Latest Asian News and Top Stories

Pacific Moves: China, Vanuatu and Australia By , April 11, 2018
China’s Prototype Space Station Tiangong-1 By , April 05, 2018
Sri Lanka, Independent Republic to Vassal State By , April 05, 2018
Australia’s Kangaroo “Love-Hate Relationship”: The Kangaroo Industry Debate By , April 05, 2018
“Hey Hey General Mackymacker, Ho, Ho Mr. Lovitt:” Woody Guthrie’s Forgotten Dissent From the Atomic Bomb to the Korean War By , April 05, 2018
No Small Victory: Kim Dotcom and New Zealand’s Human Rights Review Tribunal By , March 29, 2018
The Temptations of Ball Tampering: Steve Smith’s Australian Team in South Africa By , March 25, 2018
“Codependency” to Conflict? Fragile US-China Economic Relationship By , March 24, 2018
Inequality and Precarity in Japan: The Sorry Achievements of Abenomics By and , March 23, 2018
Racial Preferences: Peter Dutton and White South African Farmers By , March 23, 2018
Sri Lanka’s Religious Violence and the US Pivot to Asia By , March 23, 2018
India: Violations of the Right to Food and Work Rampant Across the Country, Made Worse by Aadhaar By , March 20, 2018
The Government of India Hired Foreign Corporations to Act as ‘Biometric Service Providers”: Role of CIA in the Aadhaar Database Exposed in Supreme Court By , March 17, 2018
Marco Polo in Reverse: How Italy Fits in the New Silk Roads By , March 17, 2018
The Myth of a Neo-Imperial China By , March 16, 2018
Fukushima Radiation Levels 100 Times Higher Than Normal, Greenpeace Warns By , March 13, 2018
Fukushima Radiation Risks to Last Into Next Century: Greenpeace Investigation By , March 13, 2018
China’s “Xi Silk Road” Is Here to Stay By , March 13, 2018
India: Historic Victory for Farmers of Maharashtra By , March 13, 2018
Malaysia: Banks Collude with Speculators to Force House Sales By , March 12, 2018
Fake News Storm Clouds Gather Over Southeast Asia By , March 10, 2018
Offshoring Indian Agriculture: Is India Becoming a GMO Trash Can? By , March 10, 2018
Bullied Relations: Australia, East Timor and Natural Resources By , March 08, 2018
Art and Politics in Australia By , March 08, 2018
The Rs 1.4 Trillion Plan to Destroy India’s Agriculture By , March 07, 2018
Is China Neoliberal? By , March 06, 2018
Weaponising Rumour: Australia’s New Political Sensitivity By , March 04, 2018
The Constitution, Human Rights and Pluralism in Japan: Alternative Visions of Constitutions Past and Future By , March 04, 2018
“Sexual Despotism” in Australia: Malcolm Turnbull’s “Bonking Ban” for Politicians By , February 26, 2018
Civil Society in Australia and New Zealand Decries FSANZ Approval of GM “Golden Rice” By , February 26, 2018
China’s Strategy to Tackle the Environmental Crisis. The East Is Green? By , February 26, 2018
Maldives Political Crisis Deepens By , February 25, 2018
Senator George Brandis, the Rule of Law and Populism in Australia By , February 15, 2018
What Does China’s ‘Ecological Civilization’ Mean for Humanity’s Future? By , February 11, 2018
U.S. Marine Corps Sexual Violence on Okinawa By , February 11, 2018
The Igorots, the Indigenous Peoples of the Northern Philippines Under the Faces of State Terrorism and Tyranny By , February 11, 2018
Fabricated Reality: Lobbying for GMO Agriculture in India By , February 10, 2018
“Save the Town”: Radioactive Contamination, The Insolvable Dilemmas of Fukushima’s “Return Policy” By , , and , February 09, 2018
Imagine What Would Happen if China Decided to Impose Economic Sanctions on the USA? By , February 09, 2018
Dengvaxia: 700,000 Children in the Philippines Will Suffer This Severe Vaccine Side Effect By , February 07, 2018
Poverty in the Philippines: The Official Figures Have Been Manipulated By , February 07, 2018
A Well-Kept Open Secret: Washington Is Behind India’s Brutal Demonetization Project By , January 28, 2018
