Latest Asian News and Top Stories

How the West Re-colonized China By and , October 29, 2017
A Nonviolent Strategy to End Violence and Avert Human Extinction. The Teachings of Gandhi and Martin Luther King By , October 28, 2017
Le gouvernement catalan dans la tourmente après la suppression de l’autonomie par l’Espagne By , October 25, 2017
India-Pakistan Proxy War in Afghanistan Is a Media Fabrication By , October 25, 2017
Video: The Vietnam War and the Phoenix Program: “A Computerized Genocide” By and , October 20, 2017
Mainstream Media Islamophobia and Women’s Rights in Muslim Countries By , October 20, 2017
American Literature on the Battle of Okinawa and the Continuing US Military Presence By , October 17, 2017
North Korea and Trump’s “Reality Free Zone”: Tweeting About Armageddon By , October 14, 2017
Why U.S. and Saudi Arabia Back Rohingya in Myanmar By , October 12, 2017
Trump, Syriza et le Brexit prouvent que voter n’est qu’une minuscule partie de la bataille By , October 06, 2017
Bangladeshi Regional Migration Could Plunge South Asia into War By , October 04, 2017
“In a Nuclear War the Collateral Damage would be the Life of All Humanity”. Conversations with Fidel Castro: Hiroshima and the Dangers of a Nuclear War By and , October 03, 2017
Monsanto’s Violence in India: The Sacred and The Profane By , September 30, 2017
Space Technology, Global Warfare, The Pentagon “First Strike Attack Plans”. Growing US Military Presence in “Asia-Pacific Pivot” By , September 30, 2017
Expanding Horizons Key to BRICS’ Second Golden Decade By , September 29, 2017
There Is No Rehabilitating the Vietnam War By , September 27, 2017
North Korea versus the United States: Who are the Demons? North Korea Lost 30% of Its Population as a Result of US Bombings in the 1950s By , September 25, 2017
The Demise of Civic Journalism: Australia’s Xenophon-Turnbull Deal By , September 20, 2017
Video: Taliban Attacks NATO Convoy By , September 17, 2017
India: Has Demonetization Achieved its Stated Objectives? By , September 13, 2017
Energy Chaos in Australia: Closing the Liddell Power Station By , September 13, 2017
GM Mustard and the Indian Government: The Game Is up, the Emperor Has No Clothes! By , September 12, 2017
Foreign Capital Dictates India’s Development Agenda: Cultural Imperialism and the Seeds of Catastrophe, Ripping Up India’s Social Fabric By , September 11, 2017
“Indian Holocaust” and Climate Genocide, Famine and Mass Poverty in Neoliberal India By , September 10, 2017
Trading Oil for Gold: China’s Gold-Backed Petro-Yuan Market, Threatens the US Dollar? By , September 08, 2017
China’s Cutback in Coal Mining: 2.3 Million New Jobs Required by 2020 By and , September 08, 2017
US Sponsored “Regime Change” in Cambodia? Opposition Leader Bragged About US-backed Sedition By , September 08, 2017
We Don’t Want War in Korea! By , September 07, 2017
Gold Trade Between Russia and China – A Step Closer Towards De-Dollarization? By and , September 07, 2017
Video: China’s New World Order: Gold-backed Oil Benchmark on the Way By , September 07, 2017
Myanmar: The Rohingya, Saudi Backed ISIS Militants, Aung San Suu Kyi is a US Proxy By , September 06, 2017
Cocaine, Heroin, Cannabis, Ecstasy: How Big is the Global Drug Trade? By , September 06, 2017
Trump Continues Failed Military Policy in South Central Asia By , September 06, 2017
Proposal for a Lasting Korea Peace Agreement: Signing of a Bilateral North-South Korea Peace Treaty By , September 05, 2017
The Rohingya of Myanmar – Pawns in an Anglo-Chinese Proxy War Fought by Saudi Jihadists By , September 05, 2017
The Need for US-North Korea Peace Talks: Jimmy Carter. “They Want a Peace Treaty to Replace the [1953] Ceasefire” By , September 05, 2017
Lacking Transparency: Israeli Drones and Australian Defence By , September 05, 2017
Myanmar Regime Projects Rohingyas as Terrorist “Jihadists” By , September 01, 2017
