Global Research Asia News

Why Is It So Difficult for Bangladeshi Women to Get Justice? By , November 25 2020

In 2015, Salma’s husband and his parents held her down and poured nitric acid down her throat because they wanted more than the Tk 100,000 (USD 1,100) that her parents had already paid in dowry. For months since the wedding,

The Australian Special Forces’ Culture of Death By , November 25 2020

Australia has a culture for war, and that culture breeds atrocities.

The Australian government’s own inquiry has confirmed many of the allegations leaked by journalists regarding war crimes in Afghanistan, stemming from the execution by Australian special forces of prisoners

‘Murders After Murders’ by Soldiers, Villagers Tell Afghan Journalist By , November 25 2020

Afghanis who say they have witnessed torture and murder at the hands of Australian soldiers want the chance to testify in court as well as compensation, a journalist says.


Australia’s Defence Force Chief Angus Campbell announced yesterday that there

Video: iLaw’s US-Funded Charter Proposal Rejected By , November 23 2020

Funded by the US government via the notorious National Endowment for Democracy (NED) – iLaw set about petitioning the Thai government to have the nation’s entire constitution rewritten and rewritten in such a way as to make it easier for

Costly Competition: India Playing into China’s Hands By , November 23 2020

Everything is going as China has wanted with its India strategy since April. The situation has been evolving as Beijing predicted.

In other words, whatever China wants India to do, India does.

Because of its opaque governance system, it is …

New Rule Puts Indonesia’s Protected Forests Up for Grabs for Agribusiness By , November 23 2020

Indonesia’s dwindling forests may be cleared for farmland under a government-led program to boost domestic food production, raising fears of a surge in deforestation.

The government’s “food estate” program calls for establishing millions of hectares of new farmland, mostly for …

Remembering the Maguindanao Massacre: Warlordism at Its Worst By , November 23 2020

The Maguindanao Massacre is unanimously viewed as the most tragic event in the Philippines that capped 2009. On the fateful morning of 23 November 2009 — exactly eleven years ago — fifty-seven helpless civilians including women and media people were

A Plan for a High-income Chinese Economy By and , November 20 2020

In the West the population is at present sheltering to protect itself from Covid, entering the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression, and facing the threat of unemployment and reduced living standards. On the other side of the world

Modi’s Escalating War Against India’s Forests and Tribal People By , November 20 2020

This article was originally published in May 2019.

The result of the biggest election in history, India 2019, is terrible news for tribal peoples in the world’s biggest democracy. Politicians with authoritarian nationalist inclinations like India’s newly invigorated Narendra Modi

First Reaction of the Leading Asian Countries to the Results of the US Elections By , November 19 2020

The close attention widely paid to the recent election campaign in the United States is understandable. We are talking about a change in the leadership of a country, which continues to occupy the position of one of the main pillars

Malaysia Will Never Entertain Any Claim on Sabah By , November 19 2020

Malaysia has once again reiterated its stance to never entertain or recognise any claim by any quarters on Sabah.

Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk Kamarudin Jaffar said the claim on Sabah, particularly by the Philippines, was not only baseless but also

Is India Doing America’s Bidding Against China? By and , November 19 2020

First published on APR in June 2020.

Andrew Korybko gave an interview to Indian journalist Parth Satam (June 2020) about India’s relations with China, the US, and Russia, just days before Monday night’s deadly clash between Indian and Chinese troops.

China Launching State Rival to Elon Musk’s SpaceX By , November 18 2020

China’s state-owned telecommunications carriers plan to launch as many as 10,000 satellites in the next five to ten years to form a constellation in low-Earth orbit and keep pace with US rivals.

Chinese cadres overseeing space technologies were reputedly jolted …

India and ASEAN to Create a “Belt and Road Alternative”? By , November 18 2020

Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI or B&R), a global transport and economic project, is well known world-wide. While some countries endorse it, many others consider it a form of Chinese expansion designed to subordinate the economies of other countries

How Can the Belt and Road Better Protect Biodiversity? By , November 18 2020

In 1939, a population of orangutans was found in the Batang Toru jungle in South Tapanuli on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. They were thought to be Sumatran orangutans, but in 2017 scientists discovered they were an entirely new species

Japan, Australia, and the Rejigging of Asia-Pacific Alliances By , November 18 2020

Then and Now

The geopolitical frame of inter-state relationships as it exists today in East Asia remains as set around 70 years ago in the wake of the cataclysmic Second World War and subsequent San Francisco Treaty (1951), when the

Japan Militarizes and Worries Russia and China By , November 17 2020

In recent years, Japan has started a new wave of militarization, which has surprised experts worldwide. Its closest neighbors, China and Russia are the countries that are most concerned with this new Japanese militarization.

