Global Research Asia News

The Russia -US -India Geopolitical Triangle: Will India’s “Balancing Act” Between Russia and the US Break Down Over Iran? By , October 11 2018

India can’t indefinitely “balance” between Russia and the US as it’s impossible for it to fulfill all of its stated commitments to both of them, meaning that the country will have to eventually choose which of the two it wants

Agent Orange and the Legacy of the Vietnam War: Living Disabled By , October 11 2018

To be both handicapped and poor is the situation of several million Vietnamese. Through social programmes and income-generating schemes, the Red Cross assists this vulnerable group and their families. Among the beneficiaries are victims of Agent Orange, a powerful defoliant

Australian Complicity: Nauru and Silencing Journalism By , October 11 2018

Journalism is getting something of a battering in Australia.  At the parliamentary level, laws have passed that would be inimical to any tradition versed in the bill of rights.  (Australia, not having such a restraining instrument on political zeal, can

The Oral History of a Japanese Soldier in Manchuria By , October 11 2018


This is an excerpt from “Return from Siberia: A Japanese Life in War and Peace, 1925-2015”. The book, which was published in May 2018, is based on a series of interviews with a Japanese man who was

Japan’s Integrated Approach to Human Security By , October 11 2018

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report (IPCC AR5)1 on human security identifies “Critical infrastructure and state capacity” as a major concern. The report points out that “Climate change and extreme events are projected to damage a

China’s Belt and Road as a Conduit for Clean Power Projects Around the World By and , September 21 2018

Are China’s energy investments around the world promoting green and clean power generation in countries other than China, or are they exporting China’s dirty coal-fired power generation capacity to third countries? This is an important question, and much hangs on

Australia’s Naval Base in Papua New Guinea: Power Play in the South Pacific against China By , September 20 2018

Australia’s plans to return to the Lombrum Naval Base on Manus that it previously occupied in Papua New Guinea prior to the island state’s independence is a power play for leadership in the South Pacific on behalf of the Quad’s

Asia’s Troubled Waters: The South China Sea Dispute By , September 20 2018

The never ending disputes over a semi-enclosed sea, the South-China Sea (SCS) was culminated in the consensus between the Philippines and China in bringing the case before the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). While the PCA under the United Nations

Senator Fraser Anning and the Smugness of Australian “Values” By , September 04 2018

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Be wary of the self-satisfied and morally soothed.  The complacent have a habit of giving the game away, glorifying themselves in satisfied satiation. Australia’s parliament seemed to be very self-congratulatory in

Lifting the Darkness: American and Vietnamese War Poets By , September 04 2018

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Among the two million and more young men who went to Vietnam as soldiers, those dozens who came home to write about the Vietnam War evolved a poetry which deserves to

India’s Arrest of Leftist Activists. Fear of Social Revolution By , September 02 2018

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The hyper-nationalist Hindu fundamentalist government of India is deathly afraid of a social revolution breaking out in response to its polarizing socio-economic policies, though arresting prominent leftist activists might do more

The Himalayas: Literature Can Displace Anthropology By , September 02 2018

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Featured image: Cover of the novel Yogamaya

When I was well into my career as an anthropologist specializing in Himalayan peoples, I came across an historical episode concerning two no-longer living

The Kerala Deluge: Global Warming’s Latest Act By , September 02 2018

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Ten days of incessant downpour has turned the peninsular Indian state of Kerala into a theatre of destruction. Three hundred and sixty deaths, thousands of homes inundated, over a million people

Why Women From Asia Are Confronting U.S. Fracking: Oil Extraction Equals Plastic Production By , August 27 2018

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Heaps of plastic waste cover the shores of Manila Bay in the Philippines. Myrna Dominguez remembers when an abundance of fish inhabited its waters—locals would catch enough to feed their families

The Illegal Entry of GMOs into India By , August 25 2018

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Despite five high-level reports (listed here) in India advising against the adoption of genetically modified (GM) crops, the drive to get GM mustard commercialised (which would be India’s first officially-approved

Sodding the Australian Voter: Accidental Prime Ministers and Political Indulgence By , August 25 2018

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It is a continuation of Malcolm Turnbull by other means.  The new Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison and his freshly appointed Deputy, Josh Frydenberg have ensured that the “insurgents”, as

Baby Elephants in Southeast Asia Are Separated From Their Mothers and Tortured For the Sake of Tourism By , August 21 2018

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The process that’s required to train baby elephants to give rides to tourists is devastatingly cruel. Now, animals rights groups and travel agencies are taking a stand against this practice.

