Dr. Binoy Kampmark - Archive

Inexplicable Investments: Elbit Systems and Australia’s Future Fund By , June 05, 2024
A Certain French Stubbornness: Violence in New Caledonia By , May 28, 2024
Australia’s Anti-ICC Lobby By , May 27, 2024
A Brutal Punishment: Australia’s Sentencing of David McBride By , May 16, 2024
Nesting in Australia: Indian Spy Rings Take Root By , May 06, 2024
Pezzullo: The Warmonger Who Won’t Go Away By , May 05, 2024
Anzac and the Pageantry of Deception By , April 30, 2024
Warring Against Encryption: Australia Is Coming for Your Communications By , April 24, 2024
Universities for AUKUS: The Social License Confidence Trick By , April 22, 2024
The Australian Defence Formula: Spend! Spend! Spend! By , April 19, 2024
Aukusing for War: The Real Target Is China By , April 08, 2024
Killing Aid Workers: Australia’s Muddled Policy on Israel By , April 05, 2024
The AUKUS Cash Cow: Robbing the Australian Taxpayer By , March 26, 2024
Predictable Outcomes: Australia, the National Security Committee, and Invading Iraq By , March 18, 2024
Matters of Revenue: Meta Abandons Australia’s Media Stable By , March 12, 2024
Australia: When Scott Morrison Met Nemesis By , February 16, 2024
A Merry AUKUS Surprise, Western Australia! By , December 21, 2023
Accidents of Eccentricity: Israel’s Pacific Hold By , December 11, 2023
Australia’s Actuarial Justice: Released Refugees and Secondary Punishment By , December 07, 2023
Sovereignty Surrendered: Subordinating Australia’s Defence Industry By , November 30, 2023
Rot in the Civil Service: Farewelling Mike Pezzullo By , November 27, 2023
Rigging Avian Ballots: New Zealand’s Bird of the Century Competition By , November 20, 2023
The Politics of Indefinite Detention in Australia By , November 16, 2023
Cultural Cover-Up: The Sydney Opera House Turns 50 By , October 24, 2023
Children in Police Watch Houses: A Nasty Queensland Experiment By , September 08, 2023
Congressional Concerns: Stalling Nuclear Submarines for Australia By , July 24, 2023
Dumping Doubts: Releasing Fukushima’s Waste Water By , July 13, 2023
The Robodebt Rogues Gallery By , July 10, 2023
Politicians and the Anzac Tradition: A Story of Manipulation and Mythology By , April 26, 2023
Imperial Visits: US Emissaries in the Pacific By , March 22, 2023
Branding the Acceptable: Battling Cancel Culture at Adelaide Writers’ Week By , March 13, 2023
Dated and Fractured: Optus and Data Protections Down Under By , October 03, 2022
Whitewashing at Shinzo Abe’s State Funeral By , September 27, 2022
“I Do Not Think I Know”: Scott Morrison’s Submarine Deception By , September 20, 2022
Dunderheaded Diplomacy: Australia’s Funding Offer to the Solomon Islands By , September 08, 2022
Beggars in Surplus: Australia’s University Gangsters By , August 31, 2022
Australia: Shaq Dunks the Voice By , August 30, 2022
Australia Whistleblower Relief: Dropping the Collaery Case By , July 11, 2022
Terms of Condescension: The Language of Australia’s “Pacific Family” By , July 03, 2022
The Brutality of “Bulldozer Justice” in India By , June 27, 2022
Election Gambit: Australia, Sri Lanka and Politicising Refugees By , May 31, 2022
Reactionary Succession in Australia: Peter Dutton, New Opposition Leader By , May 30, 2022
Bruising the Major Parties: Arise Australia’s Independents By , May 23, 2022
Bongbong Politics: Rehabilitating the Marcos Family. Philippine Elections. By , May 08, 2022
Noise Matters: Wind Farms, Nuisance and the Law By , May 04, 2022
Panic in Kooyong: The Threat to the Australian Liberal Party By , May 03, 2022
Australia’s Pacific Neglect: Distractions from Climate Change Security By , May 02, 2022
Fibbing on Anzac Day By , April 26, 2022
Australia: Lawyer Bernard Collaery’s War Against Secret Trials By , April 22, 2022
The “China Threat” and the Solomon Islands By , April 14, 2022
A Nine-Year Obscenity: The Australia-NZ Resettlement Deal By , March 31, 2022
Bipartisan Consensus as Myth: The Manchurian Candidate in Australian Politics By , February 24, 2022
Great Barrier Reef Fantasies: The Morrison Government’s Electoral Ploy By , February 08, 2022
Special Privileges: Charlotte Bellis, Fortress New Zealand and the Taliban By , February 02, 2022
Nostalgia at the AUKMIN Talks: Britain’s Forces Eye Australia By , January 24, 2022
Anachronistic Frivolity: Australia’s Recent Tank Purchase By , January 12, 2022
Tennis Player Novak Djokovic Versus the Australian Commonwealth By , January 11, 2022
The Mauling of Tennis Player Novak Djokovic By , January 10, 2022
How to Chill Free Speech: Defamation Down Under By , December 13, 2021
Off to the Solomon Islands: Australia’s Civilizers Get Busy By , November 26, 2021