After World War II in which …

America’s Social Credit System Is Worse than China’s By , November 16 2020

China is notorious for a “Social Credit System” that controls the lives of citizens, rewarding what the authorities want and punishing what they don’t. The United States has a social credit system, too, even if we don’t call it that.

India and US Signed a Game-changer Defence Deal, Amid the Rise of What Could be a New Bipolarity By , November 16 2020

After the third annual “2+2” high-level US-Indian talks in Delhi on October 27, a very important defence pact was signed: the Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA). With so much focus on the American election, little attention has been given

New Trade Zone in Asia-Pacific Could Ensure Chinese Global Leadership By , November 16 2020

On November 15th, 15 nations in Asia-Pacific, after eight years of negotiations, sealed the largest trade agreement in the world, known as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). China is part of this new association, which surprises experts for its

India’s Farewell to ASEAN as It Boards RCEP Train By , November 16 2020

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s remarks at the 17th ASEAN-India Summit on November 12 makes sad reading. It comes in the specific context of the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership [RCEP] on Sunday — the mega free trade agreement

Making Sense of the Oriental Mindframe By , November 15 2020

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” – Lao Tzu

“Holding on to anger is like

ASEAN Identity: Imagined or Real? By , November 13 2020

This article was originally published on Reporting ASEAN in November 2019.

Fifty-two years after its creation and over a decade after its charter came into effect, ASEAN has come quite a way in making its identity more visible. But its

India, Myanmar Agree Strategic Port Operation in Rakhine Next Year By , November 13 2020

India and Myanmar agreed this week to move forward on a number of initiatives that are central to New Delhi’s efforts to counter China’s influence in Myanmar, during a visit by a high-level Indian delegation. In particular, the two sides

In Just 2 Years, a Nepal Peak Becomes Snowless By , November 13 2020

Mountaineers, scientists, climate researchers, and local shepherds are all flabbergasted by a 7,000m high mountain in remote far western Nepal which seems to have lost almost all snow in the past two years.

The long glacial valley below Mt …

China-backed Deal to be Signed with Southeast Asia By and , November 12 2020

Fifteen Asia-Pacific nations are set to sign an enormous free trade deal at an online summit that started Thursday, with the pact seen as a coup for China in extending its influence across the region.

Once signed, the Regional Comprehensive …

In a Philippine Indigenous Stronghold, Traditions Keep COVID-19 at Bay By , November 11 2020

This article was originally published on Mongabay in April 2020.

Each weekend since March, no one has crossed the boundary into the town of Bauko, in the northern Philippine region of Cordillera. The prohibition,  a municipal advisory, was prompted by

An Open Letter from 1,200 Australian Academics on the Djab Wurrung Trees By , and , November 11 2020

In an open letter, more than 1,200 academics from universities and institutes across Australia have written to the Victorian government to protest against the destruction of Djab Wurrung country as part of a highway duplication in the west of the

Trade Deals Handing Japanese Seeds to Multinational Corporations By and , November 11 2020

This summer, during the 201st session of the Japanese parliament, a bill to amend the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act (PVP Act) was submitted. Hoping for an immediate vote without a plenary session or any substantive debate, the

China: The Largest Cheap Labor Factory in the World By , November 10 2020

This article was published by Global Research in April 2015.

This video describes China’s system of despotic capitalism, under a “Communist” label.

Wages are exceedingly low, productivity is high. These are the social realities of commodities “Made in China”, marketed

What Is the Shanghai Spirit? By , November 10 2020

This was previously published in July 2016.

The Shanghai Spirit — the core value of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) — has played a significant role in safeguarding regional security and promoting regional development.