Baby …

Readying Knives: The Mortality of Australian Prime Ministers By , August 20 2018

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The opinion poll prime ministership is a modern Australian disease.  Not only does it suggest an ailing in the Westminster system, but a profound contempt for the democratic sensibility on the

Kerala Flood Is Thousands of Times the Magnitude of Thai Cave Rescue! Yet Still… By , August 18 2018

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When 12 boys and their coach were trapped in a Thailand cave, the international community rose up as one. Thai Navy Seal took up the lead in rescuing the kids. Several

Fukushima, Media, Democracy: The Promise of A Documentary Film By , and , August 16 2018

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Born in Toyama Prefecture, Kamanaka Hitomi entered Waseda University and joined her friends in a filmmaking club. Kamanaka won a scholarship from the Japanese government and spent time in Canada and

The Abe State and Okinawan Protest – High Noon 2018 By , August 16 2018

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Base Islands

For more than two decades, the Asia-Pacific Journal has paid close attention to the “Okinawa problem.” However, today that “problem” becomes increasingly complex and difficult to grasp, even as

India’s Water Resources: Save Activist Swami Gyan Swaroop Sanand, Save River Ganga By , August 16 2018

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Swami Gyanswaroop Sanand is an important figure in the field of environmental engineers in India. Formerly known as Professor G.D. Agarwal, he has been a faculty member in the Indian

Batam Island – Indonesia’s Pathetic Attempt to Create A Second Singapore By and , August 08 2018

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This time it was really supposed to work! The turbo-capitalist, anti-Communist and obedient Indonesia got so used to hearing bizarrely inflated compliments from its Western handlers, that it began to believe

Conferencing, Extortion and Political Science 2018: “The Meat Market” of the 2018 World IPSA Congress By , August 08 2018

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It may well go down as one of the most appalling conferences in the history of the International Political Science Association. The World Congress is one of those hot air events

The Lasting Condition: Drought in Australia By , August 08 2018

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Humans are a funny species.  They create settlements along fault lines that, on moving, can create catastrophe, killing thousands.  They construct homes facing rivers that will, at some point, break their

India: The State of Independence. British Colonialism Replaced by a New Hegemony By , August 08 2018

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India celebrates its independence from Britain on 15 August. However, the system of British colonial dominance has been replaced by a new hegemony based on the systemic rule of transnational capital,

Justice Postponed: Ito Shiori and Rape in Japan By , August 02 2018

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In June 2018, the BBC broadcast a documentary called Japan’s Secret Shame, a distressing tale of sexual violence toward women pegged to the experience of Ito Shiori. The documentary, by

India Mortgaged? Forced-Fed Illness and the Neoliberal Food Regime By , July 30 2018

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Like many countries, India’s food system was essentially clean just a generation or two ago but is now being comprehensively contaminated with sugar, bad fats, synthetic additives, GMOs and pesticides under

Migrant Labor: A Central Pillar of Nepal’s Grim Economy By , July 28 2018

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They appear a hapless collection of desperate village lads lured by false promises, making their way to a hostile place fraught with peril. A small but significant number perish while working

Nepal’s Economy – Can Contented Tourists Match Desperate Migrant Laborers? By , July 21 2018

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A busy air route between Kathmandu’s Tribhuvan Airport and overseas is via the communications hub of The Arab Emirates. Several direct flights between Abu Dhabi or Doha and Nepal depart and

The Papua Attacks Prove That Insurgency Is Still Alive in Indonesia By , July 11 2018

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There was a sudden outbreak of violence last week in the Indonesian Province of Papua.

Local elections were marred by two separate incidents of violence when armed individuals attacked state security …

Agrarian Crisis and Climate Catastrophe: Forged in India, Made in Washington By , July 09 2018

India is under siege from international capital. It is on course not only to be permanently beholden to US state-corporate interests but is heading towards environmental catastrophe much faster than many may think.

According to the World Bank’s lending report,

Militants Threaten China’s OBOR Initiative in Myanmar By , July 08 2018

Militants in northern Myanmar have once again put China’s One Belt, One Road initiative on hold. It should come as no surprise that Anglo-American history played a direct role in their creation, and currently fund and back networks supporting them. 

Five Years Since the Suspension of Proactive Recommendation of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine in Japan By , July 08 2018

National Plaintiffs Association for the HPV Vaccines Lawsuits in Japan

Representative Nanami Sakai

National Attorneys Association for the HPV Vaccines Lawsuits in Japan

Joint Representative Masumi Minaguchi

Joint Representative Yoshiaki Yamanishi

It has been five years since the Japanese Government …

The Hidden History of the Women Who Rose Up By , July 08 2018

Like all colonial societies, Australia has secrets. The way we treat Indigenous people is still mostly a secret. For a long time, the fact that many Australians came from what was called “bad stock” was a secret.

