Latest Asian News and Top Stories

Russia’s “China Dreams” Are Less of a Fantasy Than Skeptics Say: Moscow Becomes Top Oil Supplier to China? By , July 03, 2016
Japan, South Korea, and the US Hold Missile War Games: Targeting North Korea, China, or Russia? By , July 03, 2016
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Expands By , July 03, 2016
South Korean Government Tries to End the Investigation of the Sewol Ferry Sinking and Silence Victims By , July 03, 2016
China Reluctant About Indian and Pakistani Entry into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization? By , July 03, 2016
China and other SCO Founding Members Cautious About Accession of India and Pakistan By , July 03, 2016
How the UK Sold Fake GT 200 Bomb Detectors to Thailand and Got People Killed By , June 24, 2016
Cambodia for Sale: An Introduction on the Social Consequences of Neoliberal Reforms By , June 17, 2016
Your Pet Dogs and Cats Could Be Eating Seafood People Were Murdered For By , June 17, 2016
Food for Thought: How Corporations in Thailand Use Slavery to Bring You the Seafood in Your Fridge and on Your Tables By , June 17, 2016
Slavery in Thailand: How Southeast Asian Slaves Catch the Seafood Eaten in the US By , June 17, 2016
Photo Essay of the Dirty Secret of South Korea’s KIA Motors: Year-Long Roof-Top Sit-In By , June 16, 2016
Electoral Protests and Battles Rage Across the Philippines: Fair and Democratic 2016 Elections? By , June 13, 2016
The Plight of Farmers in the Philippines: April Tragedy in Kidapawan By , June 13, 2016
How the Media Supported Corruption During the Elections in the Philippines By , June 12, 2016
Fukushima and Nuclear Power: Does the Advertising Giant Dentsu Pull the Strings of Japan’s Media? By , June 05, 2016
Philippines-Malaysia Conflict: Drop the Sabah Claim; Focus on the Bangsamoro Agreement By , May 30, 2016
Leakers Down Under: The Australian Federal Police Raids during Election Campaign By , May 22, 2016
Washington’s Financial Currency War on China: The Eclipsing of the US Dollar by the Yuan By , May 22, 2016
Myanmar’s “Unpeople Rohingya”: Expose the Duplicity of Aung San Suu Kyi By , May 10, 2016
Pivot to Asia: US Meddling in Thailand Boosts Bangkok-Moscow Ties By , May 04, 2016
China: Preserving Sovereignty or Sliding into Western Sponsored ‘Color Revolutions’ By , May 03, 2016
Kadena Air Base
Environmental Contamination at Largest US Air Force Base in Asia: Kadena, Okinawa By , May 02, 2016
Australia’s French Connection and the Submarine Saga. France, Military Supplier for Royal Australian Navy By , April 30, 2016
India: “Politicizing Terrorism” in Order to Pressure China By , April 28, 2016
The Medical Implications of the 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Disaster By , April 26, 2016
Video: China’s New Aircraft Carrier Force, Challenges US Naval Hegemony? By , April 20, 2016
Myanmar’s Political Transition: Aung San Suu Kyi “Non-Democratic Democracy” By , April 16, 2016
Vers une guerre mondiale, nucléaire, “réseaucentrique”, et “factice” By , April 03, 2016
A New Cultural Geography of East Asia: Imagining A ‘Region’ through Popular Culture By , April 02, 2016
U.S. Double Standards Human Rights: Thailand vs. Saudi Arabia By , April 01, 2016
Terrorisme international. “Qui sont les vrais sorciers?” By , March 30, 2016
Obama à Cuba : Continuité dans la formulation de la politique étrangère américaine By , March 27, 2016
Selon des informations crédibles, Clinton serait derrière les manifestations violentes lors des discours de Trump. By , March 22, 2016
North Korea Punished for Helping Liberate Africa By , March 18, 2016
Fukushima: Japan’s “National Resilience” and The Legacy of 3-11 By , March 17, 2016
The Giant Lie About Fukushima By , March 13, 2016
Fukushima At Five: Reflections on the Crime, the Cover-up and the Future of Nuclear Energy By and , March 13, 2016
The Fukushima Endgame: The Radioactive Contamination of the Pacific Ocean By , March 11, 2016