The SCO’s undergirding values, which features …

Daisy’s Story: Filipina Migrants and Other Women in the Shadow of the U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa By , November 09 2020


To research my book, Night in the American Village: Women in the Shadow of the U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa, I lived in Okinawa for a summer in 2003, a year from 2008 to 2009, and a few months

Australia Enters the Race for Digital Currency By , November 09 2020

Australia has joined the global wave of economic digitization. On November 2, the Australian Reserve Bank launched its own digital currency project. According to the Bank’s official statement, the project seeks to “explore the potential use and implications of

Treadmill of Magic Seeds and Broken Promises: Dismantling the Myth of Bt Cotton Success in India By , November 06 2020

First published in 2019.

Political posturing aligned with commercial interests means that truth is becoming a casualty in the debate about genetically modified (GM) crops in India. The industry narrative surrounding Bt cotton is that it has been a great

Australia: Are the “Chooks Coming Home to Roost” for the British Empire, and Their Treatment of Slaves Around the World? By , November 06 2020

This article was originally published in June 2020.

Australia’s Admission to the treatment of the indigenous people, as their slaves, came to light recently when Prime Minister Morrison revealed some of the detail of Australia’s “treatment of slaves”.

Australian Prime

Rising Trend of Islamophobia in India By , November 06 2020

This article was originally published in April 2020.

As we know that the world is in the grip of a raging coronavirus pandemic and uncertainty and fear are gripping everywhere. Amidst the widespread of Covid 19 when every country is

Hong Kong’s Paradoxical “Independence” Movement By , November 06 2020
The movement also attempts to hold Beijing to the parting demands made by British occupiers in 1997 including the “One Country, Two Systems” principle which serves as the legal framework Western sponsored agitators use to justify their activities
New Film Explores U.S. Suppression of Key Footage from Hiroshima and Nagasaki By , November 06 2020

This article was originally crossposted in June 2020.

Last month, I completed work on my first film, writing and directing a documentary titled Atomic Cover-up. Below you can watch via a link four brief clips. The story for me began,

Indonesia Balances War on Illegal Fishing with International Obligations By , November 05 2020

Since Susi Pudjiastuti left her post atop the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in 2019, the nation’s fisheries policy has undergone major changes. Besides reviving a controversial lobster larvae export program that Susi had banned and ending her

US-funded Thai Protests: iLaw By , November 05 2020

iLaw is a US government-funded front petitioning the Thai government to have the entire Thai constitution rewritten and rewritten in such a way as to make it easier for US-backed opposition parties to get into power.

I cover iLaw’s US

Southeast Asia Getting Killed by Logging and Mining By , November 05 2020

This article was first published in March 2018.

When an airplane is approaching Singapore Changi Airport, it makes the final approach either from the direction of Peninsular Malaysia, or from the Indonesian island of Batam.

Either way, the scope for

Trump Administration Considers Assembling ‘Asian NATO’ to Counter China By , November 05 2020

Trump administration officials are quietly considering the creation of a NATO-style alliance with Asian countries in an effort against China, the Washington Times reported.

The idea was first publicly floated by Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun last month …

Indian and PLA tanks Only 400 Meters Apart, Report Claims By , November 04 2020

Did Indian soldiers outsmart their Chinese counterparts?

According to a report by Indian news outlet Swarajya, India has strategically deployed tanks and other equipment on crucial high ground in the Ladakh Valley, giving it a potential advantage over Chinese

Planning for War: Elite Staff Officers in the Imperial Japanese Army and the Road to World War II By , November 04 2020

Major (later Lieutenant General) Nagata Tetsuzan (widely believed to be the most brilliant staff officer in Japan, 1922-1935, and mentor of Tōjō Hideki), observed of future wars after he returned from seven years in Europe during and after World War

Korean Repatriation and Historical Memory in Postwar Japan: Remembering the Ukishima-maru Incident at Maizuru and Shimokita By and , November 04 2020


On 8 December 1945 Son Il, the chairman of the Aomori Regional Office of the Korean Association in Japan (Zainihon Chōsen Renmei), visited the Hirosaki branch of the Supreme Command of the Allied Powers (SCAP) to lodge a charge

Relations Between Mexico and India Are on the Rise By , November 03 2020

Relations between Mexico and India are taking a new turn. Recently, in a bilateral remote meeting between the respective foreign ministers, the governments of both countries agreed to promote a new “vision of the future”, focusing on social development and

China’s Growing Ties with Laos By , November 03 2020

The landlocked Southeast Asian nation of Laos, officially the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and home to a little over 7 million people, has over the past decade built important ties with neighbouring China particularly in the fields of tourism, trade,

Why the US Will Miss Out on a Southeast Asia Suga-high By , November 03 2020

Some years ago, I was part of a delegation of scholars sent to Japan to learn about Tokyo’s diplomatic approach to Southeast Asia.

