Andrew Korybko - Archive

About the author:

Andrew Korybko est le commentateur politique étasunien qui travaille actuellement pour l’agence Sputnik. Il est en troisième cycle de l’Université MGIMO et auteur de la monographie Guerres hybrides: l’approche adaptative indirecte pour un changement de régime(2015).
There’s a New Coordinated Push for More Western Meddling in Myanmar By , June 07, 2024
The Upcoming Global South Summit Paves the Path for India’s Permanent UNSC Seat By , January 10, 2023
Blinken’s Gone Bonkers: Russia Is Alleviating, Not Worsening, Sri Lanka’s Crisis! By , July 11, 2022
Sri Lanka’s Principled Neutrality Ensured Its Survival in the Economic Crisis Thus Far By , June 13, 2022
Interpreting Pakistani Prime Minister Khan’s Praise for Indian Foreign Policy By , March 21, 2022
AUKUS Inadvertently Opens Diplomatic Opportunities for Russia with France & India By , October 07, 2021
Will India & Iran Ally with Kabul Against the Taliban? By , August 09, 2021
Australia Escalated the Hybrid War on BRI at America’s Behest By , May 04, 2021
Is India Doing America’s Bidding Against China? By and , November 19, 2020
Extreme Pro-US BJP Ideologues Must Not be Allowed to Sabotage Russian-Indian Relations By , November 02, 2020
Is the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) (US, Australia, India, Japan) Intent on Provoking Proxy War with China in the Solomon Islands? By , September 06, 2020
Modi’s Major Himalayan Mistake Crushed the Indian Military’s Morale By , June 18, 2020
The Afghan-Pakistani Rapprochement Complicates India’s Hybrid War Plans By , June 11, 2020
India’s Kashmiri Detainee Self-Censorship Demand Is Undemocratic By , January 14, 2020
The Indian Protesters Are Misled, but Not in the Way that Modi Says By , January 10, 2020
Bangladesh’s Neo-Colonial Bondage to India Is at Risk of Breaking By , October 24, 2019
1984 Punjab Was the Template for 2019 Kashmir By , September 16, 2019
Papua New Guinea New Leader James Marape’s Ambitious Vision: Make His Country “The Richest Black Christian Nation on Earth”? By , September 09, 2019
The Sikhs for Justice Support the Kashmiris’ Struggle for Self-Determination By , August 08, 2019
India’s Doing Everything that Israel Wishes It Could Do, but Few Seem to Care By , August 08, 2019
15 August, 1947 Wasn’t “Independence Day” for India’s Sikhs By , August 08, 2019
India Is Getting Ready to Declare Anyone a “Terrorist” Without Due Process By , August 08, 2019
India Involved in China-Vietnam Dispute in the South China Sea? By , July 31, 2019
Is India Preparing to Unleash “Weapons of Mass Migration” in Kashmir? By , July 31, 2019
Eight Indian States Are Getting Ready to Crack Down on the Sikh Community By , July 28, 2019
Is India Preparing to Impose the “Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act” in Punjab? By , July 28, 2019
The Recent Japanese Elections Might Slow Down the US’ “Indo-Pacific” Strategy By , July 26, 2019
Khalistan Isn’t About “Sikh Supremacy”, but Challenging Hindu Supremacy By , July 26, 2019
India and the Khalistan Liberation Movement. Fleshing Out The Future Vision Of Indian Federalism By , July 21, 2019
India’s Looming Agricultural Crisis: A Unique Chance to Change the System? By , July 01, 2019
The Development of India’s “Space Force”. Geopolitical and Strategic Implications By , June 14, 2019
US-India Strategic Partnership: Pompeo Hinted at a Big “Surprise”. Contain both Russia and China By , June 14, 2019
Prime Minister Modi’s Indian Ocean Island Trip Is Integral to His Second Term in Office By , June 08, 2019
The BJP Proudly Compared India’s “Anti-Terror” Strikes to “Israel’s” and the US’ By , April 29, 2019
Right on Cue: Indian Media Blames Pakistan for the Sri Lankan Terrorist Attacks By , April 25, 2019
The Russia -US -India Geopolitical Triangle: Will India’s “Balancing Act” Between Russia and the US Break Down Over Iran? By , October 11, 2018
Australia’s Naval Base in Papua New Guinea: Power Play in the South Pacific against China By , September 20, 2018
India’s Arrest of Leftist Activists. Fear of Social Revolution By , September 02, 2018
The Papua Attacks Prove That Insurgency Is Still Alive in Indonesia By , July 11, 2018
Australia Is Attempting to “Contain” China By , July 02, 2018
India’s “Playing Hard to Get” with America by Letting the AIIB Fund China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) By , June 29, 2018
Vietnam Protests Against Special Economic Zones (SEZ) By , June 20, 2018
Prime Minister Mahathir Will Continue Malaysia’s Multipolar Course By , May 22, 2018
Could Student Protests Break the Back of Bangladesh’s Ruling Party? By , April 16, 2018
Bangladeshi Regional Migration Could Plunge South Asia into War By , October 04, 2017
Tectonic Shock in India-Russia Relationship By , January 29, 2017
India: “Politicizing Terrorism” in Order to Pressure China By , April 28, 2016
ASEAN and the New Cold War Battle for Eurasia’s Economic Future By , December 14, 2015
Myanmar Post Elections Scenarios: “Cold Peace Before A Hot War” By , October 28, 2015
Myanmar’s Protracted Civil War: Drawn-Out Peace Or Battle Lines Drawn? By , October 25, 2015
The Asian NATO-like Project: How to Offset Obama’s “Pivot to Asia”, Building Regional Partnerships By , October 01, 2015
Obama’s “Pivot to Asia” NATO-Like Project By , September 30, 2015
The US Is Juggling Chaos And Coordination In Order To Contain China By , April 17, 2015
Laos: China’s “Pivot State” in Mainland ASEAN By , April 04, 2015