Record Financial Collapse: Plunge In Japan’s Government Bonds Triggers Circuit Breaker, Halts Market… By , March 09, 2016
North Korea and the Nuclear Question. The Political Isolation of the DPRK. China and Russia Endorse Sanctions By , March 07, 2016
Islamophobia and the “Negative Media Portrayal of Muslims” By , February 29, 2016
Opium in Afghanistan: How a Pink Flower Defeated the World’s Sole Superpower By , February 23, 2016
What Lessons Can Vietnam teach Okinawa about U.S. Military Dioxin? By , February 12, 2016
US Claims its Anti-China US-ASEAN Summit is “Not Anti-China” By , February 09, 2016
Video: “Princes of the Yen”. The Bank of Japan During the Financial Crash By , February 09, 2016
American Aggression against China By , February 08, 2016
Beijing vs. Washington: The Battle for Southeast Asia. “Free Trade” and US Economic Hegemony By , February 04, 2016
China’s Path into Africa Blocked By , February 04, 2016
“The Martian”: This Hollywood Heroism is Also for Chinese Viewers By , February 04, 2016
China’s President Xi in the Middle East: From U.S. Regime Change to Chinese Economic Development? By , February 03, 2016
Battle Stations—Okinawa in 2016. Controversial Plan to Establish New US Marine Corps Base By , January 23, 2016
Russia Continues Confronting Japan with De Facto Annexation of Disputed Islands By , January 16, 2016
Japan Threatens East China Sea Stability, Plans to “Drive away Chinese Naval Ships” By , January 13, 2016
The South China Sea Crisis and the “Battle for Oil” By , January 13, 2016
How GMO Lobbyists Taught Me “We’re Helping the Poor and Hungry” By , January 12, 2016
Does North Korea Need Nukes to Deter US Aggression? By , January 10, 2016
Quand la Maison blanche et le Pentagone ne sont pas d’accord. By , January 01, 2016
Politique: on est pas sorti de l’auberge! By , December 27, 2015
La banque, le Moyen-Orient, et la dérive autoritaire du gouvernement français By , December 23, 2015
US-Japan Military Alliance: Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Forces (JMSDF). The Most Powerful Naval Force in the Asia-Pacific Region By , December 22, 2015
Dette, chômage et pauvreté. Quels alternatifs à l’Occident usurier? By , December 20, 2015
Revue de presse: un peu de sérieux! By , December 16, 2015
ASEAN and the New Cold War Battle for Eurasia’s Economic Future By , December 14, 2015
The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA): This is No Ordinary Trade Deal. A Fundamental Aspect of Washington’s “Pivot-to-Asia” Policy By , December 10, 2015
Attentats à Bamako et Paris: à qui profite le crime? By , November 29, 2015
Russia-China Relations and the Downing of Russia’s Jet Fighter by Turkey By , November 25, 2015
The Chinese People’s Struggle Against Japanese Fascism In World War II: The Longest War; Supreme Victory By , November 20, 2015
Malaria in the Asia-Pacific Region By , November 13, 2015
The Devastating Impacts of the TPP Trade Deal on Vietnam By , November 13, 2015
The India-Pakistan Confrontation. The Dangers of Nuclear Conflict in South Asia? By , November 12, 2015
Myanmar: The Atrocious Delusion of Burmese ‘Democracy’ By , November 12, 2015
In the Wake of Fukushima: Japan’s Dangerous Nuclear Waste on the Cutting Board. Towards a Renewables Future? By , November 11, 2015
Review of Dave Chaddock's Book. David Swanson interview with Chaddock on Talk Nation Radio By , November 10, 2015
China’s Renminbi as a World Currency, Endorsed by the City of London By , November 05, 2015
Global Conflict and the Geopolitics of US-China Relations By , November 01, 2015
Seeds of Corruption: “Unneeded, Unwanted and Unsafe,” the Case of Genetically Modified Mustard in India By , November 01, 2015
China Turns Tables on “US-Backed Agitators” in Hong Kong By , October 30, 2015
China’s Nuclear Energy Boom Threatens Global Catastrophe. Coastal Array of 300 Nuclear Reactors Vulnerable to Earthquakes and Tsunamis By , October 29, 2015
gmo food on
Poisoned Food, Poisoned Agriculture: Getting off the Chemical Treadmill By , October 28, 2015