“Bad stock” meant

The Untold Story of Japan’s Secret Spy Agency By , July 03 2018

This story is the product of a two-year collaboration between U.S. news website The Intercept and the Japanese broadcaster NHK. The project began in mid-2016, and was initially focused on investigating three U.S. military bases in Misawa, Okinawa, and Yokota.

CIA: How to Shape Okinawan Public Opinion on the U.S. Military Presence By , July 03 2018

In 2012, the Central Intelligence Agency’s Open Source Center published a manual for U.S. officials advising them on how to shape Okinawan public opinion about the large U.S. military presence on their island. Categorized For Official Use Only, the 60-page

Australia: Send in the Troops! Deploying the ADF Against Rioters By , July 03 2018

Such moves should trouble any constructive dissenter and civil libertarian: the vesting of powers in a military force to be used against domestic disturbances.  While the United States has a troubled history with it, posse comitatus still remains something of

Australia Is Attempting to “Contain” China By , July 02 2018

Australia is attempting to tighten its vise-grip of control over the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu.

The tiny nation has sought to strategically liberate itself in recent years by realigning closer to China as a means of “balancing” out

GM Crops in India: Approval by Contamination? By , June 30 2018

The regulatory system for GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in India is in tatters. So said the Coalition for a GMFree India (CGMFI) in 2017 after media reports about the illegal cultivation of GM soybean in the country.

In India, five …

Australia, The Catholic Church in Resistance: Priests, Child Abuse, and Breaking the Seal of the Confessional By , June 29 2018

The tradition is represented as noble, the confiding link between confessor and penitent, a bridge never to be broken, even under pain of death.  Taken that way, the confessional is brandished as the Catholic Church’s great weapon against the wiles

India’s “Playing Hard to Get” with America by Letting the AIIB Fund China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) By , June 29 2018

India’s maximalist position towards the Kashmir Conflict and its resultantly unflinching resistance to CPEC haven’t changed despite New Delhi saying that it has no problem with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank funding that project, as this is nothing more than

The Philippines Tax Reform Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law Triggers Mass Poverty. A Calamity Worse Than Yolanda By , June 29 2018
Rice had jacked up to additional P11.00 this time, while meat products had increased by P50.00 more. Vegetables at P60.00 last January is now at P80.00 to P100.00. Electricity is again up this June by P00.80 per kilowatt hour.
Becoming a Democracy—The Example of Nepal By , June 28 2018
Hardly noticed on the world landscape of emerging democracies lies Nepal. This new republic now has its first government, newly formed under a secular constitution. It’s a route scattered with the detritus of its becoming a republic, though still a relatively nonviolent path.
Evading Medical Care: Australia’s Refugee Arrangements with Taiwan By , June 24 2018

It is a credit to the venality of Australia’s refugee policy that much time is spent on letting others do what that particular country ought to be doing.  For a state so obsessed with the idea of a “rule-based order”,

India: Communalism and Development. Religious Identity Politics By , June 21 2018

Communal politics has been viewed from different perspectives. The left primarily regards religion as opium of people, instilling false consciousness, giving them a high, and diverting their attention from their real issues related to material improvement in their lives like

Vietnam Protests Against Special Economic Zones (SEZ) By , June 20 2018

Scores of people gathered in several cities all across Vietnam in order to draw attention to what they fear is China’s imminent exploitation of a proposed bill on Special Economic Zones (SEZ) that will give investors 99-year leases on land

Pro-GMO Activism and Smears Masquerade as Journalism: From Seralini to Jairam Ramesh, Aruna Rodrigues Puts the Record Straight By and , June 17 2018

The Print is a Delhi-based, online news magazine that began operations in August 2017. On 9 June, it published a short article by Sandya Ramesh under the title ‘EU study trashes anti-GM paper by French expert who Jairam Ramesh cited

Pushing China’s Huawei Out: Australia, the Solomon Islands and the Internet By , June 14 2018

Be wary of the Chinese technological behemoth, goes the current cry from many circles in Australia’s parliament. Cybersecurity issues are at stake, and the eyes of Beijing are getting beadier by the day.

