Latest Asian News and Top Stories

India Should Hold the Line on Myanmar By , March 16, 2021
The Current Situation Concerning the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands By , March 16, 2021
India: Women Reject State Surveillance By , March 15, 2021
Quad: Say It Like Modi By , March 15, 2021
Amid South China Sea Dispute, Philippines’ Palawan Is Besieged by Political Split By and , March 15, 2021
Fukushima Today: “I’m Glad that I Realized My Mistake before I Died.” By , March 15, 2021
BrahMos Missile Would Give Manila Instant Clout By , March 14, 2021
Eyes on China: The Quad Takes Scattered Aim By , March 11, 2021
A Million Hectares of Papuan Forest Licensed for Clearing, Report Shows By , March 09, 2021
India’s Farmers Resistance Movement. Repeal the Three Farm Laws By , March 08, 2021
India’s Abnormal “Farmers” Movement Celebrates 100th Day By , March 08, 2021
Ex-PMs Call on Japan to ‘Eradicate’ Nuclear Power By , March 05, 2021
Medevac Refugee: ‘We Are Not Treated Like Human Beings’ By and , March 03, 2021
‘We Attack,’ Indonesia Declares in Joint Bid with Malaysia to Shield Palm Oil By , March 03, 2021
The Fallacy of North Korean Collapse By and , March 03, 2021
Indonesia to Arm Up with Rafale, F-15 Fighter Jets By , March 02, 2021
Nepal’s Mega-dam Is a Mirage By , March 02, 2021
Video: Violent US-backed Hong Kong-Style Mobs in Thailand Continue By , March 02, 2021
‘The River Will Bleed Red’: Indigenous Filipinos Face Down Dam Projects By , March 02, 2021
Transmitting Knowledge and Gaining Recognition: Chinese “Comfort Women” Reparation Trials in the 1990s and 2000s By , March 02, 2021
Breaching Digital Rights: India’s Platform and Media Ethics Code By , March 01, 2021
‘A Disgrace’: Luxury Housing Plans Threaten Cambodia’s Bokor National Park By , February 26, 2021
The Empty Promise of Western-Style “Equality” and “Democracy” By , February 25, 2021
Only 1 of 52 Pilot Whales Survives Mass Stranding in Indonesia By , February 25, 2021
The ‘Comfort Women’ Issue, Freedom of Speech, and Academic Integrity: A Study Aid By , February 23, 2021
Calls for Accountability after Coal-slurry Spill in Indonesian River By and , February 22, 2021
India’s Forever Wars and Forever Warriors By , February 22, 2021
US-Indian Strategic Construct of Western Indian Ocean Runs into Headwinds By , February 15, 2021
India: The Kisans Are Right. Their Land Is at Stake. By , February 15, 2021
The Fukushima Quake May be an Echo of the 2011 Disaster — And a Warning for the Future By , February 15, 2021
Military Coup: The Myanmar-China Nexus By , February 15, 2021
Lobbying for Gain: Passing Through Australia’s Revolving Door By , February 15, 2021
Abe’s Womenomics Policy, 2013-2020: Tokenism, Gradualism, or Failed Strategy? By , February 12, 2021
Southeast Asian Wild Pigs Confront Deadly African Swine Fever Epidemic By , February 12, 2021
Dr Mahathir: Corruption Led to the Downfall of Pakatan Government By , February 12, 2021
Raid on NewsClick: An Attempt to Muzzle the Voices of Dissent By , February 11, 2021
Reopening the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal, Fifty-Four Years Later: As Recorded in the Documentary Video, Breaking the History of Silence By and , February 09, 2021
China Building Indonesia into an EV Powerhouse By , February 09, 2021
India Needs Course Correction on Myanmar By , February 08, 2021
Farmers Are Tillers, Not Killers By , February 08, 2021
Legal Failings Leave Illegal Loggers Unpunished and Certified in Indonesia By , February 05, 2021
Modi’s Farm Produce Act Was Authored Thirty Years Ago, in Washington D.C. By , February 05, 2021
Aboriginal Historical Memory and ‘Australia Day’ By , February 05, 2021
Secret Inter-Korean Nuke Cooperation Rumors Officially Blasted By , February 04, 2021
Belt and Road Initiative: Opportunities and Challenges for Mongolia By , February 02, 2021
Myanmar Military Seizes Power By , February 02, 2021
US Pressure on China; The Thai Connection By , February 02, 2021
China Building Digital Silk Road Stretching from Asia Through Africa to Europe By , February 02, 2021
Cowardly History: Australia Day and Invasion By , February 02, 2021
Indian Farmers on the Frontline Against Global Capitalism By , February 01, 2021
Viral Inequality and the Farmers’ Struggle in India By , February 01, 2021
Mahatma Gandhi’s Enduring Message of Non-Violence By , February 01, 2021
It’s Facebook versus India’s Farmers By , January 29, 2021
Why Are Japan’s Leaders Clinging to Their Olympic Hopes? Their Political Fortunes Depend on It By , January 29, 2021
Modi Blinks in Farmer Feud as Biden Checks In By , January 29, 2021
Timber Organization’s Backing ‘One Step’ Toward ‘Peace Park’ in Borneo By , January 29, 2021
India’s Farmers Are Right to Protest Against Agricultural Reforms By , January 28, 2021
No Safe Space for Philippines’ Indigenous Youth as Military Allowed on Campus By , January 25, 2021
China Risks a Himalayan Water War with India By , January 25, 2021
Why ‘Asian Era’ Will be Globally Embraced By , January 22, 2021
Boris Johnson Has Done Modi a Favour By , January 22, 2021
Asia’s Deadliest COVID Country to Resist Vaccination By , January 21, 2021
Farmers’ Protests Reflect Existential Crisis of Indian Agriculture By , January 21, 2021
Australia’s Treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Under UN Microscope By , January 20, 2021
Forget About the Trade Spat – Coal Is Passé in Much of China, and that’s a Bigger Problem for Australia By , and , January 20, 2021
India Farming: The Real Problem May Often be Different from Its Outward Manifestation By , January 20, 2021
‘Real-Life Mathematics’ Applied in Actual Experience (with Special Focus on Philippine Politics) By , January 19, 2021
Deforestation Spurred by Road Project Creeps Closer to Sumatra Wildlife Haven By , January 19, 2021
India’s Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS) Aims to Develop Links with the UN, World Bank, UNCTAD By and , January 18, 2021
Indian Farmers on the Frontline Against Global Capitalism By , January 18, 2021
Philippines: ‘Drug War’ Killings Rise During Pandemic By , January 18, 2021
Wildfires Ravage Nepal Mountains By , January 15, 2021
Why Pakistan Won’t be Next to Normalize with Israel By , January 15, 2021
75% of Australia’s Marine Protected Areas Are Given Only ‘Partial’ Protection. Here’s Why that’s a Problem By , , and , January 15, 2021
Will Costs Continue to Cage Laos’ Regional Connectivity? By , January 15, 2021
Encircling China and Praising India: The US Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific By , January 15, 2021
Today India Needs Both Gandhi and Bhagat Singh, and the Unity of Their Followers More Than Ever Before By , January 14, 2021
Looming Large: The Middle East Braces for Fallout of US–China Divide By , January 14, 2021
Why Are People Going Hungry in India Despite a Massive Grain Surplus? By , January 13, 2021
China’s Mission to Nepal Gains Traction By , January 11, 2021