Facts of the Korean War: UN Security Council, Instrument of US led Wars, Blatantly Biased Against North Korea By , September 01, 2017
From A Concept to A Partnership: BRICS Members to Build Future Through Cooperation By , August 29, 2017
Video: Afghanistan – Where Empires Die By and , August 27, 2017
BRICS and the Fiction of “De-Dollarization” By , August 27, 2017
US Threatens Pakistan as Part of New Afghan War Drive. Islamabad Seeks Beijing’s Support By , August 24, 2017
Soil, Monsanto and the Agribusiness Giants: Conning the World with Snake Oil and Doughnuts By , August 24, 2017
The Rise of the Killer Robot By , August 24, 2017
BRICS: Turning Point to the New World Economic System, China’s Crucial Role By and , August 23, 2017
Blackwater Founder Seeks Privatization of Afghan War By , August 23, 2017
Black Alliance for Peace Calls on the U.S. to End Its War in Afghanistan By , August 23, 2017
Court Affirms Right to Sue U.S. Military: Endangered Okinawa “Dugongs”, Ancient Cultural Icons By , August 22, 2017
North Korea Is Not the Provocateur By , August 16, 2017
North Korea: Achievements in Health and Education By , August 16, 2017
Setback of “Green Conscience”: The Australian Recycling Sham By , August 13, 2017
China’s Economy Shows Strong Resilience By , August 13, 2017
Australia’s Refugee Transit Centre on Manus Island: The Fate of Hamed Shamshiripour By , August 13, 2017
Nepal: Women’s Art and Politics By , August 12, 2017
Borneo- Kalimantan: A Frontline For Survival of Our Planet By , August 12, 2017
North Korea: Killer Sanctions Imposed by the Foremost Institution of Peace and Justice, The UN Security Council By , August 10, 2017
Geography 101: “Get Trump an Atlas”. Trump Wants to Bomb North Korea With Nuclear Weapons. Where is the Target Country? By , August 10, 2017
Afghanistan: Why Counterterrorism Combat Has Failed By , August 09, 2017
Narmada Valley: Indian Authorities Accused of ‘Drowning the Homes of 40,000 Families’ By , August 09, 2017
Les centres du pouvoir impérial. Divisions, indécisions et guerre civile. By , August 08, 2017
Hiroshima: A “Military Base” according to President Harry Truman By , August 05, 2017
Sanctions and Threats against North Korea. “All Options are on the Table” By , August 04, 2017
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Gratuitous Mass Murder, Nuclear War, “A Lunatic Act” By , August 04, 2017
Le bouleversement de la Maison Blanche continue alors que le général Kelly prend les rênes By , August 02, 2017
Historic Shift in Geopolitical Alignments: India and Pakistan Join Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) By , August 01, 2017
Fukushima, Tell the Japanese Government: Don’t Dump Radioactive Nuclear Waste into the Ocean! By , July 30, 2017
Japan Plans to Expose Its People and 2020 Tokyo Olympians to Fukushima Radiation By , July 20, 2017
Le lien entre la Libye et la tragédie de Manchester By , July 19, 2017
The Logic in North Korean ‘Madness’ By , July 18, 2017
US-Linked Terrorism in Southeast Asia. Where US Interests are Threatened, ISIS Coincidentally Appears… By , July 18, 2017
Japan’s Legacy of War Crimes in China By , July 18, 2017
In India, Ditching Science for Corporate Inspired Spin in Push for Genetically Modified Mustard By , July 12, 2017
Sino/Russia Ties: World’s Most Important Strategic Partnership By , July 05, 2017
“The Push for GM Mustard Is Coming From the Commercial Food Industry, Not From the Kitchens of Ordinary Indian Homes” By , July 02, 2017
Future Shock: Imagining India By , June 26, 2017
Mahatma Gandhi, We Need Your Voice Today! By , June 19, 2017
Dreams of Detention By , June 09, 2017
Political Transition in the Republic of Korea, Sunshine 2.0, Demilitarization and the Peace Process By , June 09, 2017
The Betrayal of India: A Close Look at the 2008 Mumbai Terror Attacks By , June 07, 2017