: King Maha Vajiralongkorn

Not even a day had passed after the funeral rites for Thailand’s revered and respected former head of state, King Bhumibol Adulyadej before the Western media began launching attacks on his heir and current Thai

The Post-Fukushima Legacy: Nuclear Energy in Asia, South Korea’s Nuclear Energy Industry By and , November 03 2017

Featured image: The Fukushima disaster of March 11, 2011

Introduction: Nuclear Energy in Asia

by Mel Gurtov

The Fukushima nuclear disaster of March 2011 has raised serious questions about nuclear power.

In our work since Fukushima, we have tried to …

Home Demolition in Delhi: Thousands Rendered Homeless, Kathputli Artists’ Colony Demolished, Death of Democracy! By , November 01 2017

In the two days demolition drive by Delhi Development Authority (DDA) in assistance with Delhi Police demolished more than 1000 houses at Kathputli Colony, in West Delhi on October 30th and October 31st 2017. During the demolition, Police lathicharged

Unfolding Peasant Rebellion in India By , October 30 2017

On the Sept 22, 2017, during a march of All India Kisan Sangharsh Co-ordination Committee, one of its leaders Mr Yogendra Yadav (henceforth YY) told us:

“So, what we are witnessing is the beginning of something that can only be

Balkanisation, Myanmar and the US “Pivot to Asia” directed against China By , October 29 2017

During the 1990s, the United States planned to break up Yugoslavia and build America’s largest military base in Kosovo (Camp Bondsteel) a strategic location giving the US access to the oil-rich Caspian Sea, which would also threaten Russia’s defence capabilities.

How the West Re-colonized China By and , October 29 2017
The “Chinese dragon” of the last two decades may be faltering but it is still hailed by many as an economic miracle. Far from a great advance for Chinese workers, however, it is the direct result of a consolidation of power in the hands of a small clique of powerful families.
A Nonviolent Strategy to End Violence and Avert Human Extinction. The Teachings of Gandhi and Martin Luther King By , October 28 2017

Around the world activists who are strategic thinkers face a daunting challenge to effectively tackle the multitude of violent conflicts, including the threat of human extinction, confronting human society in the early 21st century.

I wrote that ‘activists who …

India-Pakistan Proxy War in Afghanistan Is a Media Fabrication By , October 25 2017

This article was first published by Global Research in July 2017

The Afghan war is sparked for an array of interests and it needs to flare up to secure a dozens of regional objectives. It can be claimed that the

Video: The Vietnam War and the Phoenix Program: “A Computerized Genocide” By and , October 20 2017
Through its secret control of the media, the CIA’s power to create the official version of history has left veterans of the Vietnam War, as well as every subsequent generation of Americans as well, in a state of neurotic delusion