Latest Asian News and Top Stories

China’s Belt and Road Initiative Contributes to Open, “Win-Win New World”. President Xi Jinping By , May 16, 2017
Vers une Europe militaire ? By , May 13, 2017
The 1989 Tiananmen Square “Massacre”. What Happened? By , May 09, 2017
The Universal Lesson of East Timor By , May 08, 2017
Japan Seeks to Restore Its National Sovereignty. Japan-Russia Relations By , May 02, 2017
Responsible Actions Needed to Ensure Peace on the Korean Peninsula By , May 01, 2017
How Pollution in Europe is Creating Ghost Towns in India By , May 01, 2017
Korea: Leading to War? By , May 01, 2017
Petrodollar Faces Growing Threat From the East. Payments in Gold Across Asia By , May 01, 2017
The Threat of Nuclear War, North Korea or the United States? By , April 28, 2017
Ice and Busts: The Lost War on Drugs in Australia By , April 21, 2017
North Korea Threatens America. They’re Coming, They’re Going to Blow Us Up By , April 14, 2017
Vietnam War: The Life and Times of a South Vietnamese Special Police Officer By , April 11, 2017
To Rui, Once Again: Nagasaki Hibakusha (A-Bomb Survivor), By , April 07, 2017
Donald Trump’s Japanese and South Korean Nuclear Threat to China: A Tipping Point in East Asia? By , April 07, 2017
Reconstruction Disaster: The Human Implications of Japan’s Forced Return Policy in Fukushima By and , April 04, 2017
The Philippines and The Political Regime of President Rodrigo Duterte By , April 02, 2017
Why is Sri Lanka Granting India Control Over Our National and Energy Security? By , April 02, 2017
THAAD Will Not Protect South Korea By , April 02, 2017
US Presence in South Korea Drives Instability By , March 26, 2017
Cyclone Watch in Australia By , March 26, 2017
US “Failures” in Afghanistan. US Military Still There By , March 24, 2017
Australia Blows Israel’s Credibility on Its “World Vision” Sham Accusations By , March 23, 2017
Hong Kong: Anglo-America’s Struggling Foothold in China By , March 23, 2017
Singapore’s Total Defence Policy Provides a Regional Model By , March 22, 2017
La police française lance des gaz lacrymogènes contre des manifestants au moment du vérrouillage de l’aéroport d’Orly By , March 21, 2017
“Trump Madness”: US Threats Against North Korea And The Danger of War in Asia By , March 20, 2017
No One Needs Another Korean War By , March 19, 2017
Radiation Spikes at Fukishima, Worldwide Impacts, “Longest Running, Continuous Industrial Disaster in History” By , March 18, 2017
Derogation of the Rights of Forest Communities Worldwide By , March 16, 2017
US Sends Drones, Assassination Squad to South Korea. Massive “War Games” Directed against DPRK Underway By , March 15, 2017
US Delta Force, SEAL Team 6 Prepare To “Take Out Kim Jong-Un”, Practice Tactical North Korea “Infiltration” By , March 15, 2017
Dangerous Crossroads: US “Rehearsal” of Invasion of North Korea. Largest Ever US-ROK Military Exercise By , March 15, 2017
Malaysia and the Question of North Korea. A US Led War against North Korea Would Affect the Entire Asia-Pacific Region By , March 12, 2017
Fukushima Radiation, What Prospects for Humanity By and , March 12, 2017
How Orientalism Pitted Hindus against Muslims in India? By , March 11, 2017
The Korean Crisis and the THAAD Missile Deployment: A Growing Tinderbox in the South By , March 11, 2017
Deforestation and Industrial Pulpwood Plantations in Indonesia, Devastating Social and Environmental Impacts By , March 09, 2017
Dangerous Crossroads: America Threatens China, US Deploys THAAD Missile System in South Korea, Beijing Warns of Nuclear Arms Race By , March 09, 2017
South Korea President to be Impeached? By , March 08, 2017
One Nation Train. “Make Australia Great Again”, US-Australian Relations By , March 03, 2017
Terror and Sectarian Violence at Delhi University By , March 01, 2017
