Latest Asian News and Top Stories

Pandemic Reflexes: Lockdowns and Arrests in Victoria, Australia By , September 06, 2020
Is the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) (US, Australia, India, Japan) Intent on Provoking Proxy War with China in the Solomon Islands? By , September 06, 2020
Permitted Unlawfulness: The New Zealand Coronavirus Lockdown By , August 24, 2020
Underpaying Casual Staff and Forgetting Education: The Australian University Formula By , August 21, 2020
Asian Network Mounts Week-long Protest vs Golden Rice By , August 10, 2020
Selective Maritime Rules: The United States, Diego Garcia and International Law By , August 09, 2020
COVID-19 and the Reification of the US-China “Cold War” By , August 03, 2020
Covid-19, Hunger and Starvation in India. Globalist Takeover of India’s Public Health Policy By and , July 13, 2020
The Coronavirus Seal: Victoria’s Borders Close By , July 07, 2020
Spiked Concerns: The Melbourne Coronavirus Lockdown By , July 06, 2020
Criminalising Journalism: Australia’s National Security Craze By , July 03, 2020
Killing Koalas: The Promise of Extinction Down Under By , July 02, 2020
Defending Australia: The Deputy Sheriff Spending Spree By , July 01, 2020
COVID-19 and the Dire Living Conditions of India’s Bottom Half Billion By , June 24, 2020
Dishonour on the Bench: Dyson Heydon and the Australian High Court By , June 24, 2020
Modi’s Major Himalayan Mistake Crushed the Indian Military’s Morale By , June 18, 2020
China and India Increase Mutual Violence By , June 18, 2020
The Conviction of Maria Ressa: Press Freedom in the Philippines By , June 18, 2020
Battles over Education: Australia, China and Unsafe Universities By , June 12, 2020
The Afghan-Pakistani Rapprochement Complicates India’s Hybrid War Plans By , June 11, 2020
The COVID-19 War in Japan: Is National Face-Saving More Important than the People’s Lives? By , June 09, 2020
Oil Price Wars, Covid-19 Havoc and the Evolving US-China Trade War By , June 08, 2020
Communalism and Coronavirus: India’s New Strain of Virus By , June 08, 2020
Japan’s Streets of Rage: The 1960 US-Japan Security Treaty Uprising and the Origins of Contemporary Japan By , June 08, 2020
Budget Cockups in the Time of Coronavirus: Reporting Errors and Australia’s JobKeeper Scheme By , May 25, 2020
Pandemic Inquiry Wars: Australia, the United States and the Coronavirus Investigation By , May 21, 2020
Battles Over Barley: Australia, China and the Tariff Wars By , May 20, 2020
Feudal Japan Edo and the US Empire By , April 22, 2020
The Illiberal Turn in Indonesian Democracy By , April 17, 2020
Abe Shinzo and Japan’s One-Strong (Ikkyo) State By , April 02, 2020
Genetically Modified Bt Cotton: Cultivating Farmer Distress in India By , February 07, 2020
Is Singapore About to Become a U.S. Military Hub Against China? By , January 30, 2020
The TEPCO Trial: Prosecution and Acquittal after Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown By , and , January 19, 2020
Challenging the Flawed Premise Behind Pushing GMOs into Indian Agriculture By , January 17, 2020
Australia’s Fires and Air Pollution, Tennis and Sporting Officialdom By , January 16, 2020
India’s Kashmiri Detainee Self-Censorship Demand Is Undemocratic By , January 14, 2020
The Indian Protesters Are Misled, but Not in the Way that Modi Says By , January 10, 2020
Incendiary Extinctions: Australian Fires and the Species Effect By , January 10, 2020
Massive All-India General Strike Protests Modi’s Pro-investor, Communalist Policies By and , January 10, 2020
India’s Democracy Is Facing an Existential Threat By , January 09, 2020
Capitalism and the Gut-Wrenching Hijack of India By , January 07, 2020
Some Devastating Facts About the Australian Bushfires By , January 06, 2020
War, Rape and Patriarchy: The Japanese Experience By , January 03, 2020
India’s Infringement over Nepal Border Area By , January 03, 2020
Australia Burns: Fireworks, Bush Fires and Denial By , January 02, 2020
The People of India Are Taking It to the Streets By , December 30, 2019
The Uyghur Issue: How Can the U.S. Dare Lecturing China About the Rights of the Muslims? By , December 12, 2019
Divide and Conquer Tactics: Millions of Deaths Triggered by the British Empire By , December 12, 2019
From Shanghai to Chongqing: The World’s Most Expensive Railway By , December 12, 2019
Winston Churchill and “the Indian Holocaust”: The Bengal Famine of 1943 By , December 10, 2019
Lethal Visits: Volcano Tourism and the White Island Eruption By , December 10, 2019
Open Guidelines: The Foreign Interference Problem in Australian Universities By , November 18, 2019
Australia’s Organic Industry Could be Sacrificed for the Sake of Unregulated GMO Tech By , November 12, 2019
India Loses $7 Billion WTO Case Against the US By , November 03, 2019
Scott Morrisons’ Authoritarian Streak: Crushing Anti-Mining Protest in Australia By , November 03, 2019
Bangladesh’s Neo-Colonial Bondage to India Is at Risk of Breaking By , October 24, 2019
Australia’s Racing Industry: The Rights of Race Horses By , October 22, 2019
“Yamazaki, Shoot Emperor Hirohito!” Okuzaki Kenzo’s Legal Action to Abolish Chapter One (The Emperor) of Japan’s Constitution By , October 20, 2019
Citizen Advocacy: The Achievements of New Zealand’s Peace Activism By and , October 03, 2019
Official Reforms and India’s Real Economy By , September 27, 2019
Extinction Rebellion in Australia: Leaving It to the Students By , September 24, 2019
Lotteries and Rights in the Sporting Life By , September 18, 2019
Japan-Russia Relations, The Kuril Islands Dispute and the Revival of Suzuki Muneo By , September 17, 2019
1984 Punjab Was the Template for 2019 Kashmir By , September 16, 2019
Spikes of Violence: Protest in West Papua By , September 09, 2019
Papua New Guinea New Leader James Marape’s Ambitious Vision: Make His Country “The Richest Black Christian Nation on Earth”? By , September 09, 2019
Fear and Loathing Under Modi’s Second Term By , September 05, 2019
How Japanese Scientists Confronted the U.S. and Japanese Governments to Reveal the Effects of Bikini H-bomb Tests By , September 02, 2019
Timor-Leste and Australia: A Loveless Affair at Twenty By , September 01, 2019
Australia’s Foreign Fighters: The Temporary Exclusion “Solution” By , August 31, 2019
Revival of Shintoism in Abe’s Japan: Why? Another Holy War? By , August 28, 2019
Condescension and Climate Change: Australia and the Failure of the Pacific Islands Forum By , August 19, 2019
India’s Tryst with Destiny: Freedom Struggle from Exploitation and Degradation Is Global By , August 08, 2019
The Sikhs for Justice Support the Kashmiris’ Struggle for Self-Determination By , August 08, 2019
India’s Doing Everything that Israel Wishes It Could Do, but Few Seem to Care By , August 08, 2019
15 August, 1947 Wasn’t “Independence Day” for India’s Sikhs By , August 08, 2019
India Is Getting Ready to Declare Anyone a “Terrorist” Without Due Process By , August 08, 2019
Reiwa Shinsengumi: A New Unconventional Politician has Emerged in Japan. Power to the People! By , August 02, 2019
Pacific Island States Declare Climate Crisis By , August 01, 2019
India Involved in China-Vietnam Dispute in the South China Sea? By , July 31, 2019