The seedy involvement of Australia in the …

Elite Atrocities: Australia’s Special Forces in Afghanistan By , June 10 2018

“Further into the Afghanistan mission, after multiple deployments, soldiers began to refer to members going ‘up the Congo’.”
Chris Masters, The Sydney Morning Herald, Jun 9, 2018

They operate with impunity in areas already deemed lawless by their

The Empire Strikes Back: Leaving Indian Farmers in the Dirt By , June 03 2018

By 2050, if current policies continue, India could have numerous mega-cities with up to 30-40 million inhabitants and just two to three hundred million people (perhaps 15-20% of the population) left in an emptied-out countryside. Given current trends in

Nuclear Hawks in Tokyo Call for Stronger US Nuclear Posture in Japan and Okinawa By and , June 03 2018
States of Cruelty: The Dead Refugees of Manus Island. Australia’s Detention of Asylum Seekers By , June 01 2018

In those seemingly interminable refugee debates being held in various countries, cruelty is pure theatre. It is directed, stage managed, the victims treated as mere marionettes in a play of putrid public policy and indifferent public officials.  Barriers have been

What Was “The 1968 Movement”? Japan’s Experience in A Global Perspective By , June 01 2018

Did the movements of “1968” change societies fundamentally worldwide? This article examines “1968” from the perspective of Japanese history. Japan’s “1968” shared such common elements with “1968” in other countries, as the social background, development of visual media, and progress

Local Autonomy: A Key to Protection of the Ecosystem. The Philippines Apo Island By , May 28 2018

Featured image: Apo Island seen from Negros

When Europeans first visited the east Atlantic seaboard, the hyperabundance of cod would not go unnoticed. In 1602, English explorer Bartholomew Gosnold named the peninsula, where the Nauset and Wampanoag people lived, Cape

Malaysia: Debts and the Push for Reforms By , May 28 2018

On 21 May 2018, Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad disclosed that Malaysia’s debt has reached more than 1 trillion ringgit. The next day, Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng  elaborated that the debt to GDP ratio stood at 80%.

Australia’s China Syndrome By , May 23 2018

Syndromes can make for cringe worthy, nervous laughter.  To see the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, struggle with reconciling China the bully of influence with China the resource hungry friend supplied the press with one such spectacle on Tuesday morning. 

Prime Minister Mahathir Will Continue Malaysia’s Multipolar Course By , May 22 2018

Former long-time Prime Minister and nonagenarian Mahathir bin Mohamad returned to office after incumbent Najib Razak suffered a humiliating loss that many analysts attribute to the multibillion-dollar 1MDB corruption scandal that he’s implicated in. A whistleblower leaked incriminating documents about

In Blow to Monsanto, India’s Top Court Upholds Decision that Seeds Cannot be Patented By , May 18 2018

Featured image: Bt cotton. (Sources: Abhishek Srivastava / Flickr / CC BY 2.0)

In an another legal blow to Monsanto, India’s Supreme Court on Monday refused to stay the Delhi High Court’s ruling that the seed giant cannot claim

Swaths of Native Forest Near Great Barrier Reef Set to be Bulldozed By , May 18 2018

Featured image: Old growth forest in the vicinity of Kingvale Station, near rivers that flow into the Great Barrier Reef. (Source: Australian Conservation Foundation)

Federal officials plan to back the destruction of almost 2000 hectares of pristine Queensland forest in

The Commercial Heavens: The New Australian Space Agency By , May 18 2018

Politicians have been clambering to the top extolling something that has yet to exist.  Scientists are claiming a job boom that has yet to transpire.  Much fantasy and speculation dominate the creation of Australia’s Space Agency, an organisation that remains

Revisiting “Love Serenade” in Australia By , May 08 2018

Australian life can seem defiantly absorbed, the defiance induced by insularity and isolation.  The characters that inhabit the continent are mere specks of life before the enormity that is its nature, one bound, at any point in time, to swallow

Confronting Global Agribusiness: Natural Farming Is the Future By , May 08 2018

Featured image: Prof. Sharma

The evidence is all there. With soil fertility declining; excessive mining of groundwater sucking aquifers dry; and chemical inputs, including pesticides, becoming extremely pervasive in environment, the entire food chain has been contaminated.

As soils become …

The Greening of China’s Energy System Outpaces Its Further Blackening: A 2017 update By , and , May 08 2018

John Mathews with Xin Huang

China’s green energy shift is now attracting increasing attention, as its strategic implications become clearer. In a recent article in Foreign Affairs, Amy Myers Jaffe has argued that China is effecting a “pivot” to green

Malaysia Prime Minister Najib Razak Dirty Tricks: Opposition Leader Mahathir Under Investigation for “Fake News” By , May 06 2018

Election politics have taken an unusual turn in Malaysia.

Malaysia’s former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, now heads an opposition alliance against the corrupt government of Prime Minister Najib Razak, which has done its utmost to destabilize his candidacy.