What intrigued me was the sheer industry of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs minders. One of them, …

Delhi Violence Warns of Indian Polarization on Communal Lines By , November 02 2020

First published in March 2020

Shaheen Bagh, in the neighborhood of Indian capital New Delhi, has been the epicenter of protests by mostly women, with some of them toddlers in their tows. They were expressing their gripes over the discriminatory

Kashmir in the Times of COVID-19 By , November 02 2020

First published in April 2020

As the major powers of the world look inwards to fight the coronavirus pandemic, Indian PM Modi exploits this “historic opportunity” to further his Hindutva-driven agenda in the disputed territories of Indian Occupied Jammu &

Misplaced Priorities, Unnecessary Effects: Collective Suffering and Survival in Pandemic Philippines By , and , November 02 2020


Despite one of the world’s strictest and longest lockdown policies, the Philippines’ securitized approach to containing the COVID-19 pandemic has led to unnecessary suffering, especially in poor communities. This article explores how the Philippine government’s prioritizing of punitive policies

Extreme Pro-US BJP Ideologues Must Not be Allowed to Sabotage Russian-Indian Relations By , November 02 2020

Influential BJP ideologue Subramanian Swamy published an unprecedentedly vitriolic screed against Russia which spits in the face of their decades-long strategic partnership by arguing that Moscow is an irresponsible imperialist power that’s historically exploited New Delhi’s naive leaders, but the

The Philippines in the Eye of the Storm By , October 28 2020

Where is this nation of a hundred million inhabitants heading to? The future doesn’t seem rosy enough for people to hitch their hope on its government’s myriad promises most of which have gradually whittled down to bubbles that simply burst

Philippine Court Upholds Open-pit Mining Ban in Mindanao By , October 25 2020

A court in the Philippines has dealt another setback to the company looking to mine Southeast Asia’s largest untapped deposits of copper and gold, ruling to uphold a ban on the type of destructive mining being proposed.

In its Oct. …

Tarnished Crown: Finding the Thorns of a Gambling Empire By , October 23 2020

The Crown Resorts Annual General Meeting last year, held inside the company’s now flagging flagship Melbourne casino, was an ill-tempered matter.  Members of the board were in no mood to please shareholders, many of whom have occupied the barricades of

Thailand Protests Are Anti-Chinese, Not “Pro-Democracy” By , October 23 2020
Korea-Japan Relations in the Post-Abe Era By , October 23 2020
China’s High-Speed Rail Reaches into Southeast Asia By , October 22 2020

There is a significant reason why political unrest fueled by US interference is flaring up across Southeast Asia – an attempt at derailing Beijing’s ambitious One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative.

When completed, it will cement not only China’s regional …
Video: Jeju: Island of Resistance By , October 21 2020

The Global Network’s latest video focuses on the continuing struggle from Jeju Island, South Korea against the militarization of the island as well as US imperialism on the peninsula.

The Global Network was invited to hold our annual conference in …

Between a Forgotten Colony and an Abandoned Prefecture: Okinawa’s Experience of Becoming Japanese in the Meiji and Taishō Eras By , October 19 2020

In 1888, Prince Paul John Sapieha (1860–1934), a member of a respected, Polish noble family, embarked on a journey to East Asia. The journey brought him to Japan, making him one of the first Polish people to set foot on

Forced Labour in Imperial Japan’s First Colony: Hokkaidō By , October 19 2020


Japanese empire-building relied heavily on the use of forced labour by politically marginalized – subaltern – people. It is well-known that prisoners across Japan have contributed to large-scale projects like the Miike coal mines2 and road-building in

Philippine Foreign Relations: A Look Back in 2018 By , October 18 2020

The following is an excerpt from the author’s article that was first published in “2018 Philippine Development Report” by Hainan Normal University.