Les questions frontalières et le Brexit dominent les élections en Irlande du Nord By , February 28, 2017
Washington is Looking for a “Pacific Fight”. US Navy Report Envisages War with China By , February 27, 2017
Increase in Arms Transfers Driven by Demand in the Middle East and Asia, says SIPRI By , February 21, 2017
Who Americans Consider Their Greatest Enemies By , February 19, 2017
North Korea: Trump’s First Foreign Policy Test in Asia By , February 19, 2017
American Media Hacking “Fake News” About North Korea By , February 14, 2017
Merci DECODEX… By , February 14, 2017
South Korea’s Defunct President Park Impedes Impeachment Verdict, Refuses Cooperation with Corruption Probe By , February 12, 2017
Extremely High Radiation Breaks down Fukushima “Clean-Up Robot” at Damaged Nuclear Reactor By , February 12, 2017
Lots of Shouting, Tiny Stick: Iran is “Not Behaving… They are the No 1 Terrorist State” according to Trump By , February 09, 2017
A Deadly Legacy: The CIA’s Covert Laos War By , February 09, 2017
GM Mustard Case Returns To Court In India: Bt Cotton Failure And Economic Distress Spun As A ‘Success’ In Pitch For GMOs By , February 09, 2017
Beijing Warns Against War with the US. “Disastrous Losses to Both Sides” By , February 09, 2017
Populism in Australia: Channelling Trump “Down Under” By , February 09, 2017
Trump Scraps The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) for Bilateral “Free Trade” By , February 08, 2017
Indonesia’s Sumatra: Unspoken “Environmental Genocide” By , February 06, 2017
U.S. Imperialism in Asia: Trump Administration Set to Expand South China Sea Conflict By , February 05, 2017
The Dirty Truth Behind the World Bank’s “Commitments” on Climate Change By , February 05, 2017
Radiation Levels Are Soaring inside the Damaged Fukushima Nuclear Plant By , February 04, 2017
US-Russia Confrontation? Moscow Likely to Mull Action If U.S. THAAD Missile Deployment in South Korea Goes Ahead By , February 04, 2017
Trumping Australia’s Refugee Deal By , February 03, 2017
Rex Tillerson Backs Aggressive Policy in Disputed South China Sea as Exxon, Russia Eye Region’s Oil and Gas By , February 03, 2017
New Arms Race: China Develops its Naval Power, Launches Type 055 Destroyer. Analysis By , February 02, 2017
Guess Who’s Moving Factories to America to Lower Costs… China Seeks A “Made in America” Label By , February 01, 2017
The Rohingya: Myanmar Mass Murder Made in America By , February 01, 2017
Tectonic Shock in India-Russia Relationship By , January 29, 2017
Killing the TPP: Trump’s Executive Action By , January 28, 2017
Will Washington’s New Pro-Moscow, Anti-Beijing Gang Drive a Wedge Through the BRICS in 2017? By , January 27, 2017
The Trump Administration’s Disturbing US Anti-China Saber Rattling By , January 25, 2017
Myanmar and the Fundamental Rights of the Rohingyas. Sign of Hope, or Business as Usual? By , January 24, 2017
Development and India: Why Genetically Modified Mustard Really Matters By , January 23, 2017
China Extends Economic Influence in Balkans and Southeast Europe, Bank of China Regional Headquarters in Belgrade By , January 22, 2017
Indonesia’s West Papua: Settlers Dominate Coastal Regions, Highlands Still Overwhelmingly Papuan By , January 20, 2017
India, Death by Demonetization: “Financial Genocide”, The Crime of the Century By , January 20, 2017
The Japanese State Versus the People of Okinawa: Rolling Arrests and Prolonged and Punitive Detention By and , January 19, 2017
Nepalese Women: Symbols of Historical Achievements and Political Leadership By , January 18, 2017
China’s Challenge to the World Economic Order By and , January 17, 2017
One China Policy Nonnegotiable, Says Beijing. America’s Adversarial Policy against China By , January 16, 2017