Elections in Malaysia 2018. Tun Mahathir’s Campaign against Najib and His Cronies By , May 06 2018

Tun Mahathir is leading the opposition in our general elections this coming Wed 9th May. At 92 years old accompanied by Tun Siti, Mahathir is leading a “punishing” campaign trail throughout the country.

Tun M has only one goal –

New Jubilee Report: Efic-funded PNG LNG Has Hurt PNG's Economy By , May 04 2018

new report on the economy of Papua New Guinea will reopen the case for the Australian government to be held accountable for the negligent decision to lend AU$500 million taxpayer money to the PNG-LNG project.

Jubilee Australia’s new report, …

Plunder Down Under: The Rot in Australia’s Financial Services By , May 03 2018

It has all the elements of a crudely crafted if effective tale: banks and other financial services, founded, proud of their standing in society; financial service providers, with such pride, effectively charging the earth for providing elementary services; then, such

Australia’s Unintentional Extremist: Rugby Union Player Israel Folau, the Bible and Homophobia By , May 03 2018

What limits opinions?  Especially by sportspeople, who are often confused for geniuses of the mind and ambassadors of tact outside their very limited field of endeavour.  (Yes, he can dribble a ball with sigh-inducing majesty, so he must know a

The “Japanese Village” at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah: An Unexamined Context to the Firebombing of Japan By , May 03 2018

Featured image: M-69 incendiary tests on Japanese style structures at Dugway Proving Ground. (Source: Standard Oil,Design and Construction of Typical German and Japanese Test Structures at Dugway Proving Grounds, Utah, 1943. Via

This paper explores a previously unexamined context

Sugar Demons, Sweet Lobbies and Taxes in Australia By , May 03 2018

Featured image: George Christensen

It came across on the ABC’s Four Corners as something of a junkie’s confession: I am an addict, and I know.  The conservative MP for the Australian federal seat of Dawson, George Christensen, was not

Medical Assistance for Korean Atomic Bomb Survivors in Japan: (Belated) Japanese Grassroots Collaboration to Secure the Rights of Former Colonial Victims By , May 03 2018

In the wake of the recognition of the lack of relief measures and medical support for atomic bomb survivors (hibakusha) residing in South Korea, some Japanese dedicated themselves to assuring that Korean victims received subsidized medical treatment. This study assesses

Pakistan: Missing Persons Issue Swept Under Rug as Pashtun Anti-war Movement Spreads By , May 03 2018

The head of the commission on missing persons, Justice (r) Javed Iqbal, significantly downplayed the role of the country’s military and intelligence agencies in “enforced disappearances” of Pashtun and Baloch people while briefing the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Human

Irresistible Urges: Surveilling Australia’s Citizens By , May 03 2018

The authoritarian misfits in the Turnbull government have again rumbled and uttered suspicions long held: Australian residents and citizens are not to be trusted, and the intelligence services should start getting busy in expanding their operations against the next Doomsday

Japan to Build Roads Out of Radioactive Fukushima Dirt By , May 03 2018

When nuclear disaster struck at Japan’s Fukushima-Daiichi power plant, it was clear that the environmental impact of such extreme amounts of radiation would be immeasurable. Reports on just how bad the situation at the plant is have continued to reveal

“Soft Power” in Thailand: US Gives Award to US-Funded Agitator By , April 18 2018

The Western media continues to saturate headlines with stories of “Russian meddling,” meanwhile Western governments led by Washington openly celebrate their own meddling in foreign political affairs.

One such example unfolded during the US State Department’s annual “Women of Courage …

Vietnam Locks Up US-funded Agitators By , April 16 2018

Featured image: Nguyen Van Dai, recently sentenced to 15 years in prison, is pictured with US Senator and chairman of the International Republican Institute (IRI) John McCain in the US Embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam. The IRI provides money to foreign

Could Student Protests Break the Back of Bangladesh’s Ruling Party? By , April 16 2018

Student-driven protests erupted in Bangladesh on Sunday after thousands of young people staged sit-ins and other demonstrations in protest of the government’s “affirmative action” policy to allocate 56% of civil service positions to the children of veterans from the 1971

Fascistic Politics in India and the Left By , April 16 2018

India is experiencing something like a national emergency. This is in the form of persistent, nation-wide attacks on the basic democratic rights of ordinary citizens, by hyper-nationalist and communal forces which are supporting, and which are supported by, Bharatiya Janata

Pacific Moves: China, Vanuatu and Australia By , April 11 2018

Washington’s vigilant deputy, doing rounds on the beat in the Pacific, has been irate of late. The central issue here is the continuing poking around of China in an area that would have been colloquially termed in the past “Australia’s