The year 2018 was a period of enormous challenges and opportunities for the Philippines in the arena

Cambodia Has Become China’s Unofficial Representative in ASEAN By , October 15 2020

China has made a decisive move to strengthen ties with one of its main partners in Southeast Asia by opening its markets for duty-free trade. Leaders in Beijing and the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh strengthened their political and economic

The Limits of Chinese Power By , October 13 2020

This article was originally published on Asia Times.

Everything about US-China hinges on the result of the upcoming US presidential election.

Trump 2.0 essentially would turbo-charge its bet on decoupling, aiming to squeeze “malign” China on a multiple Hybrid

Deepening Solidarities Beyond Borders Among Southeast Asian Peoples By , and , October 13 2020


The perceived failure of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to meaningfully address the issues and concerns of Southeast Asian peoples is viewed by the Asean Civil Society Conference/Asean Peoples’ Forum (ACSC/APF) as rooted in the ASEAN’s being

Malaysia: A Clear Direction for the Present By , October 12 2020

Malaysians at this moment are concerned about two different types of numbers. The overwhelming majority are worried about the recent spike in Covid 19 infections and the increase in the number of related deaths. There is a much smaller segment

Omnibus Collisions: Coronavirus Policing and Overreach in Victoria By , October 09 2020
The Battlefield Experience of Japanese Soldiers in the Asia-Pacific War By and , October 07 2020

Preface and Translation by Bo Tao

Translator’s Preface

The article translated below was written by Yoshida Yutaka, emeritus professor at Hitotsubashi University, for a 2006 edited volume on various aspects of the battlefield experience of Japanese soldiers during the Asia-Pacific

The Emptiness of Japan’s Values Diplomacy in Asia By , October 07 2020


Although Prime Minister Abe Shinzo (2006-07; 2012-2020) repeatedly touted Japan’s values-oriented foreign policy in Asia, there is little substance to this agenda. Like other nations, Tokyo downplays human rights and democratic values in favor of maintaining trade ties and

Japan’s Economy of the Post-Abe Era. Powerless Fiscal and Monetary Policy By , October 07 2020
No Matter What the Western Propaganda Says, Chinese Democracy Is Alive and Well! By , October 06 2020

This article was originally published in 2018.

New huge wave of ‘China bashing’ is once again rolling from Europe and North America. Its water is filthy and murky. It tries to smear everything about the present Chinese system: from its

Borneo – Not Just Nature, But Also Great Ancient Culture Has Been Destroyed By and , October 05 2020
While Europe was engaged inexpansionist wars, in the once lush, tropical Borneo, people who belonged to the ancient local cultures, used to decide things communally, by consensus, or should we use the Western term, “democratically”.
Vietnam Has Reported No Coronavirus Deaths – How? By and , October 05 2020

Vietnam has reported its first ever COVID-19 death towards the end of July, roughly five months past the global pandemic announcement from the WHO. As of this writing, the Southeast Asian country has just a total of 35 deaths from

Bt Cotton in India Is a GMO Template for a ‘Monumental Irreversible Catastrophe’ By and , September 29 2020
Neoliberal Death Knell for Indian Agriculture By , September 18 2020

In a 2017 article, I asked what might a future India look like and concluded that, if current neoliberal policies continue, there could be dozens of mega-cities with up to 40 million inhabitants and just two to three hundred million

Rio Tinto Turns Cultural Vandal: The Destruction of the Juukan Gorge Caves By , September 14 2020

It was a calamity in cultural terms likened to the destruction of the Buddhist statues of Bamyan and the ancient city of Palmyra.  The explosive eradication of two Aboriginal sites in West Australia’s Juukan Gorge in May, said to be

The “End of Poverty” Illusion: Global and East Asian Realities in the COVID-19 Pandemic By , September 07 2020
Pandemic Reflexes: Lockdowns and Arrests in Victoria, Australia By , September 06 2020
Is the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) (US, Australia, India, Japan) Intent on Provoking Proxy War with China in the Solomon Islands? By , September 06 2020
Permitted Unlawfulness: The New Zealand Coronavirus Lockdown By , August 24 2020

“Limitation is essential to authority.  A government is legitimate only if it is effectively limited.” – Lord Acton

It is a study both troublesome and perplexing.  To what end can a state trample on human rights ostensibly to preserve such …