Global Capitalism and Livelihoods Denied: Whipping India’s Farmers into Submission By , January 23, 2018
Locked-Up for Reading: Young Leftists in China Speak Out By and , January 22, 2018
From Nanjing to Okinawa – Two Massacres, Two Commanders By , January 22, 2018
U.S. Military Base Construction at Henoko-Oura Bay and the Okinawan Governor’s Strategy to Stop It By and , January 22, 2018
MLK Day: Court Decision, U.S. “Government Agencies” Found Guilty in Martin Luther King’s Assassination By , January 13, 2018
Fukushima Darkness: Radiation of Triple Meltdowns Felt Worldwide By , January 12, 2018
Opening India’s Economy to Corporate America: “Retail Apocalypse” to Save the American Dream? By , January 11, 2018
China’s Pivot to World Markets, Washington’s Pivot to World Wars… By , January 11, 2018
To Liberate Cambodia By , January 10, 2018
North Korea and a “Rules-Based Order” for the Indo-Pacific, East Asia, and the World By , January 09, 2018
Protecting China’s Belt and Road Initiative from US-Led Terrorism By , January 09, 2018
Nepal: Communists Win Parliamentary Elections by a Landslide, Celebrations in Katmandu By , January 09, 2018
Flaunting British Neo-Imperialism in Asia-Pacific By , January 09, 2018
China’s Tibet Health Success versus Passive Mass Murder of Afghan Women and Children by US Alliance By , January 07, 2018
American Polynesia, Rising Seas and Relocation By , January 06, 2018
The Strategies of Global Warfare: War with China and Russia? Washington’s Military Design in the Asia-Pacific By , December 29, 2017
More American Troops to Afghanistan, To Keep the Chinese Out? Lithium and the Battle for Afghanistan’s Mineral Riches By , December 28, 2017
China Shifts Course, Is A Global Financial Crisis Brewing? By , December 28, 2017
South Korea: The Movement to RELEASE All Prisoners of Conscience! By , December 28, 2017
The Quad: US Searches Edge of Asia for Allies to Contain Beijing By , December 28, 2017
Communists Sweep the Nepali Elections, a Blow to the Establishment Parties By , December 19, 2017
The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases By , December 16, 2017
Peaceful Protest against the Joint US-Australia Pine Gap “Spy Hub”: The Fate of the “Pine Gap Pilgrims” Activists By , December 09, 2017
“Counterterrorism” in Mindanao: The ISIS Helps the U.S. Keep its “Military Foot” in the Philippines’ Door By , December 07, 2017
Long Hours and Unequal Wage Gaps in Japan: Abe Shinzō’s Campaign to Reform the Japanese “Way of Work” By , and , December 03, 2017
Margaret Mead: Where Are You Now? By , December 01, 2017
Revolutionary Activist Shakti Yogmaya in Nepal’s Grade Ten Schoolbooks! By , November 24, 2017
India’s Health Crisis: State Hospitals’ Neglect Aggravates Crisis in the Clinics of the “All India Institute Of Medical Science” (AIIMS) By , November 22, 2017
Muslim-Sikh Relations in Medieval India: Deconstructing the Orientalist Myth of “Perpetual Communal Conflict” By , November 17, 2017
India’s Demonetization, Modi’s “Economic Emergency” and “Black Money”: What Does that Mean for the Common People By , November 10, 2017
China’s Strategic Economic Planning versus America’s Failed Capitalism By , November 05, 2017
What Is the Aim of Nippon Kaigi, the Ultra-Right Organization that Supports Japan’s Abe Administration? By and , November 04, 2017
Agent Orange on Okinawa: Six Years On By , November 04, 2017
Pivot to, or Brawl in Asia? West Already Targeting Thailand’s New King By , November 04, 2017
The Post-Fukushima Legacy: Nuclear Energy in Asia, South Korea’s Nuclear Energy Industry By and , November 03, 2017
Home Demolition in Delhi: Thousands Rendered Homeless, Kathputli Artists’ Colony Demolished, Death of Democracy! By , November 01, 2017
Unfolding Peasant Rebellion in India By , October 30, 2017
Balkanisation, Myanmar and the US “Pivot to Asia” directed against China By , October 29, 2017